Kohut S. 

Kohut Svitlana, PhD in Pedagogy, Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of General and Social Pedagogy, Higher Educational Institution “Ukrainian Catholic University”, Sventsitskoho st., 17, 79011, Lviv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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Pedagogy of labour in Poland is a relatively independent pedagogical sub discipline well-grounded from the position of pedagogical theory and practice needs. It has a distinct theoretical and methodological basement, and its own categorical apparatus. The sub discipline is a scientific base for a pedagogical specialty of “pedagogy of labour”.

The research and analysis of the tasks set by modern pedagogy of labour in Poland are extremely important for the educational space of Ukraine from the view of understanding the essence of labour and its concernment for each particular human being and the society in general under the conditions of the market-oriented economy, the influence of the research results on training a human being in a profession and formation of his/her professionally and socially significant qualities.

Pedagogy of labour realizes interdisciplinary ties with psychology of labour, philosophy of labour, medicine of labour, anthropology, political and economic sciences. Today pedagogy of labour presents itself as a science, as a pedagogical discipline and a sphere of practical activities. Leading representatives of Polish pedagogy of labour, who have developed its methodological apparatus, are T. Nowacki, Z. Wiatrowski, S. Kwiatkowski, W. Furmanek. The article analyzes basic notions of pedagogy of labour as a pedagogical sub discipline. The Polish scientists consider labour, human being, education to be principal categories of pedagogy of labour. The cogency of terminology research is supported by the fact that the latter plays not only the communicative function, but also content and cognitive ones for the language of each scientific discipline is both the aim of the educational procedures and its instrument.

The peculiarity of Polish scientists, researchers of pedagogy of labour, is, as the author mentions, the fact that they consider not economical but humanistic aspects of the professional work to be primary. The humanistic aspects include understanding of labour as an inalienable life value, attitude of a human being to labour, his/her readiness to labour and adaptation to the latter etc.

The author also stresses on the importance of the Polish experience for the formation of the common field of scientific research, educational project activities under the conditions of Ukraine’s entering into the European space of communication.

Keywords:  education;  human being;  labour;  pedagogy of labour;  professional education.



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