Shramko Oksana, PhD, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Arts Krivoy Rog State Pedagogical University, ave. Gagarin, 54, 50086 c. Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The paper is devoted to a topical issue of integration in art, as well as integration processes in the system of art education. The author aims at understanding integration as a worldview paradigm in art education, considering art as an integrator of the world understanding, and treating integration processes in the system of art education as an indication of paradigmatic changes in modern culture. The latter is connected to the postmodern changes in the worldview, where art constitutes a universally ordered form of the world understanding.

To elucidate the worldview potential of art education the author analyses such characteristic features of art as non-differentiality of an artistic activity, as well as personal focus of an art knowledge, since the world understanding in art is performed solely in the context of the personal and existential values. The author calls also attention to the very fact of the art genesis as resolving a "philosophical and educational project", since right from the start the art-creative knowledge was a value-universal integrator of the world understanding, and fulfilled its ideological and educational function – to be a personality-creative tool for a holistic worldview and world understanding, being historically ahead of philosophy and pedagogy.

The author analyses an integrative evolution of art education, and comes to the conclusion that integration is the worldview paradigm of modern culture, that is, determines the fundamental changes in ideas, principles, methodological approaches and teaching strategies for different branches of knowledge, including art knowledge. Among the directions in the integration process of art education the author recognizes the formulation of integrated programs on the level of the state standards based on methodological integration of philosophical and cultural approach to the process of the art knowledge, involving interdisciplinary research in the philosophy of culture, philosophy of education and philosophy of art education.

Keywords:  art;  art education;  integration;  worldview paradigm.



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