Rzhevskaya N. 

Rzhevskaya Natalia, the competitor of a scientific degree, SHEE «Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University of G. Skovoroda», Sukhomlinsky s., 30, 08401 Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Ukraine; Methodist of educational department, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economic, Kyoto str., 19, 02156 Kiev, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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In the article is noted the importance of forming not only professional, but also general competencies. The author attempts to investigate the package of the actual competences of Bachelor in Enterprise, Trade and Exchange activities.

The article emphasizes the impossibility of determining a sustainable set of competencies, as new realities of the economic sphere make adjustments to the functional responsibilities specialist. The author analyzed and summarized the list of competencies of profiles of educational programs of higher education in Ukraine. Investigated and substantiated the legal basis of specific competencies. The author concluded that the phenomenon of legal competence in education process for Bachelor in Enterprise, Trade and Exchange activities is on the basis of the results of research on the concept of legal culture, legal mentality, legal awareness and legal behavior as the primary basis for the formation of other competencies. Based on the general list of competencies Bachelor of Enterprise, Trade and Exchange activities have been allocated competence with the legal framework. It was analyzed each allocated competence and based on the legal, philosophical and social principles proved its legal basis. It is concluded that the legal competence profile program Bachelor of Enterprise, Trade and exchange activity is determined by a separate authority and is also the basis for the other competencies. This is its fundamental role can be defined as a phenomenon in education training.

Legal competence acts as a founder in the formation of other competencies, formation of legal thinking, legal awareness and legal culture, legal behavior, legal updating mentality that define professional and life success. In a broader sense the legal competence is a prerequisite for a harmonious integration into the European system of values and education.

Keywords:  bachelor in Business, Trade and Exchange activities;  competence;  legal awareness;  legal behavior;  legal culture;  legal mentality.



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