Bila Irina, doctor of psychological sciences, leading research fellow of the department of pedagogic and psychology, Pedagogical Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, boul. I. Shamo, 18/2, 02154 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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 The article highlights the issue of Psychology of thinking and it's creative expressions in particular. It is emphasized the important role of individual regulators of creative thinking, strategies and trends of thinking. Attention is focused on the strategy by different authors and the signs of it's appearance and operation. Marked dependence of the strategies development on the individual subject and openness of creative and intellectual process. It describes the main types of strategies for creative thinking (analogy, combine, reconstruction, universal, spontaneous action) and examples of tactics, techniques, thinking that determine the style Individual creative activity of personality and its potential opportunities. With respect to the five main types of strategies (analoging, combining, reconstruction, universalism, spontaneity) is determined by the dominant creative organization of the personality. The prerequisites for the formation of strategies, their specificity and conditions of formation are being analyzed. Subjective reasons include knowledge and experience of the individual, it's opportunities of anticipation mindset and state of the subject at the moment. Objective factors are the parameters of task (its complexity, depth, novelty, special requirements), external conditions within which the solution is being found. The basis for the formation of strategies is thinking tendencies that characterize mostly non-professional workers, children. Overall, the whole process of creativity is organized and implemented through strategy and strategic and organization of thinking is an important characteristic of individual creative activity of the subject, display orientation of mental personality. Analysis of semantic and technological perspective of strategical organizing creates conditions for stimulating creativity, finding ways evolution of creativity.

 Key words:  creative activities;  creative processcreativity;  strategic and organization of thought;  strategical trend;  strategy.



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