- №4, 2016
- Shramko Oksana
- Karelina Olena
- Familyarskaya Larissa
- Zagorodnya Alla
- Clopov Roman, Beskorovaynaya Larisa
- Kovaljsjkyj Roman
- Slipchuk Valentina
- Didenko Iryna
- Sysoieva Svetlana
- Batechko Nina
- Mospan Natalia
- Kohut Svitlana
- Yevtushenko Nataliia
- Tryhub Ilona
- Lynyov Vsevolod
- Karpenko Oresta
- Martynenko Svitlana, Shkarban Lyudmila
- Ovcharenko Natalia
- Lysenko Oleksandra
- Petrova Svitlana
- Olishevych Violetta
- Kulbashna Yaroslava, Tkachuk Olena
- Manyuk Lyubov
- Skyba Mariya
- Mayer Natalia
- Rzhevskaya Natalia
- Van Yatszyun
- Veremchuk Olena
- Усі сторінки
Petrova Svitlana, PhD applicant, Municipal Educational Institution «Orphanage «Perlynka», director, Monastyrskyi lane 3, 65038 Odessa, Ukraine,
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The article reviews a brief analysis of the structure and characteristics of innovative type orphanage model (for example orphanage “Perlynka” in Odessa.). This model is a tool for the integral result of the process of personal and social education, training and development. Structurally, it consists of six components: managerial, conceptual, organizational, educational, social partnership, resource. All components have system-creating character, affecting the development and functioning of the institution.
Modern orphanage has to take care of individual problems and needs of aconcretechild, it must be the center of successful socialization of orphans, their education, training, social and professional adaptation. That is why for many years we are working on the project “Model of Innovative Institution “Orphanage”Perlynka”.Within the project the research of improvement of orphanages is carried out, as well as creation of appropriate organizational and pedagogical conditions for the child, capable for conscious and responsible choice ofhis/her own way of development in different circumstances.
The orphanage “Perlynka” is not only an experimental teaching platform; the developed innovative educational technologiesare not only used, but improved and corrected. Teachers are improving themselves, respectively, all staff is involved in the creative process. Therefore, “Perlynka”can be called a pedagogical and research center, and the question of orphans’ personality formation occupies a central place in its theoretical research, teaching and implementation of innovative programs. Exactly this aspect connects together all areas of work with orphans and the developed and implemented innovative model of modern orphanage must be admitted as optimal one.
Keywords: innovative model of socio-cultural educational environment, socialization, personal and social self-realization.
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