2016 - №4





Shramko Oksana



Karelina Olena



Familyarskaya Larissa



Zagorodnya Alla



Clopov Roman, Beskorovaynaya Larisa



Kovaljsjkyj Roman






Didenko Iryna






Sysoieva Svetlana



Batechko Nina



Mospan Natalia



Kohut Svitlana



Yevtushenko Nataliia



Tryhub Ilona



Lynyov Vsevolod



Karpenko Oresta






Martynenko Svitlana, Shkarban Lyudmila



Ovcharenko Natalia



Lysenko Oleksandra



Petrova Svitlana



Olishevych Violetta






Kulbashna Yaroslava, Tkachuk Olena



Manyuk Lyubov



Skyba Mariya



Mayer Natalia



Rzhevskaya Natalia






Van Yatszyun



Veremchuk Olena





Shramko Oksana, PhD, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Arts Krivoy Rog State Pedagogical University, ave. Gagarin, 54, 50086 c. Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The paper is devoted to a topical issue of integration in art, as well as integration processes in the system of art education. The author aims at understanding integration as a worldview paradigm in art education, considering art as an integrator of the world understanding, and treating integration processes in the system of art education as an indication of paradigmatic changes in modern culture. The latter is connected to the postmodern changes in the worldview, where art constitutes a universally ordered form of the world understanding.

To elucidate the worldview potential of art education the author analyses such characteristic features of art as non-differentiality of an artistic activity, as well as personal focus of an art knowledge, since the world understanding in art is performed solely in the context of the personal and existential values. The author calls also attention to the very fact of the art genesis as resolving a "philosophical and educational project", since right from the start the art-creative knowledge was a value-universal integrator of the world understanding, and fulfilled its ideological and educational function – to be a personality-creative tool for a holistic worldview and world understanding, being historically ahead of philosophy and pedagogy.

The author analyses an integrative evolution of art education, and comes to the conclusion that integration is the worldview paradigm of modern culture, that is, determines the fundamental changes in ideas, principles, methodological approaches and teaching strategies for different branches of knowledge, including art knowledge. Among the directions in the integration process of art education the author recognizes the formulation of integrated programs on the level of the state standards based on methodological integration of philosophical and cultural approach to the process of the art knowledge, involving interdisciplinary research in the philosophy of culture, philosophy of education and philosophy of art education.

Keywords:  art;  art education;  integration;  worldview paradigm.



  1. Dvornikov V. V. (2015). PR-tehnologii i sovremennoe obshhestvo: mehanizmy vlijanija i ego posledstvija [PR-technologies and modern society: mechanisms of action and its consequences]. Zhurnal filosofskikh issledovaniy, DOI: 10.12737/16713. Available at: http://www.naukaru.ru/journal/article/view/16713/ (rus).
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  3. Orehovskaja N. A. (2010). Massovoe soznanie kak ob"ekt informacionno-kommunikativnyh PR-tehnologij [Mass consciousness as an object of information and communication PR-technologies]. M.: Izd-vo «Jetnosocium», 156 (rus).
  4. Shramko O. I. (2011). Filosofiia mystetskoi osvity v konteksti suchasnoi transformatsii piznannia [Philosophy of artistic education in the сontext of modern transformation of cognition]. Aktualni problemy dukhovnosti, 12, Kryvyi Rih: KDPU, 228 – 237 (ukr).
  5. Shramko O. I. (2011). Mystetska osvita v systemi suchasnoi transformatsii piznannia: dukhovni priorytety [Art education in the system of modern transformation of cognition: spiritual priorities]. Naukovyi chasopys Natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni M. P. Drahomanova. Seriia 14. Teoriia i metodyka mystetskoi osvity. Proceedings of the IV International Conference «Humanistychni oriientyry mystetskoi osvity», 11 (16), K.: NPU, 8 – 11 (ukr).
  6. Sova M. O. (2005). Intehratsiia khudozhno-kulturolohichnykh znan u systemi profesiinoi pidhotovky vchytelia humanitarnykh dystsyplin [The art and culture knowledge integration in the system of the professional training of the humanities’ teachers] : Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis, K., 43 (ukr).

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Karelina O. 

Karelina Olena, Ph. D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Economic Cybernetics, Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University, Ruska st. 56, 46001 Ternopil, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The new concept «interpractice learning» in the article is proposed. The ground of it are the interactive learning technologies and the methods implementation of activity approach to learning.

Scope of the concept and components of pedagogic technology «interpractice learning» was identify: the goal of learning process, content, forms and learning methods, their sequence, time and stages of application. The learning process goal in interpractice learning is acquirement of activity, which is the object of study. Adequate means to master activity provides interactive learning. That is why their forms and methods in the interpractice learning technology is uses.

Pedagogical conditions of interpractice learning implementation was identify:

  • it have restrictions on mastering the activity, which operate with physical objects and living organisms, fully implemented for training professionals who work with information;
  • methods of interactive and activity learning are uses;
  • requires full immersion in activity so the interpractice can be studied only major discipline for the formation of professional competence;
  • most appropriate to implement in the system of professional education which a top aims is mastering multifaceted profession activity.

Example of interpractice learning implementation was present for studying business management process approach. Research carried out for specialty 051 «Economy» and specialties of knowledge domain «07. Management and administration».

Prospects for further research are development of learning cases for interpractice studying economic disciplines. Another aspect of our research will be practical test of learning cases effectiveness.

Keywords: activity approach to learning;  formation of professional competence;  future professionals of business and management;  interactive learning;  interpractice learning;  pedagogical technology.



  1. Zavrazhin A. V. (2016). Realizacija dejatel'nostnogo podhoda v interaktivnom obuchenii [Realization the activity approach in the interactive learning]. Young scientist. No. 7. Pp. 80-83 (rus).
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  9. Harishankar, V. B., Ghode, A., Bandyopadhayay, A., Scotlin, M. Murthy, H. A., Gonsalves, T. A., Jhunjhunwala, A., 2007, in IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 241, Home Informatics and Telematics: ICT for the Next Billion, eds. Venkatesh, A., Gonsalves, T., Monk, A., Buckner, K., (Boston: Springer), pp. 79-89 (eng).
  10. Joost Heijs. (December 2011). Innovation Capabilities and Learning. In Interactive Learning for Innovation, pp. 206–233. Available at: http://www.palgraveconnect.com/pc/doifinder/10.1057/9780230362420.0018, DOI: 10.1057/9780230362420.0018 (eng).

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Familyarskaya L. 

Familyarskaya Larissa, teacher of the Department of Pedagogy and Andragogy, Zhytomyr Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education, Mikhailovskaya Street 15, 10014 Zhitomir, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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In proposed article considered basic theoretical and methodological approaches of philosophers, sociologists, economists, psychologists, teachers, representatives of other sciences to solve problems of mobility as one of the characteristics in the processes of human social functioning in the modern world, social groups, communities, personal development and humanity in general. The dominant interpretation of individual mobility is the idea of adaptation, flexibility and responsiveness to changing, unpredictable conditions in professional activities.

Mobility as one of the essential parameters of professional and social maturity of person, is the special property that characterizes the human inner willingness to qualitative changes. Integrating scientific points of view, we understand mobility as personal ability to adapt to rapid changes, modifications of professional activity in terms of new conditions or effectively knowledge in familiar or unusual situations with least resistance and minimal losses on their physical, psychological and emotional resources. Rapid adaptation in the information world is one of the constituent characteristics of a mobility concept.

Mobility of teachers should understand as personal ability to adapt to changes, that’s ensuring professional stability and active professional position. It is a condition to consciously move from position to position.

Thus, mobility as a pedagogical category expresses the idea of translational changes in accordance with the educational needs and conditions of the educational environment.

However, the problem of teacher mobility requires thorough research, due to several factors including changes in professional activity and due to globalization and integration, rapid updating of information and communication technologies and functionality of modern computer equipment, society need specialists able to be competitive in the labor market.

The prospect of further research is definition of «information and communication teacher mobility» and its essential characteristics.

Keywords:  adaptation;  education;    environment;  mobility; personality; teacher.



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Zagorodnya A. 

Zagorodnya Alla,Ph.D., professor of the department of vocational education and university management, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (IAPM), str. Frometivska 2, 03039 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


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The author reveals a problem as the content of professional training specialists ofthe economic sector in Ukraine. The author notes that the requirements of social order of modern society on training specialists of economic sectors as creative individuals, capable professional and personal self-development and self-improvement to function in a changing environment professional environment, determine the relevance of renewal, reform and modernize the content of their training in terms of higher education. The content of education is enshrined public documents, educational standards, curricula, educational programs and implement its main provisions. Planning and organization of educational process in higher education are made on the basis of the curriculum. The curriculum is due to the industry standard of higher education. The current curriculum is a normative university document. The curriculum consists on based program for professional training and structural logic circuit training. Higher education institution defines a set of subjects and hours, which lead to the study of each subject as a whole and in individual stages. The content of education is the most important component of the educational system and in accordance with the main purpose of the planned changes in it. The essence of organizational management, economic and legal reforms - these are the conditions and mechanisms to develop and implement new educational content experts. The content of education is not a constant. It varies depending on the level of science, socio-economic and cultural state of society to meet the needs of youth educational attainment and prospects of social and economic development.

Keywords: economic education; economic sector;  professional training.



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Clopov R.

Clopov Roman, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Physical Culture and Sports, Zaporizhzhya National University, 66 Zhukovskogo str., 69600 Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Beskorovaynaya Larisa, Ph.D of Pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, Department of tourism, Doctoral Student, Zaporizhzhya National University, 66 Zhukovskogo str., 69600 Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The theoretical and practical experience in the training of future masters in tourism studies, the need for and feasibility study for the individual issues at the present stage of development of Ukraine. The authors have identified promising areas and offered their own proposals to address specific issues related to the advanced professional training of future masters in tourism studies.

Based on the theoretical analysis of the study found that professional competence is a necessary component of professionalism.

Theoretical analysis shows that the training of future masters of tourism studies is one of the issues of vocational education and discussed in the scientific literature. Based on the analysis and our own experience, we found that ordering designated training possible conditions for a thorough study of the structure of the future training of future masters in tourism studies; depth analysis of their professional functions; identify the skills required for the successful implementation of future career and to achieve the best balance between theoretical and practical training of future masters in tourism studies in higher education. The author’s vision of addressing specific issues related to the modern training of future masters in tourism studies.

According to the authors, the problem of training of future master of tourism has not sufficiently explored the theoretical and methodological areas that don’t allow full use of the educational potential of higher education in Ukraine. The authors are sure that it is necessary to investigate, explore and develop the concept and model of training of the future master of tourism.

Keywords:  future master in tourism studies;  higher education;  professional training, professional competence, competence


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Kovaljsjkyj Roman, post-graduate student of Kiev University named after Boris Grinchenko, Professor, Kamenetz-Podolsk College of culture and arts street Shevchenko, 5, 32320 Kamenets-Podolskiy, Ukraine. Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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This article highlighted level characteristic of future music teachers for managing a pop-instrumental group. The work has defined criteria groups, which reflect the peculiarities of motivational, evaluative, cognitive, actively creative areas of future music teacher. The chosen criteria system reflects a holistic nature of the investigated-personalistic formation in respect of work with school pop-instrumental group. Examined criterias are basic and show the indicators of future music teachers’  readiness to work with pop-instrumental group.

It is noted that the modern music teacher education can’t be effective without taking into consideration the basic professional skills, valuation and comparison of  subjective and objective, internal and external, development of specific skills of certain activities, realization of the necessity the mastery of basic skills from low to high level.

A formed level of professional knowledge and skills of music teacher was determined based on multifunctionality of such profession (structural, communicative, artistic and creative). In particular importance was attached to the study of the presence of knowledge about the specific of creative activity of school pop-instrumental, understanding of its social purpose, making a perspective plan of creative activity, knowledge of compilation repertoire peculiarities. Basing on students survey analysis, it’s affirm that at the initial stage of training most students have not yet formed a focus on the specific  music activity, they have no clear idea about the future music pedagogical work. Failures in training to work with pop-instrumental group of future music teachers are conditioned by insufficient disclosure of training programs problems, which are connected with peculiarities and specific work with students. Therefore, to solve the task of training of future music teachers is impossible without studying their specialization during the initial period of training.

Key words:  criteria;  music teacher;  professional training;  readiness.


  1. Oleksjuk O. M. (1997). Formuvannja dukhovnogho potencialu studentsjkoji molodi v procesi profesijnoji pidghotovky [The formation of the spiritual potential of the students in the training process: Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis]. K., 50 (ukr).
  2. Padalka Gh. M. (2008). Pedaghoghika mystectva (Teorija i metodyka vykladannja mystecjkykh dyscyplin) [Pedagogy of art (Theory and methods of teaching art subjects)]. K., 274 (ukr).
  3. Ghoncharenko S. U. and others (2000). Profesijna osvita: Slovnyk: navch. posibnyk [Professional education: Dictionary: proc. Manual]. N. Gh. Nychkalo (Ed.). K: Vyshha shkola, 380 (ukr).
  4. Raven Dzh. (1999). Pedagogicheskoe testirovanie: Problemy, zabluzhdenija, perspektivy [Pedagogical testing: Problems, confusion, prospects]. M.: Koghyto-Centr, 144 (rus).
  5. Rostovsjkyj O. Ja. (1997). Pedaghoghika muzychnogho spryjmannja [Pedagogy of musical perception]. K.: IZMN, 248 (ukr).
  6. Rudnycjka O. P. (2005). Pedaghoghika: zaghaljna ta mystecjka [Pedagogics: General and artistic]. Ternopilj: navch. knygha – Boghdan, 360 (ukr).
  7. Sysojeva S. O. (2006). Osnovy pedaghoghichnoji tvorchosti [Foundations of pedagogical creativity]. K.: Milenium, 344 (ukr).
  8. Smyrnova T. A. (2003). Teoretychni ta metodychni zasady dyryghentsjko-khorovoji osvity u vyshhykh navchaljnykh zakladakh [Theoretical and methodological foundations of conducting and choral education in higher educational institutions: Doctor’s thesis]. K., 502 (ukr).
  9. Salpykova Indira,PolitaevaTatyana (2016). The Forming of Prospective Music Teachers Readiness to Professional Activity in a Multicultural Society. International journal of environmental science education, vol. 11, no. 8, 1849-1861, DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016. 559 a (eng).

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Slipchuk Valentina, PhD in pedagogics, associate professor, associate professor of the department of medical and general chemistry, Bohomolets National Medical University, Shevchenko boulevard, 13, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


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The article examines trends in professional training of pharmaceutical industry in higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institutions of Ukraine in 50-60's,  20th century, namely the introduction of new forms, methods and means of education; implementation of research topics under pharmaceutical production proposal; organization of scientific groups work; publishing of collections of scientific works; implementation of the scientific principle by introducing course works on specific subjects; typographic publishing of documentation forms for pharmacy laboratory classes, lab logs-reports on production practices, guidelines for practical classes  using computer technology of the time; publishing of textbooks, teaching materials, laboratory logs for laboratory classes, practical seminars; introduction of professional undergraduate training at the Faculties of Pharmacy for pharmaceutical industry professionals intending to work abroad; general education discipline program expansion and auditorium load increase for future professionals of the pharmaceutical industry; it was found that coordination of work plans according  to subjects of professional undergraduate training of professionals took place and the linkage of teaching of these disciplines to Marxist - Leninist theory, based on dialectical materialism and advanced Soviet science, education of future professionals of the pharmaceutical industry in the spirit of national pride, Soviet patriotism and love for the Homeland; change of the training period and increased chemical component in the undergraduate professional training for the pharmaceutical industry of the UkrSSR.

Keywords:  Pharmaceutical Education;  pharmaceutical industry professionals;  professional training;  trends.



  1. ALNMUDG, op. 1, spr. 316. Prikazy po L'vovskomu medicinskomu institutu za 1960, t. 2, 338 ark. (rus).
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  8. Uchebnyj plan zaochnogo fakul'teta (otdelenija) farmacevticheskogo instituta. Kvalifikacija specialista – provizor. Srok obuchenija 5 let: Utv. Ministerstvom vysshego i srednego special'nogo obrazovanija SSSR i Ministerstvom zdravoohranenija SSSR 26 aprelja 1960 g. # 4 med. / Uchebnye plany vysshih medicinskih uchebnyh zavedenij. M.: CIU, 1960. S. 69-74. (rus).
  9. Uchebnyj plan farmacevticheskogo fakul'teta (instituta), special'nost' – farmacija, kvalifikacija specialista – provizor. Srok obuchenija 4 goda 6 mes.: Utv. Ministerstvom vysshego i srednego special'nogo obrazovanija SSSR i Ministerstvom zdravoohranenija SSSR 17 fevralja 1965 g. # 1 med. – M.: M-vo zdravoohranenija SSSR, CMK po vysshemu medicinskomu obrazovaniju, 1965. S. 52-55. (rus).
  10. CzDAVO Ukrayiny`, f. 342, op. 15, spr. 6095, ark. 38-47 (ukr).
  11. Slipchuk V. (2015). The concept of research of pharmacists professional training in Ukraine. The advanced science journal. United states, Issue 01, 41-44, DOI: 10.15550/ASJ.2015.01.041 (eng).

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Iryna Didenko, Assistant of the Foreign Languages Department of the Faculty of Economics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Volodymyrska str., 60, 01033 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


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During 1905-1907 social and political life in Russia increased enormously and that could not help affecting the activity of such progressive phenomenon as educational congresses. Compared to the previous congresses the political aspects were added to the agenda of the congresses of the given period. Congresses participants discussed the issues of national schools, the necessity of using mother tongue in teaching, publishing books and course-books in the mother tongue of national minorities, and introduction of national languages teacher training through appropriate language courses in teacher seminaries and institutes. Some other very important political and educational problems were discussed during the pedagogical congresses of that time: declaration of thoughts, press, and strike freedom; democratization of education, equal access to education, free and compulsory primary education. Everything was possible due to the emergence of the All-Russian Teacher Union - the largest professional organization of the teachers of that time. The Union was very productive and active. During a year after its appearing it has conducted three pedagogical congresses. It was educational and political organization. The specific feature of that time was impossibility of separating education from politics. The activity of the congresses was conducted under the governmental pressure. Many members of the Union were arrested or fired. In order to help them the Union organized special funds of mutual insurance.     

Keywords:  democratization of education;  equal access to education;  free education;  fund of mutual insurance;  national schools;  pedagogical congress;  teacher collaboration; teaching in native language.



1. Vasylevych V. (1905). Moskovsky syezd predstaviteley uchytelskikh obshchestv vzaimopomoshchi 28.12.1902 – 06.01.1903 г. [Moscow Congress of the Representatives of Teacher Mutual Aid Societies]. М.: Tipographia T-va I. D. Sytina, 171 (rus).

2. Vdovenko V. V. (2005). Problemy pochatkovoi osvity Ukrayiny v roboti pedagogichnykh zyizdiv (1861-1920rr.) [Problems of Primary Education in the Context of Pedagogical Congresses (1861 - 1920)]: Candidate’s thesis. K., 19 (ukr).

3. Didenko I. O. (2013). Pedagogichni zyizdy na terenakh Urkainy ta Rosii: vytoky ta naslidky [Pedagogical congresses on the territory of Ukraine and Russia: the sources and the consequences]. Pedagogika ta psykhologia (44), 137-146 (ukr).

4. Istoria profsoyuzov [The history of Trade Unions]. Available at: http://istprof.ru/2330.html (rus).

7. Kapranova E. G. Pervy uchytelskiy syezd [The First Teacher Congress]. Available at: http://www.museum.unn.ru/managfs/index.phtml?id=8006_09 (rus).

6. Kondrashov A. Ocherk istorii Vserosiyskogo soyuza uchiteley [An Essay on the History of All-Russian Teacher Union]. Available at: http://pedagog-prof.org/2015-05-17-11-19-58/44-2015-06-09-19-04-28 (rus).

7. Korzunova L. G. (2010). O stanovlenii sistemy povysheniya kvalifikatsii professionalno-pedagogicheskikh kadrov v Rossii [About the Establishing of the System of Teaching Staff Professional Growth in Russia]. Vestnik CHGPU, Cheliabinsk, (11), 94-101 (rus).

8. Protokoly vtorogo delegatskogo syezda Vserosiyskogo Soyuza uchiteley i deyateley po narodnomu obrazovaniyu 26-29 dekabria 1905 goda. (1906) [The Minutes of the 2nd Delegate Congress of All-Russian Teacher Union].Spb.: Tipografia S.M.Muller, 111 (rus).

9. Anderson T. (2003). Getting the Mix Right Again: An Updated and Theoretical Rationale for Interaction. The International Review Of Research In Open And Distributed Learning, 4(2), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v4i2.149 (eng).

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Sysoieva S. 

Sysoieva Svetlana, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Full Member (Academician) of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Head of Scientific-Research Laboratory of Educology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Tymoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine,  Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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In the article the experience of implementing Doctor degree (Ed.D.) in education in the USA is presented. On the basis of dissertation research by American scientists  the common and different between scientific degrees of Ph.D. (Ph.D. in Education) and Ed.D. (Doctor of education) in the US has been analyzed. It is concluded that implementation levels of Ph.D. and Ed.D. in education in Ukraine requires diligence in determining their content and target audience of consumers, and therefore at this stage of higher education reforming  is feasible only implementation of Ph.D. in education without limiting access to scientific research of practical teachers in education.

Analytical review of research, learning theory and practice on the issue of the existence of two degrees Ph.D. and Ed.D., has allowed researchers to develop reasonable guidelines for promoting doctorates in education in the United States and resolving existing contradictions. It should be emphasized that these studies help universities understand the importance of the reform of academic degrees, as well as provide practical actionable steps to its efficient and effective implementation.

It is concluded that implementation of Ph.D. and Ed.D. levels in education in Ukraine requires diligence in determining their content and target audience of consumers, and therefore at this stage of reforming of higher education is feasible only implementation of Ph.D. education without limiting access to scientific research in practical education.

Keywords: degree;  Doctor in Education;  PhD in education.



  1. Zakon Ukrayiny «Pro vyshchu osvitu» (01.07.2014). [The Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education»]. № 1556-VII. Available at: http://vnz.org.ua/zakonodavstvo/111-zakon- ukrayinypro-vyschu-osvitu (ukr).
  2. Doctor of Education Degree. Available at: http://education.illinois.edu/current-students/graduate/coe-graduate-handbook/edd (eng).
  3. Doctor of Philosophy Degree. Available at: http://education.illinois.edu/current-students/graduate/coe-graduate-handbook/phd (eng).
  4. Doctorate in Education (Ed.D.). Available at: http://teach.com/how-to-become-a-teacher/teacher-education/doctorate-in-education-edd (eng).
  5. Douglass H. R. (1943). The Ed.D. as a professional degree. The Phi Delta Kappan, 25 (8), 181-183 (eng).
  6. Ed.D. vs. Ph.D. Degrees. Available at: http://teach.com/how-to-become-a-teacher/teacher-education/doctorate-in-education-edd/edd-vs-phd-degrees (eng).
  7. Hollis E. V. (1946). Ed.D. vs. Ph.D. in education. The Phi Delta Kappan, 27 (9), 258-259 (eng).
  8. Hollis E. V. (1942). Two doctoral degrees. The Journal of Higher Education, 13 (5), 256-262 (eng).
  9. Johns Hopkins School of Education – Doctor of Education (EdD) Admissions. Available at: http://education.jhu.edu/Academics/doctoral/EdD/admissions.html (eng).
  10. Kennedy M. D., Jr. (2012). Practictioners or researchers: ED.D. or PH.D.? Ananalysis of educational leadership doctoral programs. The University of Southern Mississippi, 167 (eng).
  11. Newsom T. W. (2011). A critical analysis of Ph.D. AND Ed.D. dissertation abstracts published during 2009 and 2010. University of North Texas, 73 (eng).
  12. Osguthorpe R. T., Wong M. J. (1991). The Ph.D. versus the Ed.D.: Time for a decision. Innovation Higher Education, 18 (1), 47-63 (eng).
  13. Ph.D. vs. Ed.D. Programs: What’s the Difference? Available at: http://study.com/articles/PhD_vs_EdD_Programs_Whats_ the_Difference.html (eng).

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Batechko Nina, doctor of pedagogical sciences, leading researcher of Scientific-Research Laboratory of Educology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Tymoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The peculiarities of training of master’s degree students - future teachers of higher educational institutions in the United States are grounded in the article. The main tendencies of the US higher education development and their impact on the organization of training of master’s degree students - future teachers of higher school are noted. The basic vectors of the research in pedagogical theory on the problems of American higher school and basic directions of comparative pedagogical research are outlined. The general tendencies of master training in the US and their interdependence with the training process for future higher school teachers in the US are analyzed. The examples of introducing of innovative forms and methods of training of future teachers of higher educational institutions in the conditions of magistracy are provided. Important areas of implementation of the American experience in training of master’s degree students in higher school in Ukraine are determined.

Key words: magistracy,  master’s degree student,  higher school teacher.


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4.     Burdina S.V. Sy`stema pidgotovky` magistriv upravlinnya osvitoyu u vy`shhy`x navchal`ny`x zakladax SShA: avtoref. dy`s. na zdobuttya nauk. stup. knd. ped. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya kand. ped. nauk: specz. 13.00.06 «Teoriya ta metody`ka upravlinnya osvitoyu» / Svitlana Vasy`livna.

5.     Vitvy`cz`ka S.S. Pedagogichna osvita magistriv v umovax stupenevoyi osvity`: teorety`ko-metodologichny`j aspekt: Monografiya / S.S. Vitvy`cz`ka. – Zhy`tomy`r: Vy`d-vo ZhDU im.. I. Franka, 2009. – 440 s.

6.     Zvary`ch Iry`na: Sutnist` problemy` pedagogichnoyi kompetentnosti vy`kladachiv u vy`shhy`x navchal`ny`x zakladax SShA / Iry`na Zvary`ch // Vy`shha osvita Ukrayiny`. – 2011. – # 3. S. 112-118.

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11.   Riznichenko S.T. Do problemi atestatsIYi naukovo-pedagogIchnih kadrIv v SShA / S.T. Riznichenko // TeoretichnI pitannya osvIti ta vihovannya. – 2000. – № 9. – S. 112-116.

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13. Gaff L.G. Preparing future faculty in the humanities and social sciences. A guide for change / L.G. Gaff, A.S. Pruitt-Logan, L.M. Sims, D.D. Denecke. – Washington, DC, 2003. – 130 p.

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Natalia Mospan, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of English Philology and Translation Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Tymoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine,  Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The article presents the current trends in the preparation of students in higher education in the EU. These trends are identified on the basis of the analysis of legal documents (legal acts of primary and secondary law), which reflect the EU response to contemporary global changes in education: globalization and marketization. These processes require from higher education to provide new approaches to the training of students in accordance with labour market demands. With this in mind, the author focuses on the process of teacher training as well.
Keywords:  higher education;  labour market;  legal acts;  training of students;  the EU.


1. ACT of 27 July 2005 Law on Higher Education (Dziennik Ustaw). Official Journal of Laws of 2005, No.164, item 1365. Available at: http://www.nauka.gov.pl/g2/

2. 98/561/EC: Council Recommendation of 24 September 1998 on European cooperation in quality assurance in higher education. Available at: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1466423507695&uri=CELEX:31998H0561

3. Council Resolution of 17 December 1999 on «Into the new millennium»: developing new working procedures for European cooperation in the field of education and training. Available at: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1466423507695&uri=CELEX:32000Y0112(03)

4. Labour Market Regulation Act (ZUTD). Available at: https://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/docs/ELECTRONIC/89477/102807/F-392019526/Labour%20Market%20Regulation.pdf

5. Law on Higher Education for the Republic of Serbia. Available at: http://www.minoritycentre.org/sites/default/files/law-higher-education-serbia.pdf

6. Mos’pan N. V. (2014). Maybutnye profesiyi vchytelya v umovakh komertsializatsiyi vyshchoyi osvity v YeS [The future of the teaching profession in terms of the commercialization of higher education in the EU]. Visnyku ChNPU, #119, 163–167 (ukr).

7. Ognevyuk V., Sysoieva S. (2015). Training of educational experts in Ukraine: experimental interdisciplinary program. The advanced science journal (6), pp. 98-103, DOI: 10.15550/ASJ.2015.06.098

8. Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68 of the Council of 15 October 1968 on freedom of movement for workers within the Community. Available at: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/HR/TXT/?uri=CELEX:31968R1612

9. Resolution of the Council and of the Ministers of Education, meeting within the Council, of 13 December 1976 concerning measures to be taken to improve the preparation of young people for work and to facilitate their transition from education to working life. Available at: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1466423507695&uri=CELEX:41976X1230

10. Resolution of the Council and of the Ministers of Education meeting within the Council of 15 January 1980 concerning measures to be taken to improve the preparation of young people for work and to facilitate their transition from education to working life. Available at: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1466423507695&uri=CELEX:41980X0130

11. Resolution of the Council and of the Ministers for Education, meeting within the Council, of 12 July 1982 concerning measures to be taken to improve the preparation of young people for work and to facilitate their transition from education to working life. Available at: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1466423507695&uri=CELEX:41982X0728

12. Resolution of the Council and of the Ministers for Education, meeting with the Council of the 5 December 1985 extending for one year certain measures taken to improve the preparation of young people for work and to facilitate their transition from education to working life. Available at: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1466423507695&uri=CELEX:41985X1218

13. The Lisbon Treaty. Title XII – Education, vocational training, youth and sport. Article 165-166. Available at: http://www.lisbon-treaty.org/wcm/the-lisbon-treaty/treaty-on-the-functioning-of-the-european-union-and-comments/part-3-union-policies-and-internal-actions/title-xii-education-vocational-training-youth-and-sport.html


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Kohut S. 

Kohut Svitlana, PhD in Pedagogy, Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of General and Social Pedagogy, Higher Educational Institution “Ukrainian Catholic University”, Sventsitskoho st., 17, 79011, Lviv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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Pedagogy of labour in Poland is a relatively independent pedagogical sub discipline well-grounded from the position of pedagogical theory and practice needs. It has a distinct theoretical and methodological basement, and its own categorical apparatus. The sub discipline is a scientific base for a pedagogical specialty of “pedagogy of labour”.

The research and analysis of the tasks set by modern pedagogy of labour in Poland are extremely important for the educational space of Ukraine from the view of understanding the essence of labour and its concernment for each particular human being and the society in general under the conditions of the market-oriented economy, the influence of the research results on training a human being in a profession and formation of his/her professionally and socially significant qualities.

Pedagogy of labour realizes interdisciplinary ties with psychology of labour, philosophy of labour, medicine of labour, anthropology, political and economic sciences. Today pedagogy of labour presents itself as a science, as a pedagogical discipline and a sphere of practical activities. Leading representatives of Polish pedagogy of labour, who have developed its methodological apparatus, are T. Nowacki, Z. Wiatrowski, S. Kwiatkowski, W. Furmanek. The article analyzes basic notions of pedagogy of labour as a pedagogical sub discipline. The Polish scientists consider labour, human being, education to be principal categories of pedagogy of labour. The cogency of terminology research is supported by the fact that the latter plays not only the communicative function, but also content and cognitive ones for the language of each scientific discipline is both the aim of the educational procedures and its instrument.

The peculiarity of Polish scientists, researchers of pedagogy of labour, is, as the author mentions, the fact that they consider not economical but humanistic aspects of the professional work to be primary. The humanistic aspects include understanding of labour as an inalienable life value, attitude of a human being to labour, his/her readiness to labour and adaptation to the latter etc.

The author also stresses on the importance of the Polish experience for the formation of the common field of scientific research, educational project activities under the conditions of Ukraine’s entering into the European space of communication.

Keywords:  education;  human being;  labour;  pedagogy of labour;  professional education.



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Yevtushenko N. 

Yevtushenko Nataliia, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of natural and mathematical sciences and methods of their teaching, Chernihiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education named after K. D. Ushynskyi, st. Slobids'ka, 83, 14000 Chernihiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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In the 1980s teacher education systems in Poland and Ukraine had a lot in common. Subsequently the proximity to political priorities and the affinity of the impact on the socio-economic changes predetermined a widespread similarity in the implementation of the objectives of educational reforms in these countries. In recent years, due to the combined efforts of the Polish scientific and educational communities there have been significant improvements in the system of national education in Poland.

Positive changes occurred in the last three decades in education in Poland well indicate prevailing at the state level ideology on the school functioning and the role of a school teacher in the classroom. Teacher training is an important component of teacher education and also a prerequisite for successful reforming and development of the national education system. In this context, the study of foreign experience is an urgent task for the Ukrainian pedagogical science. The writings of scientists examined the following aspects of preparation of future teachers in Poland: teacher education and its development (A. Gryschuk, T. Krystopchuk), trends in reforming public educational services and educational development (A. Karpenko, V. Majboroda), the problems of professional training of teachers (A. Vasyliuk), training of teachers of technical subjects (T. Barskyi) and training of engineers and teachers of higher technical schools (E. Neroba). At the same time, the development of the concept of teacher training in the system of higher education in Poland by changing the approaches to the implementation of such training and the content of training programs in the country has not still found adequate reflection both in the works of Ukrainian scientists and in practice.

The paper aims to overview the main concepts of teacher training in Poland which will promote using the positive foreign experience for transforming the content, the forms and the methods of training of future teachers in Ukraine.

Keywords:  concepts of teacher trainingin Polandpedagogical educationof Ukraineteacher.


  1. Vasyljuk A. V. (2011). Tendenciji reformuvannja shkiljnoji osvity Poljshhi (ХХ – pochatok ХХІ st.) [Tendencies of school education reforming in Poland (ХХ – beginning ХХІ)] : Doctor’s thesis. K., 462 (ukr).
  2. Novacka U. (2002). Orghanizacija pedaghoghichnykh praktyk studentiv matematychno-pryrodnychogho viddilu vyshhoji pedaghoghichnoji shkoly [Organisation of pedagogical training for the students of Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty in Pedagogical University] : Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. K., 22 (ukr).
  3. Kwiatkowska H. (1997). Edukacja nauczycieli. Konteksty. Kategorie. Praktyki. Warszawa : Wydawnictwo IBE, 239 (pol).
  4. Lewowicki T. (2007). Problemy kształcenia i pracy nauczycieli. Warszawa – Radom : Wydawnictwo Instytutu Technologii Eksploatacji PIB, 148 (pol).
  5. Ognevyuk V., Sysoieva S. (2015). Training of educational experts in Ukraine: experimental interdisciplinary program. The advanced science journal (6), pp. 98–103, DOI: 10.15550/ASJ.2015.06.098 (eng).
  6. Okoń W. (1988). Kształcenie nauczycieli w Polsce – stan i kierunki przebudowy (raport tematyczny KEN nr 4). Warszawa – Kraków : PWN, 170 (pol).
  7. Plewka С. (2009). Uwarunkowania zawodowego rozwoju nauczycieli. Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Instytutu Badań Edukacyjnych, 212 (pol).

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Tryhub Ilona, research worker of Scientific-Research Laboratory of Educology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Tymoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The author analyzes the experience of training of experts in the field of education in such countries as: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia. It identified the following common features of professional training of experts in the field of education: focus on quality assurance; implementation of vocational training as part of Continuing Education; seminars and conferences as the basic forms of training; lack of training of experts in the field of education in universities; election of candidates for experts in the field of education from experienced teachers with the experience and good practice; compliance with official Code of Ethics of professional experts in the field of education; International cooperation in quality assurance. 

Specific trends in training experts in the field of education are observed in Slovenia, where candidates for admission to the roster of experts should be involved in the system of compulsory education. The special trends also include the following: periodic trainings and conferences are forms of additional training; Learning involves mastering candidates for experts: the overall quality (acquiring broad knowledge system in education); special qualities (equivalent knowledge in specific subject areas, a high level of English and a basic level of knowledge of another language, the ability to conduct interviews, the ability to communicate and work in a group, the ability to prepare and effective implementation of projects and management, impartiality and independence).

Key words:  Eastern Europe countries;  expert in the field of education;  quality of education.


  1. Andrys O. Vstup do systemy osvity Chekhiyi. Rol' derzhavnoyi inspektsiyi navchal'nykh zakladiv u Chekhiyi [Introduction to the Czech education system. The role of the State Inspectorate for educational establishments in the Czech Republic]. Available at: rttp://kno.rada.gov.ua/komosviti/doccatalog/ document?id =62125#290,37 (ukr).
  2. Karpenko O. V. (2012). Derzhavne upravlinnya suchasnoyu systemoyu osvitnikh posluh u Ches'kiy Respublitsi [Public administration of modern system of education services in the Czech Republic]. Pedahohika i psykholohiya: naukovo-teoretychnyy ta informatsiynyy zhurnal APN Ukrayiny, # 1, 89–94 (ukr).
  3. Kas'yanova O. M. (2010). Ekspertyza rehional'noyi systemy osvity na zasadakh staloho rozvytku [Expertise of the regional education system on the basis of sustainable development]. Teoriya ta metodyka upravlinnya osvitoyu, # 3. Available at: http://tme.umo.edu.ua/docs/3/10kaspsd.pdf (ukr).
  4. Klyuchkovych T. V. (2013). Problema yakosti vyshchoyi osvity v suchasniy Slovachchyni [The problem of the quality of higher education in modern Slovakia]. Available at: http://virtkafedra.ucoz.ua/el_gurnal/pages/vyp12/kluchkovich.pdf (ukr).
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  6. Sysoyeva S. O., Batechko N. H. (2011). Vyshcha osvita Ukrayiny: realiyi suchasnoho rozvytku [Higher education of Ukraine: realities of modern development]. K.: VD EKMO, 344 (ukr).
  7. Sysoyeva S. O., Krystopchuk T. Ye. (2012). Osvitni systemy krayin Yevropeys'koho Soyuzu: zahal'na kharakterystyka [Educational system countries of European Union: a general overview]. Rivne: Ovid, 352 (ukr).
  8. ENQA full members. Available at: http://www.enqa.eu/index.php/enqa-agencies/members/full-members/ (eng).
  9. European University Association (EUA). Available at: http://www.eua.be/about/who-we-are (eng).
  10. NAKVIS Experts. Available at: http://test.nakvis.si/en-GB/Content/Details/9 (eng).
  11. Ognevyuk V., Sysoieva S. (2015). Training of educational experts in Ukraine: experimental interdisciplinary program. The advanced science journal (6), 98-103, DOI: 10.15550/ASJ.2015.06.098 (eng).
  12. Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna. Available at: http://www.pka.edu.pl (eng).
  13. Poslání Akreditační komise. Available at: http://www.akreditacnikomise.cz/en/ (eng).
  14. Širok J., M. Sc., Debevec T. (2013). Manual for experts of the manual for experts of the Slovenian quality assurance agency Slovenian qualit y assurance agency for higher education. Littera Picta, 75 (eng).


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Lynyov V. 

Lynyov Vsevolod, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University PhD-student, 18/2 Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str, 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The basic directions of the Quality Schools International (QSI) and the organization of educational process based on personality oriented learning are defined in the article. Philosophical principles and mission of the Kyiv International School (KIS) are considered and analyzed. School assessment systembased on cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy (applying, analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating)is presented. It is designed to support the educational philosophy of the school and the «success orientations» (of trustworthiness, kindness/politeness, responsibility, independent endeavor, concern for others, group interaction, and aesthetic appreciation) model. The structure of the school year, the forming student’s competencesconditions aimed on developing successful personality and implementing the «success orientations» model are described.

The mission of Quality Schools International (QSI) is to keep the urge to learn alive in every child in schools. Kyiv International School (KIS) follows a logical model of education which measures success by the accomplishments and attitudes of the students, believes that all of them can succeed, encourages them to continue in a pattern of success and is responsible to provide the conditions for success. These conditions include 1) developing clear statements in measurable terms of what the student will do to demonstrate mastery of learning, 2) providing the time and resources needed for each student to attain mastery, and 3) ensuring that students engage in learning at a level which is challenging and yet a level for which each student has the prerequisite skills necessary for success.

Keywords:  Bloom’s taxonomy;  сcompetence;  competence approach;  Kyiv International School (KIS);  KIS basic directions of work;  personality oriented learning;  Quality Schools International (QSI);  «success orientations» model.


  1. Husev V. O., Usherenko S. V. (2016). Upravlinnia formuvanniam kompetentnostei zdobuvachiv vyshchoi osvity shliakhom vykorystannia khmarnykh servisiv [Management of competencies formation of candidates of higher education through the use of cloud services]. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, №8(4), 18-28, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15587/.2016.76151 (ukr).
  2. Natsionalna stratehiia rozvytku osvity v Ukraini na period do 2021 roku [National Development Strategy of Education in Ukraine until 2021]. Available at: https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fpon.org.ua%2Fengine%2Fdownload.php%3Fid%3D563%26viewonline%3D1 (ukr).
  3. Proekt Ministerstva osvity i nauky Ukrainy «Nova shkola: prostir osvitnikh mozhlyvostei» [The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine project «New School: area of educational opportunities»]. Available at: http://mon.gov.ua/%D0%9D%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B8%202016/08/17/mon.pdf (ukr).
  4. Proekt zakonu Ukrainy «Pro osvitu» [Draft Law of Ukraine «On Education»]. Available at: http://mon.gov.ua/activity/education/zagalna-serednya/gromadske-obgovorennya-zakonoproektu-%C2%ABpro-osvitu%C2%BB.html (ukr).
  5. Ofitsiinyi sait Kyivskoi mizhnarodnoi shkoly [Quality Schools International official website]. Available at: https://www.qsi.org/ (eng).
  6. Rozroblennia osvitnikh prohram (metodychni rekomendatsii) [Development of educational programs (guidelines)]. Available at: http://ihed.org.ua/images/biblioteka/rozroblennya_osv_ program_2014_tempus-office.pdf (ukr).
  7. Taksonomiia pedahohichnykh tsilei B.Bluma [Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives]. Available at: https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A2%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%96%D1%8F_%D0%91%D0%BB%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%B0 (ukr).
  8. QSI Information Packet 2016-2017 (information booklet) (eng).

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Karpenko Oresta, candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor, Drohobych Ivan Fanko State Pedagogical University, 24 Franko str., 82100 Drohobych, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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In the article the establishment of shelters in Germany, their role in childcare and education of children have been highlighted. A range of psychosocial factors (material poverty in families, lack of living space, unemployment and mental stress) underlie the decision to stay in a shelter. Shelters provide pupils with personal development (emotional and sensual needs satisfaction, formation of responsibility and self-worth), social development (preparation for social life and coexistence, formation of social responsibility), public health (provision of appropriate living conditions, nutrition, physical development and health insurance), preparation for independent life (access to schooling, free time management, assistance in finding work, etc.). Education in shelters is linked to the growing social problems. The article substantiates the idea of the living space oriented education in shelters which is characterized by a conscious transition of children and youth to alien educational surroundings. Numerous human and material investments into shelters over the recent years have facilitated their intense growth and improvement which has made them completely "favorable habitats" for children and youth. New difficulties are caused primarily by financial constraints. The reforms have led to qualitative and quantitative changes in pupils’ shelters and ensured that the new arisen needs of children, youth and their families are provided for.

Key words:  care;  children;  education;  Germany;  institutional forms;  needs;  shelter.



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  4. Freigang W., Wolf K. (2001). Heimerziehungsprofile. Sozialpädagogische Porträts [Home education profiles. Social pedagogical portraits]. Weinheim: Juventa, 192 (de).
  5. Handbuch Heimerziehung und Pflegekinderwesen in Europa [Manual residential care and foster children in Europe] (1999). H. Colla (Ed.). Neuwied : R. Ernst, 1176 (de).
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  12. Wolffersdorf Ch., Sprau-Kuhlen W., Kersten J. (1996). Geschlossene Unterbringung in Heimen [Closed institutionalization at homes]. Weinheim : DJI Verl., 402 (de).
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  14. Zehetner J. (1949). Heimerziehung [Home care]. Linz : Büchdruckerei des Amtes der ö. Landesregierung, 55 (de).

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Martynenko S.

Martynenko Svitlana, doctor of pedagogical science, professor, the head of the department of primary education and methods of the humanities of Pedagogical Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, I. Shamo Str., 18/2, 02154 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.  

Shkarban Lyudmila, lecturer of the department of primary education and methods of the humanities, Pedagogical Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, I. Shamo Str., 18/2, 02154 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. .uа


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The article analyzesthe content of professional training future primary school teachers to work with left-handed children, characterizes government documents, which regulating its content providing, the curriculum training direction 6.010102 «Primary Education» EQL «bachelor» Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, educational disciplines of professional and practical training. The author notes that an important part of training is pedagogical practice, during which students acquire professional practical skills, learn methods, techniques, principles, tools, forms of organization work with left-handed children.

It is found that the issues related to training, education and development of left-handed children are reported only fragmentary and episodic in disciplines psychological and pedagogical cycle. There are only a few special theoretical developments dedicated to working with children delineated categories, which greatly complicates further the professional activities of students.

The author mentions that it’s very important to add to the plan of training future primary school teachers the course «The work of primary school teacher with left-handed children» (for the third year students, EQL «bachelor», the curriculum training direction 6.010102 «Primary Education»). During the course, students will be able to get practical skills that will help to improve their readiness to work with left- handed children.

Key words:  content of professional training;  curriculum;  government documents;  left-handed children;  primary school teacher;  professional training.


  1. Hluzman N. A. (2011). Systema formuvannia metodyko-matematychnoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh uchyteliv pochatkovykh klasiv [The system of forming methodological and mathematical competence of future primary school teachers: Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis], 44 (ukr).
  2. Martynenko S. M. (2009). Systema pidghotovky vchytelja pochatkovykh klasiv do diaghnostychnoji dijaljnosti [The system of training primary school teacher to diagnostic activity: Doctor’s thesis]. K., 476 (ukr).
  3. Savchenko O. Ya. (2001). Udoskonalennja profesijnoji pidghotovky majbutnikh uchyteliv pochatkovykh klasiv [Improving the training of future primary school teachers]. Pochatkova shkola, # 7, 1–4 (ukr).
  4. Tymchasove polozhennja pro orghanizaciju osvitnjogho procesu v Kyjivsjkomu universyteti imeni Borysa Ghrinchenka [Temporary regulations on the organization of educational process in Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University]. Available at: http://kubg.edu.ua/images/stories/Departaments/nmc.kmn/org_osvit_proc_60.pdf (ukr).
  5. Khomych L. O. (1998). Profesijno–pedaghoghichna pidghotovka vchytelja pochatkovykh klasiv [Professional and pedagogical training of primary school teacher]. K.: Maghistr–S, 200 (ukr).
  6. Khoruzha L. L. (2004). Teoretychni zasady formuvannja etychnoji kompetentnosti majbutnikh uchyteliv pochatkovykh klasiv [The theoretical basis of formation of ethical competence of future primary school teachers: Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis]. K., 45 (ukr).
  7. Ognevyuk V., Sysoieva S. (2015) Training of educational experts in Ukraine: experimental interdisciplinary program. The advanced science journal (6), 98-103, DOI: 10.15550/ASJ.2015.06.098 (eng).

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Ovcharenko N. 

Ovcharenko Natalia, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, Kryvyi Rig State Pedagogical University, Gagarina 54-a st., 50086, Kryvyi Rig, , Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


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The article highlights the results of a study of the current state of training of future teachers of music to vocal and educational activities. The research is based on the analyses of regulation documents that underpin the training of future teachers of music to vocal and educational activities: State industry standard, educational qualification characteristics and educational and professional training programs, curricula and training programs for future teachers of music. According to the survey of students of art higher educational institutions author studied music teachers opinion on training graduate of the Faculty of Arts for vocal and educational activities and problems that arise during the adaptation of young specialists in general secondary institution. The following directions of modernization of training future teachers of music to vocal and educational activities have been found, as consideration in preparing the content structure of a multi-vocal teacher of teachers of music; realization competence approach for vocational training; implementing highly, multi-style and multi-genre repertoire according to the chosen style of singing;the use of educational material for in-depth analysis of vocal works and better understanding and interpretation of performance; study and implementation of international experience improving the quality of training of future teachers of music to vocal and educational activities.

Keywords:  future teacher on music art; professional training;  vocal and educational activities.



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Oleksandra Lysenko, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, Bogomolets National Medical University, blvd. T. Shevchenka, 13, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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This article highlights the necessity of control as a feedback form, which aims to verify compliance with the actual level of knowledge and practical skills of interns to set requirements for postgraduate stage of preparation; defines the features inherent in postgraduate stage of doctors training to be taken into account to ensure proper control, including its practical orientation, order full-time and part-time part of the training and andragogical characteristics of the individual adult learner (awareness of self independents, self-managed individual, accumulated experience, readiness to study, which is due to the motivation to achieve specific goals through education, commitment to rapid implementation of the acquired knowledge and skills, limited training activities over time at regular spatial, personal, professional and social factors); identifies the need of information and communication technologies usage for distance learning, particularly as those which least restrict the mobility of interns and not violate their self-perception as independent and self-governing individual, including through the use of computer gaming platforms, such as «Google Forms», «Quizlet, Proprofs», «Kahoot!», «Classmarker», «Plickers», «Easy Test Maker» to establish a feedback of the interim evaluation of learning, and creating a basis for discussion control with regard to structural features of postgraduate doctors’ training.

Keywords: computer gaming platform;  feedback;  information and communication technology.


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4. Nakaz Ministerstva okhorony zdorov"ya Ukrayiny vid 19.09.1996 r. #291 «Pro zatverdzhennya Polozhennya pro spetsializatsiyu (internaturu) vypusknykiv vyshchykh medychnykh i farmatsevtychnykh navchal'nykh zakladiv osvity III-IV rivnya akredytatsiyi medychnykh fakul'tetiv universytetiv» [Approval of Regulations on specialization (internship) graduates of medical and pharmaceutical educational institutions III-IV accreditation level medical faculties of universities]. Available at: http://zakon0.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0696-96 (ukr).
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Petrova S. 

Petrova Svitlana, PhD applicant, Municipal Educational Institution «Orphanage «Perlynka», director, Monastyrskyi lane 3, 65038 Odessa, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The article reviews a brief analysis of the structure and characteristics of innovative type orphanage model (for example orphanage “Perlynka” in Odessa.). This model is a tool for the integral result of the process of personal and social education, training and development. Structurally, it consists of six components: managerial, conceptual, organizational, educational, social partnership, resource. All components have system-creating character, affecting the development and functioning of the institution.

Modern orphanage has to take care of individual problems and needs of aconcretechild, it must be the center of successful socialization of orphans, their education, training, social and professional adaptation. That is why for many years we are working on the project “Model of Innovative Institution “Orphanage”Perlynka”.Within the project the research of improvement of orphanages is carried out, as well as creation of appropriate organizational and pedagogical conditions for the child, capable for conscious and responsible choice ofhis/her own way of development in different circumstances.

The orphanage “Perlynka” is not only an experimental teaching platform; the developed innovative educational technologiesare not only used, but improved and corrected. Teachers are improving themselves, respectively, all staff is involved in the creative process. Therefore, “Perlynka”can be called a pedagogical and research center, and the question of orphans’ personality formation occupies a central place in its theoretical research, teaching and implementation of innovative programs. Exactly this aspect connects together all areas of work with orphans and the developed and implemented innovative model of modern orphanage must be admitted as optimal one.

Keywords: innovative model of socio-cultural educational environment, socialization, personal and social self-realization.



  1. Bodnar O. S. (2015). Otsiniuvannia efektyvnosti upravlinnia analityko-ekspertnoiu diialnistiu u sferi zagalnoi serednoi osviti regionu [Measuring performance of management of analytical and expert activities in the field of secondary education in the region]. Scientific Journal «Science Rise», №4/1(9), 61-65. Available at: http://journals.uran.ua/sciencerise/article/ view/40114, DOI: 10.15587/2313-8416.2015.40114 (ukr.).
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  5. Petrova S. M. (2010). Proekt «Model innovatsii nogonavchalnogo zakladu «Dityachiibudynok «Perlynka». [The model of innovative educational institution «Orphanage «Perlynka»]. Available at: http://perlinka.org.ua/en/zhemchuzhinka/eksperimentalnaya-rabota-detskogo-doma/563-model-innovatsijnogo-navchalnogo-zakladu (ukr).
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  7. Chechel I. D., Potemkina T. V. (2014). Upravlencheskaia problema kak obekt analiza eksperta-konsultanta po voprosam razvitiia obrazovaniia [The management problem like an object of analysis of expert & consultant on development education question]. Sovremennyie issledovaniia sotsialnyikh problem, №6. Available at: http://www.sisp.nkras.ru, DOI: 10.12731/2218-7405-2014-6-23 (rus).

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Olishevych V.  

Violetta Olishevych, postgraduate, G. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University 49 Chobotarska Str., 61052 Kharkiv, Ukraine,  Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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This article refers to the specificity of work of a teacher of foreign languages with students of different ages. The age characteristics of students and their impact on the study of several foreign languages are considered. Particular attention is paid to the issue of the simultaneous study of several languages in the pedagogical and psychological aspects. On the basis of the scientific and technical literature it is determined that there are several stages of training activities of learning foreign languages which have their own characteristics. The student is considered as a subject of study who is in these educational stages and faces some problems in the study of foreign languages. On the basis of experience of the teachers of foreign languages the major problem is identified an antimotivational aspect in the process of teaching. Attention is focused on the formation of communicative competence in the training of each age period.

The publication refers to the expediency of the choice of methods and approaches that will enhance the educational process in the teaching of several foreign languages.

Key words:approaches; education; foreign language; interactive; methods; motivation; period.



  1. Baryshnikov N. V. (2003). Metodika obuchenija vtoromu inostrannomu jazyku v shkole [The methods of learning a second foreign language at school]. М.: Prosveshhenie, 159 (rus).
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  3. Lozanov G. (1976). Suggestologija. Metodika prepodavanija inostrannyh jazykov za rubezhom [Suggestologija. Methods of teaching foreign languages in abroad]. М.: Progress, 226 (rus).
  4. Derzhavnyj standart pochatkovoyi zahal"noyi osvity (2011). Postanova № 462 KMU vid 20 kvitnya 2011 roku. [The state standard of primary education. CMU Decree number 462 of April 20, 2011]. Available at: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/462-2011-%D0%BF (ukr).
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Kulbashna Y., Tkachuk

Kulbashna Yaroslava, Professor of the Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Doctor of Education, MD, O. Bogomolets National Medical University, 13 Shevchenko B., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

Tkachuk Elena, lecturer of the Department of physical education and health, O. Bogomolets National Medical University, 13 Shevchenko B., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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In the article considers the urgency of implementing competency approach in higher medical education, analyzes the real state of common competencies formation in future doctors according to domestic and foreign scientific sources. In particular, back in 1998 the Association of American Medical Colleges and faculty Medical College Charles Schmidt (Florida Atlantic University) identified 11 general competencies that graduates should obtain in all medical specialties, including: knowledge and research skills; patient care; ethics and law; professionalism; communication skills; general culture; promotion of healthy lifestyles and disease prevention population; lifelong learning and self-improvement; protection and preservation of health; self-awareness and personal development; active citizenship, service and protection of their rights. In following development of this process the Council for Accreditation of Postgraduate Medical Education «Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education» (1999) within «Outcome Project» has identified six general competencies for physicians of all specialties, namely medical knowledge; patient care; professionalism; interpersonal and communication skills; practice-oriented learning and improving, fundamentals of practice. The European experts in 2004 drafted «The Tuning Project Medicine», which reflected the formation of main general competencies in doctors, such as: professional properties; professionalism; doctor as an expert; global physician.

Active professional activities of physicians associated with high concentration, making quick decisions, speed and precision motor responses, and therefore requires formation of competencies that will ensure a healthy lifestyle, ability to overcome obstacles both in the profession and in everyday life to achieve optimal result in work and professional success. One of the subjects that contrsbute to shape appropriate professional competences, especially selfhelthcare and leadership is «Physical Education».

Based on the achivements of international educational organizations and own teaching experience, some of general competencies, which could be successfully formed in the learning process of discipline «Physical Education» was defined and their importance for future doctors in students of the first/ second courses and teachers of the National Medical University Bogomolets (Kyiv, Ukraine) were learned. The results of survey indicated a high level of significance of general competences (selfhelthcare, leadership, selfimprovement and selfdevelopment, desire to succeed, independent work, interpersonal skills and work in a team) according to assessment of students and teachers. They noticed, above mentioned competences could be formed in educational process of discipline «Physical Education». On the base of the obtained results, changes in labor training program discipline «Physical education» on basis of competence approach basis was proposed.

Keywords:  competence approach;  competence of health care;  general competence;  higher medical education;  leadership;  physical education;  physical training;  training future doctors.



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Manyuk L. 

Manyuk Lyubov, Seniour Lecturer, Department of Latin and Foreign Languages, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Pekarska St., 69, 79000 Lviv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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Professional communicative skills play a significant role in the physician’s career. The reliable and trustful relationships between physicians and patients improve and fasten a recovery process. Furthermore, the knowledge of proper communicative techniques and strategies can aid a visit planning and save both physician’s and patient’s time.

Communication of physicians in professional medium can be classified as official and semi-official according to its stylistic features. It can have linguistic, paralinguistic and non-verbal forms, and it may be oral, written or computer-mediated depending on the purpose of interaction, namely: «doctorpatient», «doctorpatient’s family and friends», «doctordoctor», «doctoradministration», «doctorfuture doctor», «doctorpublic», «doctormedia», «doctorscientific society». The effective communication in the mentioned types of interaction depends on the list of professional and personal factors.  However, the unique instrument of professional doctor communication is professional medical language which is further subdivided as formal, semi-formal, official and commercial. Medical language is the main component of linguistic competence which includes literacy in State, foreign and Latin languages.

Thus, professional medical communicative skills develop as the result of the interaction of linguistic competence, professional competence and personal features of a physician. The paper proves the significance of professional communication skills, describes the influence of doctor-patient relationship on the treatment outcomes and preventive care. It gives a profound analysis of the linguistic peculiarities of professional communication of future physicians, defines the notion of “professional communication” and describes its linguistic components.

Keywords:«doctor patient»;  interpersonal communicationlinguistic peculiarities of professional communicationmedical student;  physician;  professional communication.



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Skyba Mariya, candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor, candidate for a doctor’s degree, Institute of higher education of the National academy of educational sciences of Ukraine, Bastionna strett, 9, r. 810, 01014, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The article gives the definition of the term «training» and its value for higher education system. The main point of this article is to explain the importance of interactive methods and technology for the formation process of ecologo-pedagogical activity skills; to demonstrate the examples of their usage during the training process of future biology teachers, especially in the course of ecologo-pedagogical disciplines.   

We regard educational training as an active educational activity of students during which they do training exercises. The aim of the training exercises is to form organizational skills of ecologo-pedagogical activity under the teacher’s guidance which is based on the instructive and methodical materials. These materials correspond to all modern standards of professional activity. It is given the example of a training exercise developed for a discipline «The organization of ecologo-pedagogical activity” on the topic of «Ecological values in the system of National education».

It is also highlighted the value of the training exercise to form the knowledge about national ecology and to form the application of its elements during the process of studying biology (done both on the lessons and off-hour activities). Training exercise also helps to form cognitive, communicative, organizational, and constructive skills of ecologo-educational activity. There were made conclusions that realization of ecological training exercise attracts participant’s attention to the solving of environmental problems; activates nature protection activities; develops the independence of thought.

Key words:  ecologo-pedagogical activity;  future biology teachers;  training;  training exercise;  training structure.



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Mayer N. 

Mayer Natalia, Doctor of Pedagogical Science, senior lecturer, Kyiv National Linguistic University, 73 Vasylkovska St., 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The article describes a reflective campaign as one of the fundamental for the organization of academic process to the formation of methodical competence of the future teachers of foreign languages in independent work. The features of realization of reflexive approach by the relevant organization of the educational process aimed at the formation and development in the graduate, the future teachers of foreign languages, reflective knowledge, reflective thinking, reflexive position, reflective skills, methodological reflection.

It is proved that methodological reflection in the process of mastering the methodological competence is realized in two ways: while the undergraduates with the proposed teacher training materials in information and communication and learning environment under actual conditions of the educational process in pedagogical practice.

As a result of formation of methodical competence, taking into account the basic provisions of the reflexive approach should be professional and methodological development and personal transformation of the future teachers of foreign languages, formed readiness for constant reflexive activity, the interpretation of its own methodological advances on a personal level, that during the life will contribute to the formation of its own reflexive strategies and It will serve as a basis for improving teacher skills.

The prospect of further research in this direction could be a theoretical basis and practical development of complex tasks for the formation and development of methodological reflection in the process of professional and methodical preparation of the future teachers of foreign languages.

Keywords:  future teacher of foreign languages;  independent work;  information and communication training environment;  methodical competence; methodological reflection; reflective approach;  undergraduate.



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Rzhevskaya N. 

Rzhevskaya Natalia, the competitor of a scientific degree, SHEE «Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University of G. Skovoroda», Sukhomlinsky s., 30, 08401 Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Ukraine; Methodist of educational department, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economic, Kyoto str., 19, 02156 Kiev, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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In the article is noted the importance of forming not only professional, but also general competencies. The author attempts to investigate the package of the actual competences of Bachelor in Enterprise, Trade and Exchange activities.

The article emphasizes the impossibility of determining a sustainable set of competencies, as new realities of the economic sphere make adjustments to the functional responsibilities specialist. The author analyzed and summarized the list of competencies of profiles of educational programs of higher education in Ukraine. Investigated and substantiated the legal basis of specific competencies. The author concluded that the phenomenon of legal competence in education process for Bachelor in Enterprise, Trade and Exchange activities is on the basis of the results of research on the concept of legal culture, legal mentality, legal awareness and legal behavior as the primary basis for the formation of other competencies. Based on the general list of competencies Bachelor of Enterprise, Trade and Exchange activities have been allocated competence with the legal framework. It was analyzed each allocated competence and based on the legal, philosophical and social principles proved its legal basis. It is concluded that the legal competence profile program Bachelor of Enterprise, Trade and exchange activity is determined by a separate authority and is also the basis for the other competencies. This is its fundamental role can be defined as a phenomenon in education training.

Legal competence acts as a founder in the formation of other competencies, formation of legal thinking, legal awareness and legal culture, legal behavior, legal updating mentality that define professional and life success. In a broader sense the legal competence is a prerequisite for a harmonious integration into the European system of values and education.

Keywords:  bachelor in Business, Trade and Exchange activities;  competence;  legal awareness;  legal behavior;  legal culture;  legal mentality.



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Van Y. 

Van Yatszyun, Ph.D-student, South Ukrainian K. D. Ushynsky National Pedagogical University, 26 Staroportofrankivs'ka str., 65020 Odesa, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The modern idea about culture as an integral personal characteristic consists of many components that collectively, reflect the diversity of life relations, the level of comprehensive personal development and wealth of the inner world of man. The art that is not only a living embodiment of the central subsystem and culture, but also a powerful tool for development and takes a leading position in shaping human culture. Therefore, the closest to stand next to the concept of "culture" definitions that are associated with arts: aesthetic culture, art, music.

Communicative culture serves as the basis of general culture of personality, basic component of culture that ensures the readiness of the individual to life of self is the condition for achieving harmony with oneself and the surrounding reality. Communicative culture expresses the degree of mastery of the communicative process when an individual is able to differentiate its key components - the relationship and interaction - while consciously control each of them.

Established that communicative culture of the future teacher of music presupposes knowledge, skills and personal qualities that allow him to solve professional tasks in professional and creative level. In the study the professional field of vocational students in the process of conducting and choral studies we have identified the foundations of their culture of communication, namely the values, knowledge and skills, attitudes and experience.

Keywords:  communicative culture;  content;  structure;  the future teacher of music.



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Veremchuk Olena, senior lecturer of documentary communications and librarianship, Rivne State University of Humanities, 12 S. Bandera str., 33028 Rivne, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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In the proposed article grounds the necessity of formation of professional culture of the future experts in particular of the future of a documentation expert in higher educational institutions, which becomes important in the context of strengthening the culture in accordance aspect of their training. Reveals the urgency of forming the professional culture of the future experts in the conditions of higher education institutions is developed and revealed this issue in the scientific literature in the article.

The author's position is submitted by in the content of professional culture of a documentation expert. The author taking into account the views of scientists and the features of professional work of documentation experts by gives interpretation of the term "Professional culture of a documentation expert". There are basic aspects of the features of formation of professional culture of the future of documentation experts in higher education in this article.

According to the author, this problem is indirectly reflected in the content of a professional training a documentation expert and has not a systemic nature. This study confirms the documents regulating the content of training of the future of documentation experts.

The author proposed pedagogical conditions of to promote to the efficient resolution of this problem under this investigation. These are important pedagogical conditions for the professional training of future specialists and implementation of these pedagogical conditions can be in the professional training if these are to occur to simultaneously and in the interconnection.

Keywords:  culturepedagogical conditions; professional culture;  professional culture of a documentation expert;  professional training of are documentation experts.



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