- №2, 2017
- Lysenko Oleksandra
- Durdas Alla
- Batechko Nina
- Zagorodnya Alla
- Yevtushenko Natalia
- Ovcharenko Natalia
- Lakoza Natalia
- Mospan Nataliya
- Verbenets Anna
- Valenkevych Olga
- Petrenko Natalia
- Kasilov Ivan
- Tomashevsky Volodymyr
- Ovsiienko Liudmyla
- Gaidai Irina
- Zamkova Natalia, Voinarovska Natalya
- Synekop Oksana
- Ivanitska Olga, Panchenko Alla, Panchenko Ganna
- Kulyk Olena
- Aleksandrova Valentina
- Brovko Kateryna
- Xiaoxing Zhang
- Fingerman Orly
- Усі сторінки
Zamkova Natalia, Voinarovska Natalya
Ivanitska Olga, Panchenko Alla, Panchenko Ganna
Lysenko Oleksandra, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, Bogomolets National Medical University, 13 T. Shevchenka Blvd., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
In the presented article the current legislation and theoretical principles analysed from the position of educational principles; defined the basic principles of doctors’ postgraduate education: consistency (ensure andragogic features of adult education compliance with objectives, content, forms and methods of teaching and assessment), continuity (lifelong learning of adult student), variation of content (the possibility of the thematic professional competence improving), training electivity (freedom in choosing of the objectives, content, forms, methods, sources, timing, time and place of study and methods of evaluation of results), continuity (methodically and psychologically grounded construction program, textbooks, compliance motion sequence from simple to complex learning and independent work of students), innovation(ability to creatively use acquired knowledge and skills in the professional activities, independent training and professional development throughout life), reliance on individual experience (considers the experience of the student as a source of learning for the student and his colleagues, and requires individualization of curriculum given prior training of students, its physiological, age and cognitive features of existing life experience), actualization of learning outcomes (quickpractical application of knowledge, skills and skills acquired during training), collaboration (active participation the student in the learning process), universality (education should play a guiding role in the humanity ethical norms and moral values forming, providing the education process with a focus on the long term perspective regarding to social needs), their analysis presented from the perspective of postgraduate medical education practice.
Keywords: basic principles of doctors’ postgraduate education; doctors’ postgraduate education; lifelong learning.
1. Ghoncharenko S. U. (1997). Ukrajinsjkyj pedaghoghichnyj slovnyk [Ukrainian Pedagogical Dictionary]. K.: Lybidj, 376 (ukr).
2. Kremenj V. Gh., Sukhomlynsjka O. V., Bekh I. D., Oghnev'juk V. O., Tkachenko V. M., Saukh P. Ju. and oth. (2011). Rozvytok suchasnoji osvity: osvitologhichni nagholosy: Naukove vydannja [Development of modern education: Educational emphases]. Proceedings of the I All-Ukrainian Conference «Osvitologhija – naukovyj naprjam integhrovanogho piznannja osvity». K.: Kyjivsjkyj universytet imeni Borysa Ghrinchenka, 162 (ukr).
3. Sysojeva S. O. (2011). Interaktyvni tekhnologhiji navchannja doroslykh: navchaljnyj posibnyk [Interactive adult learning technologies]. K.: VD «Ekmo», 324 (ukr).
4. Slovnyk ukrajinsjkoji movy: v 11 tomakh [Dictionary of the Ukrainian language] (1976). Tom 7, 693 (ukr).
5. Sukhomlynsjkyj V. O. (1976). Metodyka vykhovannja kolektyvu [Method of team upbringing]. K.: Radjansjka shkola, T. 1, 403-637 (ukr).
6. Tsekhmister Ya. V. (2002). Doprofesijna pidghotovka uchniv u liceji medychnogho profilju : teorija i praktyka : monoghrafija [Doprofessional training of students in the Lyceum of a medical profile: theory and practice]. K.: Naukova dumka, 621 (ukr).
7. Al-Shehri A. The market and educational principles in continuing medical education for general practice (1992). Medical Education, 26, 384-388, DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2923.1992.tb00191.x (eng).
8. Incheon Declaration and SDG4 – Education 2030 Framework for Action Available at: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002456/245656E.pdf (eng).
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Durdas Alla, Postgraduate Department of Theory and History of Pedagogy Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13 b Tymoshenka Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
The article highlights the features that determine the development of adult vocational education in France, and also analyzes the main trends in its development. The features of distance learning in this country are highlighted. The characteristics of the basic structural elements of the system of continuing vocational education of adults in France are analyzed.
Keywords: adults education; continuous education; distance learning; education development strategy; expertise; factors of adult education; vocational education.
- Arkhypova S. P. (2014). Suchasni tendentsiyi rozvytku osvity doroslyh [Current trends in the development of adult education]. Scientific notes of UCU, Part 4: Pedagogika. Psychologiya, (1), 114-127 (ukr).
- Ogiyenko O. I. (2008). Tendentsiyi rozvytku osvity doroslyh u skandynavskyh krayinah [Trends in the development of adult education in Scandinavian countries: Monograph]. N. Nychkalo (Ed.). Sumy: Ellada-S, 444 (ukr).
- Popko I. A. (2012). Rozvytok profesiynogo dystantsiynogo navchannya u Frantsiyi [Development of professional distance learning in France]. Visnyk Kyivskogo Natsionalnogo Universitu im. Tarasa Shevchenka, (28), 47 (ukr).
- Teslya R. V. (2015). Osvita doroslyh Frantsiyi: istoriya, dosvid, perspektyvy vprovadzhennya v ukrayinsku syatemu osvity [Education of adults in France: history, experience, prospects of introduction into the Ukrainian education system]. Science and Education a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology III (25), 49, 56-59 (ukr).
- Folvarochnyi I. V. (2010). Istorychni ta pedagogichni tendentsiyi rozvytku osvity doroslych [Historical and Pedagogical Trends in the Development of Adult Education]. Visnyk Zaporizkogo Natsionalnogo Universitu: Pedagogichni nauky, (1) (ukr).
- Shanskova T. I. (2012). Rozvytok systemy drugoyi vyshchoyi osvity doroslyh: yevropeyskyi dosvid [Development of the system of the second higher education of adults: European experience]. Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu, (63), 154-157 (ukr).
- Schreiber-Barsch S. (2015). Adult and Continuing Education in France. Bielefeld, 90, DOI 10.3278/37/0577w (eng).
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Batechko Nina, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of Scientific-Research Laboratory of Educology, BorysGrinchenkoKyivUniversity, 13-b Tymoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
The main tendencies of the teaching of higher school teachers in Great Britain are examined in the article: the impact of modern transformational processes in Europe on them, the change in the paradigm of their training and accreditation. The specifics of the training and professional development of teachers of the British higher school are grounded. The possible directions of the introduction of the British experience of teaching teachers of higher educational institutions in the higher school of Ukraine are determined.
In the article the main tendencies in training of higher school teachers at the present stage of development of higher education in Great Britain have been considered. The influence of modern European transformation processes on higher education in the UK as a whole and the training of specialists in the educational sector in particular have been traced; the changes in the paradigm of training and accreditation of teaching staff of the British higher school have been examined. The main stages of the formation of the British educational accreditation institutions and their influence on the reform of higher school of Great Britain have been considered. The specifics of the training and professional development of teachers at the British universities have been highlighted on the grounds of a large-scale introduction of accreditation and qualification standards in the UK. The features of continuous professional development of the teaching staff of the higher school of Great Britain and their methodical preparation have been considered. Attention has been focused on the advantages of an interdisciplinary approach in training of higher school teachers in the UK. The possible areas of introduction of Britain’s experience in training of teachers of higher educational institutions in the Ukrainian higher school have been determined.
Keywords: high school teacher; professional training; trends.
- Belmaz Ya. M. (2009). Socialjno-istorychna obumovlenistj pidvyshhennja interesu do profesijnogho rozvytku vykladachiv vyshhoji shkoly u Velykij Brytaniji ta SShA u 90-kh rokakh KhKh – pochatku KhKh stolittja [Socio-historical conditioning of the increased interest in the professional development of teachers of higher education in the UK and the US in the 90s of the XX - early XX century]. Narodna osvita. Elektronne naukove faxove vy`dannya, (1). Available at: http//nbuv.gov.ua/t-journals / NarJsv/2009-1/09 bymrds.html (ukr).
- Belmaz Ya. M. (2011). Pidvyshhennja profesijnogho rivnja vykladachiv vyshhoji shkoly: dyscyplinarnyj pidkhid [Increasing the professional level of teachers of higher education: a disciplinary approach]. Visny`k Lugans`kogo Nacional`nogo universy`tetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, 20 (231), 207-215 (ukr).
- Belmaz Ya. (2010). Pidvyshhennja interesu do pidghotovky vykladachiv VNZ u Velykij Brytaniji ta SShA u 90-kh rokakh KhKh stolittja [Increased interest in the training of university teachers in the UK and the US in the 90s of the XX century]. Gumanizaciya navchal`no-vy`xovnogo procesu, (1), 108-115 (ukr).
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- Palchuk M. I. (2010). Ghlobalizacijni procesy v jedynomu osvitnjomu prostori ta jikhnij vplyv na strateghichnyj rozvytok profesijnoji osvity [Globalization processes in a single educational space and its impact on the strategic development of vocational education]. Pedagogika i psy`xologiya: visny`k APN Ukrayiny`, (1) (66), 38-49 (ukr).
- Semenets-Orlova, I. (2015). Velykobrytanija. Novi vchyteli dlja novogho suspiljstva [Great Britain. New Teachers for a New Society]. Upravlinnya osvitoyu: chasop. dlya keriv. osvit. galuzi. K.: School World, (17), 4-17.
- Sokolova I. V. (2006). Struktura pidghotovky majbutnikh uchyteliv v universytetakh Anghliji i Shotlandiji [The structure of the training of teachers at universities in England and Scotland]. Vy`dannya ChDU imeni Petra Mogy`ly`, (46) (33), 13-16 (ukr).
- Chorna O. Suchasni tendenciji pidghotovky ta pidvyshhennja kvalifikaciji vykladachiv VNZ (na prykladi vidpovidnogho dosvidu Velykoji Brytaniji) [Modern trends in training and professional development of higher school teachers (for example, relevant experience of the UK)]. Available at: http//archive.nbuv.gov.ua/ portal/soc_gum/Nz_p/88/statti/66.pdf. (ukr).
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Zagorodnya Alla, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Professor of the Professional Education and Educational Institution Management Department, Interregional Academy of Personnel, 2 Frometivska Str., 03039 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
The study considers the main approaches to the modeling of professional training of specialists of the economic branch in higher educational institutions of Ukraine and Poland. The property Information of socio-economic educational systems (emergence, uncertainty, dynamism, ability, active response) presented. The significance of the conditions (adequacy, completeness, flexibility, labor intensity) of the process of modeling educational systems determined. The features of the model of a specialist according to the Bologna process and UNESCO documents revealed. The main features of the model of professional training offered by Polish scientists determined. The significance of approaches (competence, holistic, activity, synergistic and methodological), brought by Ukrainian researchers in the training of specialists in the economic field, revealed. The approaches are proposed by Polish researchers on modeling professional training of specialists in the economic field (conceptual activity, values and target orientation, predictability and activity, personality-oriented, situational and optimization) highlighted. The stages of professional training of specialists of the economic field in higher educational institutions of Poland determined. General requirements for models of professional training of specialists from the point of view of Polish researchers are given. The general and distinctive principles (forecasting, gradualness, normalization, feedback, productivity, cultural analogy, self-development) determined in the process of pedagogical modeling according to the views of domestic and Polish researchers.
Keywords: model; modeling; Poland; professional training; specialists in the economic field; Ukraine.
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- Zahorodnia A. (2016). Analiz problem modelei ta modeliuvannia profesiinoi pidhotovky fakhivtsiv ekonomichnoi haluzi u vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladakh Ukrainy [Analysis of problems of models and modeling of professional training of the economic sector in higher education institutions of Ukraine]. Innovative Solutions in Modern Science 8 (8). Available at: file:///C:/Users/448A~1/AppData/Local/Temp/993-3992-1-PB.pdf (ukr).
- Kovalchuk H. (2003). Aktyvizatsiia navchannia v ekonomichnii osviti [Activation of learning in economic education]. 2-he vyd., dop. K.: KNEU, 298 (ukr).
- Machynska N. (2014). Model pedahohichnoi svity mahistrantiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv nepedahohichnoho profiliu v konteksti akmeolohichnoho pidkhodu [Model of pedagogical education of masters of higher education institutions in the context of non-teaching profile of acmeological approach]. Naukovyi visnyk Melitopolskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu (Seriia: Pedahohika), 1 (12), 53-58 (ukr).
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Yevtushenko Natalia, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Natural and Mathematical Sciences and Methodology Department, Chernihiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education named after K. D. Ushinsky,
83 Slobidska Str., 14000 Chernihiv, Ukraine,
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The article is of an overview nature and is devoted to the consideration of the practice of organizing postgraduate education of teachers in the Republic of Poland. The duties, qualification requirements for modern teachers of Poland are described. The possibilities for the professional development and improvement of Polish educators are determined. The author focuses attention on the importance of the organization of postgraduate education of teachers as one of the links in long life education, which makes a significant contribution to the modernization of education and the professional training of teachers. A description of specific features of the organization, such as specific tasks, functions and activities of teacher’s postgraduate education in these three areas is provided.
In particular, in modern Poland the education of teachers in the postgraduate period is carried out in higher schools, centers for lifelong education, training centers and centers for retraining and professional development. There are out-of-school, in-school training and self-education. Particular attention in the article is given to the types and forms of the organization of teachers’ postgraduate education. It is carried out in three directions: self-education, postgraduate education, and in-school teacher training. Extracurricular forms of continuous education include: postgraduate education, in-service teacher training, courses of general competences.
The organization of teachers’ postgraduate training in modern working conditions provides mastering modern innovative technologies of training, the possibility of mastering of additional competencies and qualifications. The modern concept of Polish pedagogical education recognizes the multiplicity and complementarities between the various competences of the teacher. In attempts to identify and describe the competences of teachers, the most frequently used ones are communicative, social, creative (innovation), pragmatic (ability to manage), managerial (realization-methodological and evaluative), informative, and of self-education. Future specialists are mastering all these competencies mostly during the university education. Equally important for the development, improvement of the teachers’ competence and raising the level of their qualification is postgraduate pedagogical education, where the progressive harmonious development of teacher's personality continues.
Thus, the system of teachers' postgraduate education in modern Poland is of a public-state nature. It is variable and flexible and is built taking into account the diverse needs of teachers in long life education (training, employment, professional development, professional retraining, etc.).
The information presented may be of interest to specialists in the field of continuing education, vocational training, and comparative pedagogy.
Keywords: competence; education; knowledge; postgraduate teacher training in the Republic of Poland; qualification; teacher.
- Vasyliuk A., Tanas' M. (2013). Pedahohichnyj slovnyk-leksykon (ukrains'ko-anhlo-pol's'kyj) [Teaching vocabulary dictionary (English-Ukrainian-Polish)]. Nizhyn : Vydavets' PP Lysenko M. M., 224 (ukr).
- Kulja E., Pjenkovska M. (2014). Rol' poslediplomnogo obrazovanija v realizacii nepreryvnogo obrazovanija v Pol'she [The role of postgraduate education in the implementation of the continuing education in Poland]. Obrazovanie cherez vsju zhizn' : nepreryvnoe obrazovanie v interesah ustojchivogo razvitija, (1), 32-36 (rus).
- Buczkowska-Gola M. (2000). Wymagając od ucznia, wymagajmy od siebie [Requiring from the pupil, require from ourselves]. Edukacja i dialog, (119), 123-138 (pol).
- Kosiba G. (2012). Doskonalenie zawodowe nauczycieli – kategorie, kompetencje, praktyka [Professional development of teachers – categories, competences, practice]. Forum oświatowe, (2(47)), 123-138 (pol).
- Kwiatkowska H. (2008). Pedeutologia. – Warszawa : Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne, 260 (pol).
- Kuźma J. (2005). Pedeutologia nauką kreującą mądrych, sprawiedliwych i dobrych nauczycieli (kierunki badań) [Pedeutology the science of creating wise, just and good teachers (research directions)]. Rozwój zawodowy nauczyciela. Kraków : «Impuls», 17-31 (pol).
- Ognevyuk V., Sysoieva S. (2015). Training of educational experts in Ukraine: experimental interdisciplinary program. The advanced science journal (6), 98-103, DOI: 10.15550/ASJ.2015.06.098.
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Ovcharenko Natalia, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54 Gagarina Str., 50086 Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine,
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This article is based on actuality and importance of learning foreign experience in sphere of musical education. For constant systems of art education of Europe, that devote individual view, such as developed musical education in Federal Republic of Germany. That's why for main tasks of exploration refer basement of international direction of modern European musical education, definition of peculiarities and directions of development in musical education of Germany. For determination of peculiarities in professional training of future professional musician in Germany was looked through organization of educational process in Munchen's high school of music and theatre and Leipzig's university of music and theatre by Felix Mendelssohn Berthold. Analytic viewing of modern education in Germany, gives an opportunity to determine its peculiarities, such as musical and musical pedagogical education, that represent constant system and have historically checking out traditions with the time, new social conditions, that connects with the development of globalization, spreading of dialogues in culture of folks in the world, using innovational technologies are counted in modern musical education of country, there are necessity in reinforcing of connections between schools of musical education during the life, professional training of future professionals musicians (performers and teachers) that represent in state and state accreditation educational institution of Germany such as universities, conservatories and high schools of music in country, system of musical education in country, that includes the training of musical professionals for two innovational (bachelor for 3-4 years and master for 1-2 years) or traditional educational (diplomas of specialist for specialties) levels, German's postgraduate course is a third level in Bologna process in 2-4 years or second, due to traditional system of education that finished with writing and of dissertation defending and devoting of science level-candidate of science, content of training of future professionals in musical art necessary includes innovational component, that helps satisfaction in professional needs of modern student of Germany.
Keywords: foreign experience; integration process; musical education of Germany; professionals of musical art.
- Baskaev R. M. (2008). O nekotoryh modelyah professional'noj podgotovki v raznyh stranah [About some models of professional training in different countries]. Zhurnal nauchnyh publikacij aspirantov i doktorantov. Available at: http://jurnal.org/articles/2008/ped9.html (rus).
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- Vyshcha shkola muzyky i teatru v Miunkheni [Hight school of music and theatre in Munchen]: official syte. Available at: http://website.musikhochschule-muenchen.de/de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1283&Itemid=922)/ (ukr).
- Gembriz H. (2009). Federativnaya respublika Germaniya [Federal republic of Germany]. M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Klassika-HKHІ», 142-154 (rus).
- Leiptsyzkuy universytet muzyky ta teatru imeni Feliksa Mendelsona Bartoldi [Leipzig's university of music and theatre by Felix Mendelson Bertold]: official syte. Available at: http://www.hmt-leipzig.de/index.php?dep98/ (ukr).
- Makhynia N. V. (2006). Systema pidvyshchennia kvalifikatsii pedahohichnykh kadriv u Nimechchyni [System of increasing of quаlification of pedagogical cadres in Germany]. Cherkasy: ChNU, 2006. 46-47 (ukr).
- Ovcharenko N. A. (2014). Profesiina pidhotovka maibutnikh uchyteliv muzychnoho mystetstva do vokalno-pedahohichnoi diialnosti: teoriia ta metodolohiia : monohrafiia [Professional training of future teachers in musical art to vocal pedagogical activities:theory and methodology]. Kryvyi Rih: Vyd. R. A. Kozlov, 2014, 400 (ukr).
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- Toiviainen P. (2008). Review of Musical creativity: Multidisciplinary research in theory and practice. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 25(3). 257-260, DOI:10.1525/mp. (eng).
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Lakoza Natalia, PhD, researcher in the Unit for Creating Educational and Thematic Knowledge Systems, research center in Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
63 Melnikova Str., 04050 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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In the article it was considered the formation of profile studying in the sphere of natural sciences in the system of pre-university studying. Different approaches for making curricula of profile subjects, features of senior’s profile training organization in Ukrainian and foreign lyceums, gymnasiums were analyzed. The experience of the leading lyceum organization of Ukraine was considered.
It was found that the majority of European countries have twelve-year schooling. The idea of using interdisciplinary connections, science and technology cooperation is a feature of studying programs based on sciences. It can be achieved by living and learning combination, improving practical works and using modern computer technologies in the studying process. Most of the profile studies are conducted in different lyceums and gymnasiums, which have the integral approach to the study of sphere of nature. What’s more, these education establishments encourage students to take part in scientific researches, based on university system of education.
Analysis of the functioning of European, American and Japanese high schools gives an opportunity to focus on national features, to single out general principles of pre-university trainings.
Keywords: medical and biological education; pre-university training; studying profile; talented youth.
- Bondar V. I. (2000). Teoriia i tekhnolohiia upravlinnia protsessom navchannia v shkoli [The theory and technology of controlling the process of studying in a school]. K.: APN Ukrainy, 191 (ukr).
- Galagan A. I. (1988). Sistema obrazovanija v SShA [Educational system in the USA]. Problema zarubezhnoj vysshej shkoly: Obzor informacii. NIIVSh. M., 4, 52 (rus).
- Galagan A. I. (1989). Sistema obrazovanija v Japonii [Education system in Japan]. Problema zarubezhnoj vysshej shkoly: Obzor informacii. M., 60 (rus).
- Honcharenko S. U. (1994). Problemy intehratsii zmistu shkilnoi osvity [Problems of integration of the contents of school education]. Intehratsiia elementiv zmistu osvity: Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and practical Conference. Poltava, 2-3 (ukr).
- Hrytsai N. B. (2016). Vykorystannia dystantsiinykh tekhnolohii u metodychnii pidhotovtsi maibutnikh uchyteliv biolohii [The use of remote technology in the methodological training of future biology teachers]. DOI: 10.14308/ite000586. Available at: http://ite.kspu.edu/webfm_send/883 (ukr).
- Berezivska L., Bibik N., Burda M. (2003). Kontseptsiia profilnoho navchannia u starshii shkoli [Concept of profile education in high school]. Osvita Ukrainy. K.: In-t pedahohiky APN Ukrainy, 88, 4-5 (ukr).
- Lakoza N. V. (1994). Osoblyvosti orhanizatsii navchalnoho protsesu v spetsializovanykh klasakh medyko-biolohichnoho profiliu [Features of organization of educational process in specialized classes of medical-biological profile]. Aktualni problemy rozvytku tvorchykh mozhlyvostei uchniv: Abstracts of Papers of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference. K.: ISDO, 105-107 (ukr).
- Lakoza N. V. (2000). Formuvannia naukovykh poniat z pryrodnychykh dystsyplin – problema neperervnoi osvity. Teoriia i praktyka formuvannia profesiinoi kompetentnosti subiektiv pedahohichnoho protsesu [Formation of scientific concepts in natural sciences - the problem of continuous education. Theory and practice of forming the professional competence of subjects of the pedagogical process]. Problemy suchasnoho mystetstva i kultury. Kh.: Karavela, 82-92 (ukr).
- Rekomendatsii (1248) shchodo rozvytku osvity obdarovanykh i talanovytykh ditei [Recommendations (1248) for the development of gifted and talented children]. Available at: http: www.eurotalent.org/11-1a-recommandation-1248-relative-a-leducation-des-enfans-surdoues/, (fra).
- Sisoeva S. A., Lakoza N. V. (1991). A babochek lovili… raki [And the butterflies were caught ... crayfish]. Narodnoe obrazovanie., 10, 74-76 (rus).
- Lokshyna O. I. (2006). Starsha shkola zarubizhzhia: orhanizatsiia ta zmist osvity [Senior School of Abroad: Organization and Content of Education]. O. I. Lokshyna (Ed.). K.: SPD Bohdanova A. M., 232 (ukr).
- Tsekhmister Ya. V. (2002). Teoriia i praktyka doprofesiinoi pidhotovky uchniv u litseiakh medychnoho profiliu pry vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladakh [Theory and practice of pre-professional preparation of students in medical school lyceums at higher educational institutions]: Doctor’s thesis. K., 640 (ukr).
- Monks F., Pfluger R. (2005). Gifted education in 21 European Countries: Inventory and perspective. Nijmegen: Radboud University, 172 (eng).
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Mospan Nataliya, PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of English Philology and Translation Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Tymoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The article presents the features of the organizational and management structure of quality assurance of higher education in the EU. Besides, the analysis of the quality assurance system in Europe, namely its external and internal organs is in the center of attention. External mechanisms include education quality assurance regulators at the EU and the EHEA level. Internal mechanisms are made up of national regulators of education quality assurance at the level of Member States and the EHEA and quality control departments within HEIs. It was concluded that the organizational and administrative structure adjustment of standards and quality assurance of education in the EU subject to their own hierarchy, where each mechanisms interact to ensure the quality of the various higher education systems. This system of organizational and management structures regulation of standards and quality assurance of education in the EU allows to implement universe standards of quality assurance in higher education in all EU Member States and countries in the EHEA. However, despite the establishment of relatively universe shape of quality assurance system, there are significant differences in approaches to the system at the national level.
Keywords: external quality assurance; higher education; internal quality assurance; quality assurance system; the EU.
- An Overview of External Quality Assurance Developments within EHEA. Available at: http://adm.archimedes.ee/inqaahe/files/2014/05/Melinda-Szabo.pdf
- Bucharest Communiqué (2012). Making the Most of Our Potential: Consolidating the European Higher Education Area, 5. Available at: https://media.ehea.info/file/2012_Bucharest/67/3/Bucharest_Communique_2012_610673.pdf
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- European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice (2015). The European Higher Education Area in 2015: Bologna Process Implementation Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Available at: http://www.ehea.info/Uploads/SubmitedFiles/5_2015/132824.pdf
- Focus on the Structure of Higher Education in Europe 2006/07 National Trends in the Bologna Process (2007). Brussels: Eurydice, 350. Available at: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/education/eurydice/documents/thematic_reports/086en.pdf
- Internal Quality Assurance Systems (2011). Cross-country comparative study, 14. Available at: http://www.ibar-llp.eu/assets/files/wp5/WP5%20Crosscountry%20comparative%20study.pdf
- List of recognized higher education accreditation organizations. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_recognized_higher_education_accreditation_organizations
- London Communiqué (2007). Towards to the European Higher Education Area: responding to challenges of the globalised world, 7. Available at: https://www.coe.int/t/dg4/highereducation/EHEA2010/London%20Communique%20-%2018-05-2007.pdf
- Loukkola T. (2015). ESG 2015 – What has changed and what does it mean for QA practitioners? Available at: http://www.equip-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/EQUIP_160509-10_Vienna_pres_LOUKKOLA.pdf
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Verbenets Anna, graduate student of the Department of Pedagogy,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54 Haharina Ave,
50086 Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine,
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In the article the process of forming a model of inclusive education in the Republic of Malta (2000–2005) has been outlined. The analysis of the following legislative and regulatory rules of the Republic of Malta on inclusive education has been conducted: Law on Equal Opportunities (Equal Opportunities Act), the activities of the working expert groups have been characterized («Statementing Moderating Panel»), established at the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Malta, to examine the status and prospects for development of inclusive and special education. The activity of monitoring working groups being the basis and definite guidelines of the deployment of the formation of a new model of inclusive education in the Republic of Malta has been analysed. The following aim of the working groups has been stated: the study of issues concerning the teaching of inclusive education at different educational levels – the system of preschool, elementary, middle and secondary-special education and special schools in Malta and Gozo island, as well as the key provisions of the documents represented due to the results of monitoring of inclusive education system (2004–2005). The areas of realization of recommendations and proposals («Repositioning Plan»«Plan change»), the performance of inclusive education system by introducing the practice of the functioning of education systems of «new model» of inclusive education in the Republic of Malta, have been distinguished. The plan called for the development of a partnership model of parents and the public (Public-Parent Partnership) to unite the efforts of family, community and government agencies to meet the diverse necessities of children with disabilities. The analysis of educational principles covered in three articles of the Declaration of Principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Malta has been conducted. The areas of practical realization of strategies of the National Minimum Curriculum have been characterized. It deals with the solution of urgent issues of inclusive education.
Keywords: children with special educational needs; inclusive education; model of inclusive education; Republic of Malta.
- Ratner, F. Sigal, N. (2012). Istorija stanovlenija i razvitie idej inkljuzivnogo obrazovanija: mezhdunarodnyj opyt. Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i juridicheskie nauki, kul'turologija i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki [History of Establishment and Development of the Ideas of Inclusive Education: International Experience. Historical, Philosophical, Political and Legal Sciences, Cultural Studies and Art History. Issues of Theory and Practice]12 (26), II, 162-167. (rus)
- Bezzina, C. (2006). Inclusive learning communities: the real challenges facing reform in Malta. International Journal of Educational Management, 20(6), 453-465. https://doi.org/10.1108/09513540610683702 (eng).
- Constitution of Malta. (2017). Available at: http://justiceservices.gov.mt/DownloadDocument.aspx?app=lom&itemid=8566 (eng).
- Bartolo, P. A., Agius Ferrante, C., Azzopardi, A., Bason, L., Grech, L., & King, M. (2002). Creating inclusive schools: Guidelines for the implementation of the National Curriculum policy on inclusive education, 85(eng).
- Deno, E. (1970). Forum: Special Education as Developmental Capital. Exceptional children, 37(3), 229-237 (eng).
- Spiteri, L., Borg, G., Callus, M. A., Cauchi, J., & Sciberras, M. (2005). Inclusive and special education. Ministry of Education, Youth and Employment, 88 (eng).
- Inclusive Education (2017).The Ministry for Education and Employment of Malta. Available at: https://education.gov.mt/en/education/student-services/Pages/Inclusive_Education/Inclusive-Education.aspx (eng).
- Madrid Declaration (2002). European Congress of People with Disabilities (p. 1, Article 1). Available at: http://democracy.islington.gov.uk/Data/Annual%20Council/200305131930/Agenda/$THE%20MADRID%20DECLARATION%20REPORT.doc.pdf (eng).
- Malta: Equal Opportunities (Persons with Disability) Act 2000 (2015). Available at: http://www.equalrightstrust.org/ertdocumentbank//chapt413.pdf (eng).
- Nirje, B. (1994). The Normalization Principle and Its Human Management Implications.The International Social Role Valorization Journal, 1, 2, 19-23 (eng).
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Valenkevych Olga, Postgraduate student, Department of Pedagogy, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, 40 Velyka Berdychivska Str.
10008 Zhytomyr, Ukraine, o_valenkevych@ukr. net
The article discusses the activities of Czech children's museum «National Moravian Museum» in city Brno in the Czech Republic, which teaches and develops children with the help of interactive technologies. They influence the formation of personality competency of the museum educator, helping to carry out efficiently the educational process, promote the effective implementation of education in terms of the museum environment.The article describes main aspects of museum pedagogic, its creation and development, the branches of modern researches in the field of museum pedagogic. The article is devoted to a definition of the place and the role of the pedagogy of museum in organization of the cultural and educational process in museum. The article reveals the history of development of the term «museum pedagogy as a scientific discipline». Educational functions of the museum pedagogy and their implementation in practice in the school museums were selected. The introduction of close cooperation with such educational institutions like the museum in Brno is important, and high scientific and technical level remains an important issue as well, worthy of imitation. Prospects for further development of this problem lies in the consideration of other foreign museums that will enable national museums to adopt better and increase efficiency.
Keywords: children museum; cultural and educational activity of museum; educational space of museum; museum pedagogic.
- Velyka L. P. (2009) Muzeyne ekspozytsiyne mystetstvo [Museum display art]. Kharkiv: HDAK, 160 (ukr).
- Gayda L. A. (2009) Muzey u navchalnomu zakladi [The museum in educational establishment]. Kyiv: Shkilnyy svit, 128 (ukr).
- Dovzhuk I. V. (2008) Osnovy muzeyeznavstva. Navchalnyy posibnyk [Bases of museum science.Train aid]. Luhansk: SNU, 164 (ukr).
- Karamanov O. V. (2012) Muzeyna pedagogika v navchalno-vykhovnomu protsesi zahalnoosvitnyoyi shkoly [Museum pedagogics is in the educational-educator process of general school]. Education and pedagogical science. 3 (152), 5-12 (ukr).
- Mankovska R. V. (2000) Muzeynytstvo v Ukrayini [The museum science in the Ukraine]. Kyiv: Instytut istoriyi NANU, 140 (ukr).
- Stolyarov B. A. (2004) Muzeynaya pedagogika. Istoriya, teoriya, praktika [The museum pedagogics: history, theory, practice]. M.: Vysshaya shkola, 216 (rus).
- Havlík V. (2007) Využití intermedialnich postupů v animační praxi [The use of іintermedial elements in animation practice]. School of museum pedagogics 6. UP v Olomouci, Pedagogicka fakulta. Olomouc, 105-120 (czech).
- Chalupecký J.(1994) Nové umění v čechach [The new art in the Czech Republic]. Praha, 210 (czech).
- Moravské zemské muzeum v Brně (2017) [The national Moravian Museum in the City Brno]. Official site. Available at: http:// www.mzm.cz/ (czech).
- Ognevyuk V., Sysoieva S. (2015). Training of education experts in Ukraine: experimental interdisciplinary program. The advanced science journal, (06), 98-103, DOI 10.15550/ ASJ.2015.06.098 (eng).
- Šobanová P. (2002) Edukační potencial muzea [Educational potential of museums]. UP v Olomouci, Pedagogicka fakulta. Olomouc, 352 (czech).
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Petrenko Natalia, senior lecturer in physical education, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, 9 Georgiy Gongadze Str., 54020 Mykolayiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
The main purpose of improving higher education in Ukraine is achieving a fundamentally new quality level training graduate school. Today, scholars, practitioners, employers are concerned of too high volume of knowledge, that students get, and the lack of practical skills and the skills of graduates of universities follow the received knowledge, apply them in practice. Solving these problems largely depends on scientific and pedagogical workers, who directly provide the success of higher education institutions in the training of future specialists. In addition, they have to satisfy modern requirements of the Organization of the educational process in higher education, that are aimed at improving the quality of training specialists with higher education is only a teacher of the formed pedagogical competence.
The article discusses the health-environment as one of the conditions for the development of pedagogical competence; training of specialists and masters of the agrarian sector is seen as an important component of professional competence of the future expert; provided specific forms of training future farmers, as an example of using different methods to practical lessons regarding the organization of health-friendly environment. Healthy lifestyle of students, health and health-friendly environment are the main components of the training of students of the Agrarian University. The purpose of the article is to reveal the basic aspects of health-friendly environment specialist in agricultural industry
Keywords: ecology; genetically modified organisms; health-environment; healthy lifestyle; public health; school health activities.
- Batashova M. Ye. (2008). Biotekhnolohichni kul'tury v suchasnomu ahrarnomu sektori [Biotech crops in the modern agricultural sector]. Visnyk Poltavs'koyi derzhavnoyi akademiyi, №4, 38 (ukr).
- Bohinich O. L. (2008). Sutnist' zdorov"yazberihayuchoho seredovyshcha u zhyttyediyal'nosti ditey doshkil'noho viku [Essence of healthy life environment in preschool children Ivano-Frankivsk]. Visnyk Prykarpat·s'koho universytetu. Pedahohika. Vypusk KhVII – KhVIII. Ivano-Frankivs'k: Pedahohichnyy instytut PNU im.
V. Stefanyka, 191 – 199 (ukr). - Henetychno modyfikovani orhanizmy [State Statistics Committee of Ukraine]. Ukrayins'ki skarby. Available at http://barvinok.utsoz.net/publ/zdorovij_sposib_zhittja/genetichno_modifikovani_organizmi/17-1-0-131 (ukr).
- Hruzyeva T. S. (2013). Orhanizatsiya sanitarno-epidemiolohichnoyi sluzhby [Organization of sanitary-epidemiological service]. Vinnytsya: Nova knyga, 203 (ukr).
- Tsarenko A. (2015). Zdorov"ya. Vplyv ekolohichnoyi kryzy na zdorov"ya lyudey v Ukrayini [Health. Influence of environmental crisis on health people in Ukraine]. Mizhnarodna asotsiatsiya «zdorov"ya suspil'stva», №1 (ukr).
- Petrenko V. L. (2003). Kompleks normatyvnykh dokumentiv dlya rozroblennya skladovykh systemy standartiv vyshchoyi osvity [Complex regulations for the development of components of higher education]. Informatsiynyy visnyk: vyshcha osvita, №10, 5 – 37 (ukr).
- Postanova Verkhovnoyi rady Ukrayiny «Pro Rekomendatsiyi parlament·s'kykh slukhan' pro stanovyshche molodi v Ukrayini» [Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine On recommendations of parliamentary hearings on the situation of youth in Ukraine]. Molod' za zdorovyy sposib zhyttya, 03.02.2011 N 2992-VI [State Statistics Committee of Ukraine]. Available at: http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2992-vi.
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Kasilov Ivan, lecturer of the department of musicology, instrumental and choreographic training, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54Gagarin Ave.,
50086 Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine,
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The article is devoted to main problems of professional training, concerning of instrumental-performing activity of Music Art teachers in conditions of music-pedagogic education in Ukraine. The title of the text shows necessity of consideration and detailed analysis this problem in research works of well-known authors also.
The article begins with a short discussion, relatively of understanding of instrumental-performing activity as a contemporary pedagogic problem in the system of higher education. The introductory part deals with necessity of implementation of global reforms in the content of Ukrainian pedagogic education. The problem of orientation of Ukrainian society to democratic values in the conditions of joining to the Bologna agreement is considered.
The aim of the article is to determine of specificity of instrumental-performing activity as the optimal methodology, directed to resolution of complex music-performing tasks.
The next paragraph describes the main methodical ways, directed to resolution of the problem questions, concerning of instrumental-performing activity in terms of professional training of Music Art teachers at the pedagogic universities. Further the author reports that structure of instrumental-performing activity consists from next specific features, such as: physiologic peculiarity of performing apparatus; formation of performer’s polyphonic thinking; systematic training during playing the musical instrument; gradual complication of music repertoire; use of various styles and genres in the process of professional training.
According to the text, contemporary higher education should to resolve the tasks, directed to development of student’s personal music abilities as a future teacher-musician.
The final paragraph ends with conclusion, which generalizes importance of use of all specific features of instrumental-performing activity for attainment of positive results in the process of professional training of future Music Art teachers at the educational system of pedagogic universities.
Keywords: educational process; instrumental-performing activity; musical instrument; performer; professional training; specific features; teacher of Music Art.
- Abdullin E`. B. (1990). Metodologicheskij analiz problem muzy`kal`noj pedagogiki v sisteme vuzovskogo obrazovaniya [Metodological analysis of musical pedagogy in the system of higher education]. Moskva : Prometej (MGPU), 188 (rus).
- Bezborodova L. A., Aliev Yu. B. (2002). Metodika prepodavaniya muzy`ki v obshheobrazovatel`ny`h uchrezhdeniyah [Methodology of music`s teaching at the compulsory institutions]. Moskva : Izdatel`skij centr «Akademiya», 416 (rus).
- Burnazova V. V. (2012). Profesiina kompetentnist muzykanta-instrumentalista: zmist, struktura, metody rozvytku [Professional competence of musician-instrumentalist : content, structure, methods of development]. Scientific Notes of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University, (3), Berdiansk, 16 – 22 (ukr).
- Huseinova L. V. (2011). Hotovnist do instrumentalno-vykonavskoi diialnosti: strukturnyi analiz [Readiness to instrumental-performing activity : structural analysis]. Scientific Bulletin of Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, (18), Hlukhiv, 60 – 63 (ukr).
- Kasilov I. A. (2015). Rozvytok vykonavskoi tekhniky studentiv-hitarystiv u protsesi navchannia na fakulteti mystetstv [Development of student`s performance abilities in learning guitar at the faculty of Arts]. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary School, (45), Kryvyi Rih, 12 – 17 (ukr).
- Lavrentieva N. V. (2016). Formuvannia tvorchoho myslennia maibutnoho vchytelia muzychnoho mystetstva v protsesi instrumentalno-vykonavskoi pidhotovky [Formation of creative thinking of the future music`s teacher in the instrumental performance training] : Extended abstract of candidate`s thesis : 13. 00. 02. Kyiv, 21 (ukr).
- Mykhailenko M. P. (2003). Metodyka vykladannia hry na shestystrunnii hitari [Methodology teaching by playing the six-string guitar]. Kyiv : Knyha, 248 (ukr).
- Mozghalova N. H. (2002). Formuvannia muzychnoho myslennia maibutnoho vchytelia muzyky v protsesi instrumentalnoi pidhotovky [Formation of musical thought of future music`s teacher in the process of instrumental training] : Extended abstract of candidate`s thesis : 13. 00. 02. Kyiv, 18 (ukr).
- Ovcharenko N. A. (2016). Teoretyko-metodolohichni zasady profesiinoi pidhotovky maibutnikh vchyteliv muzychnoho mystetstva do vokalno-pedahohichnoi diialnosti [Theoretic-methodical principles of professional training of Music art`s teachers to vocal-pedagogic activity] : Doctor`s thesis :13.00.04. Kryvyi Rih, 547 (ukr).
- Oleksiuk O. M. (2006). Muzychna pedahohika [Musical pedagogy]. Kyiv: KNUKIM, 188 (ukr).
- Plokhotniuk O. S. (2016). Vyznachennia pedahohichnykh umov formuvannia profesiino-tsinnisnykh oriientatsii studentiv mystetsko-pedahohichnykh spetsialnostei u protsesi muzychno-vykonavskoi diialnosti [Definition of pedagogical conditions of professional values system among the students of artistic and pedagogical specialities in the process of musical-performing activity]. Scientific Notes of Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University, (143), Kirovohrad, 66 – 70 (ukr).
- Rojtershtejn M. I. (1988). Prakticheskaya polifoniya [Practical polyphony]. Moskva: Prosveshhenie, 158 (rus).
- Elliott D. J. Musical Creativity (Comments to Praxial Music). Available from: http : // www.davidelliottmusic.com/praxial-music-education/musical-creativity (eng).
- Margulis E. (2012). Musical Repetition Detection Across Multiple Exposures. Music Perception : Ann Interdisciplinary Journal, 29 (4), 377-385, DOI:10.1525 / mp.2012.29.4.377 (eng).
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Tomashevsky Volodymyr, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of Decorative Art and Design Department, DVNZ «Kryvyi Rig State Pedagogical University», 9 Mystetska Str., 50050 Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine,
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The paper analyzes existing in the research literature on theoretical ground state organizational issues related to the implementation of certain high school teacher actions aimed at creating aesthetic culture of future designers, complete pedagogical conditions of formation of aesthetic culture of the future designers in higher education. Among the authors identified the following as the actualization of aesthetic culture of future designers is a set of educational activities aimed at developing the students' attitude to the aesthetic value of culture; organization of aesthetic education of future designers, which is caused by the need to effectively use it as a means to influence the aesthetic consciousness, enriching the aesthetic outlook of future specialists in aesthetic design of the activity and the ability of students at the system level to assess and interpret the aesthetic value; attract design students to aesthetic environment, which provides the performance of certain communicative, cognitive and creative activities related to the development of beauty in nature, society and art, and to ensure a close link educational process with the existing practice and is reflected in the aesthetic, especially natural, meaningful, social and artistic environment; mastering future designers mastering of aesthetic experience self-culture, the kind of which is emotionally stimulating, intellectual and creative regulatory and correctional experience.
Keywords: actualization; aesthetic culture; attraction to aesthetic environment; experience of self-organization; pedagogical conditions.
1. Butenko V. H. (2003). Kulturologichni aspekty formuvannia estetychnoii svidomosti uchnivskoii i studentskoii molodi [Cultorological aspects of esthetic consciousness formation of pupils’ and students’ youth]. Pedahohichni nauky, Kherson State Unsversity, 34, 17-20 (ukr).
2. Ziaziun I. A. (2006). Mystetstvo u rozvytku osobystosti: [monographiia] [Art in personality’s development: [monograph]. Chernivtsi: Zelena Bukovyna, 224 (ukr).
3. Jankina N. V. (2012). Vzaimosvjaz’ kul’tury i obrazovanija kak harakteristika sovremennoj obrazovatel’noj paradigm [Interrelation of culture and education as a characteristic of the modern educational paradigm]. Mezhdunarodnyiy nauchno-issledovatelskiy zhurnal, 5 (5), 62-63, DOI:10.18454/IRJ. 2227-6017 (rus).
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Ovsiienko Liudmyla, Ph. D in Pedagogics, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor at the Chair for Ukrainian Linguistics and Methods of Education, «SHEI Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical Grogorii Skovoroda University», 30 Sukhomlynskogo Str., 08401 Pereialav-Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine,
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The competenceapproach, viewing it from the point of its aim and tasks is not a new phenomenon in the world practice. There are some specific views about this approach in the study, but didactics, linguistic didactics and psychologists are viewing it in different ways. This publication analyses the points of view of some scientists to the problem of the competence approach to the study and recommends their own meaning. Besides, the author distinguishes main factors of the competence directed education of the students, which all together contribute to increase of qualified specialists at Ukrainian higher schools to the level of international standards. The proposed study affirms ambiguity and differences in the interpretation of the term of the competence approach and its variety in the realization in the teaching process of high school From the point of view of modern researchers, the analyzed approach is directed to formation of professional and personal qualities, organizational abilities, and skills to take decisions and claim responsibilities, possess some communicative qualities, abilities to evaluate social processes and determine their place in professional activity as well as finding ways of its improvement. The competence approach in higher education foresees learning by doing, which sense is the point, that students work on gaining and widening of their personal experience of solving real tasks, learn and develop abilities to adapt to any situation and take rational decisions. As a result of competence learning we see not the students’ knowledge but his/her abilities to solve the problems, which occur in the process of professional and social activities, as well as in personal relations. Implementation of the analyzed in this reception approach will amend the education process and the process of upbringing of the future specialists of all activity spheres including philologists. The teaching result should be seen not only as high level of personal knowledge but as the complex of competences and skills, which identify person’s ability to act in professional atmosphere and social practice. As a conclusion the author affirms that the competence approach is a system of principals, technologies, methods, ways, means, forms of education, upbringing and development of the future specialist who are directed to work out in theirselves key and subject competences and guarantee height level and effectiveness in professional and public activity.
Keywords: competenceapproach; competence; higherschool; specialists; students; systemofeducation.
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Gaidai Irina, postgraduate student of the Department of Pedagogy, Zhytomyr State University, 40 Velika Berdichevskaya Str., 10002 Zhytomyr, Ukraine Ivan Franko,
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The article raises the issue of taking into account the experience of training the teacher-philologist of dual profile for his/her qualitative up-to-date preparation. An attempt is made to analyse the lessons of the historical experience of training the teacher-philologist of dual profile, because, according to the author, modern teachers experience lack of knowledge about the origins of their profession. The researcher divides the lessons of the historical experience into organizational and didactic ones.
According to the author, the availability of educational and methodological providing for training the teachers-philologists of dual profile refers to the didactic lessons of historical experience. The article analyses the educational and methodological support for the implementation of training the teacher-philologist of dual profile. It addresses some course-books and manuals designed specifically for the second specialty (e.g. English and German languages, language teaching methodology).
It is emphasised that the manuals and course-books suitable for training teachers of a foreign language as the first or the second specialty have appeared quite recently. In addition, course-books in methodology of teaching foreign languages and theoretical course of foreign language for training the teachers-philologists of dual profile began to appear in Ukraine not so long ago, mainly for teachers of two languages and literatures, one or both of which are foreign. It is proved that designing textbooks for training the teachers-philologists in the second specialty is underdeveloped problem in Ukraine so far.
The researcher makes the important conclusions that, for improving the training of the teacher-philologist of dual profile, it should be based on previous experience of combining specialties.
The researcher links the prospects for further scientific studies with the development of educational and methodological support for training the teacher-philologists of dual profile, i.e. the creation of manuals and course-books, that can provide connections between disciplines of the first and the second specialty.
Keywords: first speciality; second specialty; educational and methodological providing; lessons of historical experience; training the teacher-philologist of dual profile.
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Zamkova Natalia, Doctor of Philosophic Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Institute, Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 87 Soborna Str., 21050 Vinnytsia, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Voinarovska Natalya, PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 87 Soborna Str., 21050 Vinnytsia, Ukraine,
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Current paper analyzes practical implications of reader roles of Luke and Freebody’s Four Resources Model of critical literacy teaching in the process of training future interpreters in Ukrainian higher educational institutions. Two resources (code-breaking and meaning making) have been successfully implemented into the classic literature teaching content for Bachelor’s degree students. Theoretical background, functions, and aim of these two roles have been examined. Stages of the practical classes’ organization for the most fruitful students’ code-breaking have been shown. Intertextual and social-cultural factors of the practical meaning-making process have been identified. Besides, the compulsory interconnection between current two resources has been proved.
Keywords: critical literacy; foreign languages competence; higher education; interpreters’ training; literacy education; semantic competence; text code-breaking.
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Synekop Oksana, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Docent, Docent of the Department of English for Engineering №2, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», 37 Pobeda Av., building 7, 03056, Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The informatization processes of society require training highly qualified specialists in the field of information technologies. For successful functioning in professionally oriented environment the future IT-specialists have to be able to create the information security policy text in English. The purpose isto analyse the linguistic and stylistic features of the information security policy text in this paper. Reviewing the samples of information security policy, the definitions of policy given by foreign scientists allows us to define the linguistic and stylistic features of the text. Among the linguistic and stylistic features there is the purpose, the sphere of application (professionally oriented), the theme, the function in the language (communication), the functional style (official and business) and its characteristics (accuracy, consistency, standardization, imperativeness, high information content), the substyle (administrative), the genre (information security policy), the form of speech (written monologue), the information presentation in the text (neutral), the type of administrative document (administrative), the functional purpose (stating type, narrative), the nature of the construction (the text written from the third person), the form of realization (written electronic / printed), the representation of reality (not literal text). Lexical and grammatical characteristics of the text are described. The structure of the text (introduction, roles and responsibilities, policy) is considered. The defined linguistic and stylistic features will serve as a basis for consideration of the set of exercises for teaching the students to write the text of information security policy in English.
Keywords: functional style; genre; information security policy; linguistic and stylistic features; structure of the text; future IT- specialists.
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Ivanitska Olga, Doctor of Public Administration, Professor of theory and practice of management, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», 37 Victory Ave., 03056 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Panchenko Alla, PhD of Public Administration, Assistant professor of management department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Bulvarno-Kudryavska Str.,
04053 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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Panchenko Ganna, Teacher of management department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Bulvarno-Kudryavska Str., 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
This article outlines the relevance of expert estimation realization in education sector of New Ukrainian School and in particular of professional activity of the teacher to ensure the efficiency of educational and edifying process. The review of this article determines that the essence of expert estimation is the method of receiving of generalized information, the dynamic process that is changing, modernizing and is the lever of improving the efficiency of educational activities. It was elaborated the algorithm of phased organization of expert estimation of teacher professional activity in secondary school. It consists of five phases such as the preparation and edition the managing documents, the creation the expert group, the elaboration of the organization and methods of data processing and presentation of the expert estimation results. The proposed map estimation (self-estimation) is shows the abilities of specialist to innovate activity on the following criteria: motivation, creativity and professional skills in accordance with their degree of manifestation. In order to ensure the objectivity of expert estimation process the article proposes the mechanism of estimation of teacher activity with using ICT by the example of estimation of teacher reading to implementation of innovation. For this purpose the authors allocated the questionnaire «The teacher reading to implementation of innovation» on Google-disk. The moderator formed the summery table with the results of person estimation and made public for all experts. For clarity of obtained results, it suggested to build a histogram and «petal» diagram with using ICT for detected the highest and the lowest indicators. The article proposed information and technologic mechanism to install the efficiently of certain aspects of teacher activity in particular during his attestation.
Keywords: estimation; expert estimation; expert estimation of teacher activity; ICT; secondary school; teacher activity.
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Kulyk Olena, PhD in Pedagogics, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor at the Ukrainian Linguistics and Methods of Education Department, «SHEI Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical Grogorii Skovoroda University», 30 Sukhomlynskogo Str., 08401 Pereialav-Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
The problem of the approaches cannot be called as one, which was not studied enough. I. D. Bekh, О. О. Bystrova, O. M. Biliaev, M. S. Vashulenko, Ye. P. Goloborodko, N. B. Golub, S. U. Goncharenko, О. М. Goroshkina, V. V. Davydov, T. K. Donchenko, S. O. Karaman, I. M. Kucherenko, Т. О. Ladyzhenska, L. І. Matsko, V. Ya. Melnychaiko, S. L. Rubinshtein, О. Ya. Savchenko, О. V. Ovcharuk, S. А. Omelchuk, G. V. Onkevych, M. І. Pentyliuk, О. О. Pometun, L. V. Skurativskyi, M. G. Stelmachovytch, M. І. Stepanenko, S. E. Trubachova, O. N. Khoroshkovska, O. V. Khutorskoi, G. T. Shelekhova, I. S. Yakymanska and another have studied essential characteristics and technological aspects of different approaches, especially personal approach as well. However, according to the author’s observation both in scientific and in educational works, ncluding linguistic and didactic character, word combinations «personally directed» is used in terms «personally directed continual education», «personally directed education at school», «personally directed education», «personally directed upbringing», «personally directed technologies», «personally directed approach».
Afterwards, first of all (in order to avoid confusion in terms) it was necessary to understand terms, which were given below. Within the proposed research and without claiming on exhaustible highlighting by the scientists of all interpretation variants, the author tried to generalize the thoughts in order to interpret and specify a proper term.
Besides, the proposed reception studied the personally directed approach in the process of pupils’ speech development at Ukrainian classes. The author proves, that while implementation of personally directed approach, the teacher of Ukrainian should create at his/her lessons encouraging for every pupil atmosphere (psychological and linguistic), chose didactic and practical material in order not to duplicate the text books, the material should be interesting for pupils as well, stimulate their linguistic activity, encourage to the search of new independent and original solutions.
Keywords: speech development; personally directed approach to education; pupils; Ukrainian lesson.
- Gholub N. B. (2015). Pidkhody do navchannja ukrajinsjkoji movy v osnovnij shkoli [Approaches to education of Ukrainian language at high schools]. Ukrajinsjka mova i literatura v shkoli, 3, 2–10 (ukr).
- Kulyk O. D. (2013). Priorytetnistj tekstocentrychnogho pidkhodu do navchannja ukrajinsjkoji movy v zaghaljnoosvitnij shkoli [Priority of text oriented approach to teaching of Ukrainian language at secondary school]. Teoretychna i dydaktychna filologhija, 15, 38–48 (ukr).
- Меlekhina М. B. (2015). Recursive Model of a Methodical Competency Formation of a High School Teacher in the Context of Competency-Based Education. International Education Studies, 8 (2), 142–150, DOI: 10.5539/ies.v8n2p142 (eng).
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Aleksandrova Valentina, Senior lecturer in Ukrainian, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Timoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The article reveals the content component of the extracurricular work on the Ukrainian language in the 8th and 9th forms of the general educational institution, namely, activities that are specially practiced outside of the hour, which have their own meaning, but are not always provided for in the curriculum: interesting information about the language from vocabulary, phraseology, stylistics; Familiarization with dictionaries, reference books; the development of the literary language; Questions of origin of names, surnames, geographical names, study of toponymy of settlements, districts, cities, regions; Collection of material on linguistic phenomena; Specific forms, methods and methods of carrying out this work aimed at stimulating students' interest in learning the subject. Tasks of extracurricular work in the process of teaching the Ukrainian language are to expand, deepen the knowledge gained in the lessons of the language, improve spelling, punctuation and stylistic skills, improve the student's speech culture, activate mental and creative abilities, create an intelligent background that favors a conscious and deep Assimilation of educational material; Education initiative, independence, creativity, interest in the subject; Promoting the all-round development of the individual. Highlighted linguistic and socio-cultural segments in a meaningful component of extracurricular activities that encourage independent monitoring of language, promote the formation of students' conception of language as a dynamic system, which is constantly evolving.
Keywords: class work; linguistic and socio-cultural segments substantial component of extracurricular activities; socio-cultural competence of students; substantial component of extracurricular activities on the Ukrainian language;.
- Aleksandrova V. F. (2016). Pohlybliuiemo znannia z ukrainskoi movy u protsesi pozaklasnoi roboty [Deepen the knowledge of the Ukrainian language in the extracurricular activities: Teach .-method. guidances]. Kyiv: Ahrar Media Hrup, 126 (ukr).
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Brovko Kateryna, Ph.D student, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13 b Tymoszenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The study describes approaches to modeling of the process formation of corporate culture students of higher education institution and its structural components. Reveals the intrinsic characteristics of the concepts of «model», «modeling», «corporate culture», «corporate culture of higher educational institution». The characteristic traits of functioning of the corporate culture of educational institutions analyzed. The structural elements of the model of corporate culture of students, such as a system of material and spiritual values, predictions, beliefs, expectations, norms and style of behavior obtained. The information is presented of regarding the types of models (prognostic, conceptual, instrumental, structural, model of monitoring, reflexive, and functional) and features of their use in the pedagogical research. The classification of model of the corporate culture by: form a reflection of reality, the subject of research, stack of research, the nature of phenomena properties of mapping degree of accuracy, volume means of expression. The essence of model of the corporate culture of student youth by E. Shane according to the three levels: the artifacts internalized values, basic understanding. The features of the three-tier model of the corporate culture of higher educational institution by G. Hayet disclosed. The constituent elements of the model of the corporate culture of higher educational institution by G. Johnson, and also the constituent elements the corporate culture of the higher educational institution by O. Andominym. Specific features of the functioning of models of the corporate culture of higher education institution delineated.
Keywords: corporate culture; higher education institution; modeling; model of the corporate culture.
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Xiaoxing Zhang. Postgraduate student, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 9 Pirogova Str., 02000 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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In the article the content and content components and technological support for the process of ethnic tolerance education students. The author presents students education technology as ethnic tolerance consistent implementation methodology, operational and reflective stages of the process with the appropriate use of methods, forms and means of musical education. Content-technological support education of ethnic tolerance of students exposed as a set of semantic content of the process (content areas and their components) and its process of implementation (appropriate methodological tools, methods, techniques, tools and forms of educational work) that will provide process optimization education ethnic tolerance students in terms of a music club.
The generalization of various aspects of musical education allowed to determine the content components of musical education in the conditions of the music club: the development of emotional experience, the formation of aesthetic worldview and involvement in musical activities. In the work of the music club we used methods of musical education and general pedagogical methods, namely: information retrieval method, the method of creating an artistic context, methods of forming consciousness, the method of the game. The club form involves the use in classes of different directions of such forms of work as: verbal group forms of work, forms of musical education, namely: forms of work of folklore, forms of work on the performance and listening to classical and variety music works.
Keywords: content and technological support; education of ethnic tolerance; forms of education; methods of education; music club; music education.
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Fingerman Orly, student of 3 ZK group, psycho-pedagogy faculty, National Pedagogical University of M. P. Dragomanov, 8/14 Turgenivska Str., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The author considers the essence of Patriotic education and correction of mentally retarded children of preschool age by means of Museum pedagogy, the relevance and necessity of education, starting from preschool age. In the article the role of Museum pedagogy in education of preschool educational institution and the influence of the Museum environment education and correction of the personality of children of preschool age have been analyzed. Notice that the idea of patriotism is feeling of love for the Motherland. By studying that the concept of «Motherland» is a global concept that includes all conditions of life: territory, climate, the nature, the organization of social life, language and lifestyle. It means to be a patriot. To feel an integral part of the Fatherland. Determine that it is a difficult feeling arises in the preschool age children it's a foundation of the axiological attitude to the world. But like any other feeling, patriotism is independent and individual to each. It is directly connected with spirituality of the man, its deep. A defectologist noticed, not being a patriot, can not in child to awaken to feel love of country. It is to awaken, not to impose, as the basic of patriotism lies in spiritual self-determination. That's why there was a need to return to the best traditions of our people, to our roots, to such eternal concepts as gender, race, homeland. An experimental study of the algorithm for the formation and correction of personality of children of preschool age through the creation of the Museum's space in the DOE.
Keywords: correction of personality; mentally retarded children; mini-Museum; Museum education; Museum space; patriotic upbringing; preschool education; upbringing of personality.
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