Kulyk Olena, PhD in Pedagogics, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor at the Ukrainian Linguistics and Methods of Education Department, «SHEI Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical Grogorii Skovoroda University», 30 Sukhomlynskogo Str., 08401 Pereialav-Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.



The problem of the approaches cannot be called as one, which was not studied enough. I. D. Bekh, О. О. Bystrova, O. M. Biliaev, M. S. Vashulenko, Ye. P. Goloborodko, N. B. Golub, S. U. Goncharenko, О. М. Goroshkina, V. V. Davydov, T. K. Donchenko, S. O. Karaman, I. M. Kucherenko, Т. О. Ladyzhenska, L. І. Matsko, V. Ya. Melnychaiko, S. L. Rubinshtein, О. Ya. Savchenko, О. V. Ovcharuk, S. А. Omelchuk, G. V. Onkevych, M. І. Pentyliuk, О. О. Pometun, L. V. Skurativskyi, M. G. Stelmachovytch, M. І. Stepanenko, S. E. Trubachova, O. N. Khoroshkovska, O. V. Khutorskoi, G. T. Shelekhova, I. S. Yakymanska and another have studied  essential characteristics and technological aspects of different approaches, especially personal approach as well. However, according to the author’s observation both in scientific and in educational works, ncluding linguistic and didactic character, word combinations «personally directed» is used in terms «personally directed continual education», «personally directed education at school», «personally directed education», «personally directed upbringing», «personally directed technologies», «personally directed approach».

Afterwards, first of all (in order to avoid confusion in terms) it was necessary to understand terms, which were given below. Within the proposed research and without claiming on exhaustible highlighting by the scientists of all interpretation variants, the author tried to generalize the thoughts in order to interpret and specify a proper term.

Besides, the proposed reception studied the personally directed approach in the process of pupils’ speech development at Ukrainian classes. The author proves, that while implementation of personally directed approach, the teacher of Ukrainian should create at his/her lessons encouraging for every pupil atmosphere (psychological and linguistic), chose didactic and practical material in order not to duplicate the text books, the material should be interesting for pupils as well, stimulate their linguistic activity, encourage to the search of new independent and original solutions.

Keywords:  speech development;  personally directed approach to education;  pupils;  Ukrainian lesson.


  1. Gholub N. B. (2015). Pidkhody do navchannja ukrajinsjkoji movy v osnovnij shkoli [Approaches to education of Ukrainian language at high schools]. Ukrajinsjka mova i literatura v shkoli, 3, 2–10 (ukr).
  2. Kulyk O.  D. (2013). Priorytetnistj tekstocentrychnogho pidkhodu do navchannja ukrajinsjkoji movy v zaghaljnoosvitnij shkoli [Priority of text oriented approach to teaching of Ukrainian language at secondary school]. Teoretychna i dydaktychna filologhija, 15, 38–48 (ukr).
  3. Меlekhina М. B. (2015). Recursive Model of a Methodical Competency Formation of a High School Teacher in the Context of Competency-Based Education. International Education Studies, 8 (2), 142–150, DOI: 10.5539/ies.v8n2p142 (eng).

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