
Veremchuk Olena, senior lecturer of documentary communications and librarianship, Rivne State University of Humanities, 12 S. Bandera str., 33028 Rivne, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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In the proposed article grounds the necessity of formation of professional culture of the future experts in particular of the future of a documentation expert in higher educational institutions, which becomes important in the context of strengthening the culture in accordance aspect of their training. Reveals the urgency of forming the professional culture of the future experts in the conditions of higher education institutions is developed and revealed this issue in the scientific literature in the article.

The author's position is submitted by in the content of professional culture of a documentation expert. The author taking into account the views of scientists and the features of professional work of documentation experts by gives interpretation of the term "Professional culture of a documentation expert". There are basic aspects of the features of formation of professional culture of the future of documentation experts in higher education in this article.

According to the author, this problem is indirectly reflected in the content of a professional training a documentation expert and has not a systemic nature. This study confirms the documents regulating the content of training of the future of documentation experts.

The author proposed pedagogical conditions of to promote to the efficient resolution of this problem under this investigation. These are important pedagogical conditions for the professional training of future specialists and implementation of these pedagogical conditions can be in the professional training if these are to occur to simultaneously and in the interconnection.

Keywords:  culturepedagogical conditions; professional culture;  professional culture of a documentation expert;  professional training of are documentation experts.



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