- №4, 2016
- Shramko Oksana
- Karelina Olena
- Familyarskaya Larissa
- Zagorodnya Alla
- Clopov Roman, Beskorovaynaya Larisa
- Kovaljsjkyj Roman
- Slipchuk Valentina
- Didenko Iryna
- Sysoieva Svetlana
- Batechko Nina
- Mospan Natalia
- Kohut Svitlana
- Yevtushenko Nataliia
- Tryhub Ilona
- Lynyov Vsevolod
- Karpenko Oresta
- Martynenko Svitlana, Shkarban Lyudmila
- Ovcharenko Natalia
- Lysenko Oleksandra
- Petrova Svitlana
- Olishevych Violetta
- Kulbashna Yaroslava, Tkachuk Olena
- Manyuk Lyubov
- Skyba Mariya
- Mayer Natalia
- Rzhevskaya Natalia
- Van Yatszyun
- Veremchuk Olena
- Усі сторінки
Kovaljsjkyj Roman, post-graduate student of Kiev University named after Boris Grinchenko, Professor, Kamenetz-Podolsk College of culture and arts street Shevchenko, 5, 32320 Kamenets-Podolskiy, Ukraine.
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This article highlighted level characteristic of future music teachers for managing a pop-instrumental group. The work has defined criteria groups, which reflect the peculiarities of motivational, evaluative, cognitive, actively creative areas of future music teacher. The chosen criteria system reflects a holistic nature of the investigated-personalistic formation in respect of work with school pop-instrumental group. Examined criterias are basic and show the indicators of future music teachers’ readiness to work with pop-instrumental group.
It is noted that the modern music teacher education can’t be effective without taking into consideration the basic professional skills, valuation and comparison of subjective and objective, internal and external, development of specific skills of certain activities, realization of the necessity the mastery of basic skills from low to high level.
A formed level of professional knowledge and skills of music teacher was determined based on multifunctionality of such profession (structural, communicative, artistic and creative). In particular importance was attached to the study of the presence of knowledge about the specific of creative activity of school pop-instrumental, understanding of its social purpose, making a perspective plan of creative activity, knowledge of compilation repertoire peculiarities. Basing on students survey analysis, it’s affirm that at the initial stage of training most students have not yet formed a focus on the specific music activity, they have no clear idea about the future music pedagogical work. Failures in training to work with pop-instrumental group of future music teachers are conditioned by insufficient disclosure of training programs problems, which are connected with peculiarities and specific work with students. Therefore, to solve the task of training of future music teachers is impossible without studying their specialization during the initial period of training.
Key words: criteria; music teacher; professional training; readiness.
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