Familyarskaya L. 

Familyarskaya Larissa, teacher of the Department of Pedagogy and Andragogy, Zhytomyr Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education, Mikhailovskaya Street 15, 10014 Zhitomir, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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In proposed article considered basic theoretical and methodological approaches of philosophers, sociologists, economists, psychologists, teachers, representatives of other sciences to solve problems of mobility as one of the characteristics in the processes of human social functioning in the modern world, social groups, communities, personal development and humanity in general. The dominant interpretation of individual mobility is the idea of adaptation, flexibility and responsiveness to changing, unpredictable conditions in professional activities.

Mobility as one of the essential parameters of professional and social maturity of person, is the special property that characterizes the human inner willingness to qualitative changes. Integrating scientific points of view, we understand mobility as personal ability to adapt to rapid changes, modifications of professional activity in terms of new conditions or effectively knowledge in familiar or unusual situations with least resistance and minimal losses on their physical, psychological and emotional resources. Rapid adaptation in the information world is one of the constituent characteristics of a mobility concept.

Mobility of teachers should understand as personal ability to adapt to changes, that’s ensuring professional stability and active professional position. It is a condition to consciously move from position to position.

Thus, mobility as a pedagogical category expresses the idea of translational changes in accordance with the educational needs and conditions of the educational environment.

However, the problem of teacher mobility requires thorough research, due to several factors including changes in professional activity and due to globalization and integration, rapid updating of information and communication technologies and functionality of modern computer equipment, society need specialists able to be competitive in the labor market.

The prospect of further research is definition of «information and communication teacher mobility» and its essential characteristics.

Keywords:  adaptation;  education;    environment;  mobility; personality; teacher.



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