Van Y. 

Van Yatszyun, Ph.D-student, South Ukrainian K. D. Ushynsky National Pedagogical University, 26 Staroportofrankivs'ka str., 65020 Odesa, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The modern idea about culture as an integral personal characteristic consists of many components that collectively, reflect the diversity of life relations, the level of comprehensive personal development and wealth of the inner world of man. The art that is not only a living embodiment of the central subsystem and culture, but also a powerful tool for development and takes a leading position in shaping human culture. Therefore, the closest to stand next to the concept of "culture" definitions that are associated with arts: aesthetic culture, art, music.

Communicative culture serves as the basis of general culture of personality, basic component of culture that ensures the readiness of the individual to life of self is the condition for achieving harmony with oneself and the surrounding reality. Communicative culture expresses the degree of mastery of the communicative process when an individual is able to differentiate its key components - the relationship and interaction - while consciously control each of them.

Established that communicative culture of the future teacher of music presupposes knowledge, skills and personal qualities that allow him to solve professional tasks in professional and creative level. In the study the professional field of vocational students in the process of conducting and choral studies we have identified the foundations of their culture of communication, namely the values, knowledge and skills, attitudes and experience.

Keywords:  communicative culture;  content;  structure;  the future teacher of music.



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