Kulbashna Y., Tkachuk

Kulbashna Yaroslava, Professor of the Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Doctor of Education, MD, O. Bogomolets National Medical University, 13 Shevchenko B., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

Tkachuk Elena, lecturer of the Department of physical education and health, O. Bogomolets National Medical University, 13 Shevchenko B., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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In the article considers the urgency of implementing competency approach in higher medical education, analyzes the real state of common competencies formation in future doctors according to domestic and foreign scientific sources. In particular, back in 1998 the Association of American Medical Colleges and faculty Medical College Charles Schmidt (Florida Atlantic University) identified 11 general competencies that graduates should obtain in all medical specialties, including: knowledge and research skills; patient care; ethics and law; professionalism; communication skills; general culture; promotion of healthy lifestyles and disease prevention population; lifelong learning and self-improvement; protection and preservation of health; self-awareness and personal development; active citizenship, service and protection of their rights. In following development of this process the Council for Accreditation of Postgraduate Medical Education «Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education» (1999) within «Outcome Project» has identified six general competencies for physicians of all specialties, namely medical knowledge; patient care; professionalism; interpersonal and communication skills; practice-oriented learning and improving, fundamentals of practice. The European experts in 2004 drafted «The Tuning Project Medicine», which reflected the formation of main general competencies in doctors, such as: professional properties; professionalism; doctor as an expert; global physician.

Active professional activities of physicians associated with high concentration, making quick decisions, speed and precision motor responses, and therefore requires formation of competencies that will ensure a healthy lifestyle, ability to overcome obstacles both in the profession and in everyday life to achieve optimal result in work and professional success. One of the subjects that contrsbute to shape appropriate professional competences, especially selfhelthcare and leadership is «Physical Education».

Based on the achivements of international educational organizations and own teaching experience, some of general competencies, which could be successfully formed in the learning process of discipline «Physical Education» was defined and their importance for future doctors in students of the first/ second courses and teachers of the National Medical University Bogomolets (Kyiv, Ukraine) were learned. The results of survey indicated a high level of significance of general competences (selfhelthcare, leadership, selfimprovement and selfdevelopment, desire to succeed, independent work, interpersonal skills and work in a team) according to assessment of students and teachers. They noticed, above mentioned competences could be formed in educational process of discipline «Physical Education». On the base of the obtained results, changes in labor training program discipline «Physical education» on basis of competence approach basis was proposed.

Keywords:  competence approach;  competence of health care;  general competence;  higher medical education;  leadership;  physical education;  physical training;  training future doctors.



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