- №4, 2016
- Shramko Oksana
- Karelina Olena
- Familyarskaya Larissa
- Zagorodnya Alla
- Clopov Roman, Beskorovaynaya Larisa
- Kovaljsjkyj Roman
- Slipchuk Valentina
- Didenko Iryna
- Sysoieva Svetlana
- Batechko Nina
- Mospan Natalia
- Kohut Svitlana
- Yevtushenko Nataliia
- Tryhub Ilona
- Lynyov Vsevolod
- Karpenko Oresta
- Martynenko Svitlana, Shkarban Lyudmila
- Ovcharenko Natalia
- Lysenko Oleksandra
- Petrova Svitlana
- Olishevych Violetta
- Kulbashna Yaroslava, Tkachuk Olena
- Manyuk Lyubov
- Skyba Mariya
- Mayer Natalia
- Rzhevskaya Natalia
- Van Yatszyun
- Veremchuk Olena
- Усі сторінки
Tryhub Ilona, research worker of Scientific-Research Laboratory of Educology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Tymoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The author analyzes the experience of training of experts in the field of education in such countries as: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia. It identified the following common features of professional training of experts in the field of education: focus on quality assurance; implementation of vocational training as part of Continuing Education; seminars and conferences as the basic forms of training; lack of training of experts in the field of education in universities; election of candidates for experts in the field of education from experienced teachers with the experience and good practice; compliance with official Code of Ethics of professional experts in the field of education; International cooperation in quality assurance.
Specific trends in training experts in the field of education are observed in Slovenia, where candidates for admission to the roster of experts should be involved in the system of compulsory education. The special trends also include the following: periodic trainings and conferences are forms of additional training; Learning involves mastering candidates for experts: the overall quality (acquiring broad knowledge system in education); special qualities (equivalent knowledge in specific subject areas, a high level of English and a basic level of knowledge of another language, the ability to conduct interviews, the ability to communicate and work in a group, the ability to prepare and effective implementation of projects and management, impartiality and independence).
Key words: Eastern Europe countries; expert in the field of education; quality of education.
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