- №4, 2016
- Shramko Oksana
- Karelina Olena
- Familyarskaya Larissa
- Zagorodnya Alla
- Clopov Roman, Beskorovaynaya Larisa
- Kovaljsjkyj Roman
- Slipchuk Valentina
- Didenko Iryna
- Sysoieva Svetlana
- Batechko Nina
- Mospan Natalia
- Kohut Svitlana
- Yevtushenko Nataliia
- Tryhub Ilona
- Lynyov Vsevolod
- Karpenko Oresta
- Martynenko Svitlana, Shkarban Lyudmila
- Ovcharenko Natalia
- Lysenko Oleksandra
- Petrova Svitlana
- Olishevych Violetta
- Kulbashna Yaroslava, Tkachuk Olena
- Manyuk Lyubov
- Skyba Mariya
- Mayer Natalia
- Rzhevskaya Natalia
- Van Yatszyun
- Veremchuk Olena
- Усі сторінки
Lynyov Vsevolod, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University PhD-student, 18/2 Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str, 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The basic directions of the Quality Schools International (QSI) and the organization of educational process based on personality oriented learning are defined in the article. Philosophical principles and mission of the Kyiv International School (KIS) are considered and analyzed. School assessment systembased on cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy (applying, analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating)is presented. It is designed to support the educational philosophy of the school and the «success orientations» (of trustworthiness, kindness/politeness, responsibility, independent endeavor, concern for others, group interaction, and aesthetic appreciation) model. The structure of the school year, the forming student’s competencesconditions aimed on developing successful personality and implementing the «success orientations» model are described.
The mission of Quality Schools International (QSI) is to keep the urge to learn alive in every child in schools. Kyiv International School (KIS) follows a logical model of education which measures success by the accomplishments and attitudes of the students, believes that all of them can succeed, encourages them to continue in a pattern of success and is responsible to provide the conditions for success. These conditions include 1) developing clear statements in measurable terms of what the student will do to demonstrate mastery of learning, 2) providing the time and resources needed for each student to attain mastery, and 3) ensuring that students engage in learning at a level which is challenging and yet a level for which each student has the prerequisite skills necessary for success.
Keywords: Bloom’s taxonomy; сcompetence; competence approach; Kyiv International School (KIS); KIS basic directions of work; personality oriented learning; Quality Schools International (QSI); «success orientations» model.
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