Manyuk L. 

Manyuk Lyubov, Seniour Lecturer, Department of Latin and Foreign Languages, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Pekarska St., 69, 79000 Lviv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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Professional communicative skills play a significant role in the physician’s career. The reliable and trustful relationships between physicians and patients improve and fasten a recovery process. Furthermore, the knowledge of proper communicative techniques and strategies can aid a visit planning and save both physician’s and patient’s time.

Communication of physicians in professional medium can be classified as official and semi-official according to its stylistic features. It can have linguistic, paralinguistic and non-verbal forms, and it may be oral, written or computer-mediated depending on the purpose of interaction, namely: «doctorpatient», «doctorpatient’s family and friends», «doctordoctor», «doctoradministration», «doctorfuture doctor», «doctorpublic», «doctormedia», «doctorscientific society». The effective communication in the mentioned types of interaction depends on the list of professional and personal factors.  However, the unique instrument of professional doctor communication is professional medical language which is further subdivided as formal, semi-formal, official and commercial. Medical language is the main component of linguistic competence which includes literacy in State, foreign and Latin languages.

Thus, professional medical communicative skills develop as the result of the interaction of linguistic competence, professional competence and personal features of a physician. The paper proves the significance of professional communication skills, describes the influence of doctor-patient relationship on the treatment outcomes and preventive care. It gives a profound analysis of the linguistic peculiarities of professional communication of future physicians, defines the notion of “professional communication” and describes its linguistic components.

Keywords:«doctor patient»;  interpersonal communicationlinguistic peculiarities of professional communicationmedical student;  physician;  professional communication.



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