- №4, 2016
- Shramko Oksana
- Karelina Olena
- Familyarskaya Larissa
- Zagorodnya Alla
- Clopov Roman, Beskorovaynaya Larisa
- Kovaljsjkyj Roman
- Slipchuk Valentina
- Didenko Iryna
- Sysoieva Svetlana
- Batechko Nina
- Mospan Natalia
- Kohut Svitlana
- Yevtushenko Nataliia
- Tryhub Ilona
- Lynyov Vsevolod
- Karpenko Oresta
- Martynenko Svitlana, Shkarban Lyudmila
- Ovcharenko Natalia
- Lysenko Oleksandra
- Petrova Svitlana
- Olishevych Violetta
- Kulbashna Yaroslava, Tkachuk Olena
- Manyuk Lyubov
- Skyba Mariya
- Mayer Natalia
- Rzhevskaya Natalia
- Van Yatszyun
- Veremchuk Olena
- Усі сторінки
Karelina Olena, Ph. D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Economic Cybernetics, Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University, Ruska st. 56, 46001 Ternopil, Ukraine,
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The new concept «interpractice learning» in the article is proposed. The ground of it are the interactive learning technologies and the methods implementation of activity approach to learning.
Scope of the concept and components of pedagogic technology «interpractice learning» was identify: the goal of learning process, content, forms and learning methods, their sequence, time and stages of application. The learning process goal in interpractice learning is acquirement of activity, which is the object of study. Adequate means to master activity provides interactive learning. That is why their forms and methods in the interpractice learning technology is uses.
Pedagogical conditions of interpractice learning implementation was identify:
- it have restrictions on mastering the activity, which operate with physical objects and living organisms, fully implemented for training professionals who work with information;
- methods of interactive and activity learning are uses;
- requires full immersion in activity so the interpractice can be studied only major discipline for the formation of professional competence;
- most appropriate to implement in the system of professional education which a top aims is mastering multifaceted profession activity.
Example of interpractice learning implementation was present for studying business management process approach. Research carried out for specialty 051 «Economy» and specialties of knowledge domain «07. Management and administration».
Prospects for further research are development of learning cases for interpractice studying economic disciplines. Another aspect of our research will be practical test of learning cases effectiveness.
Keywords: activity approach to learning; formation of professional competence; future professionals of business and management; interactive learning; interpractice learning; pedagogical technology.
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