Pobirchenko Neonila, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Department of General, age, educational psychology of Institute of Humanities, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 17, P. Tychyna ave., 02152 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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DOI https://doi.org/10.28925/2078-1687.2016.3.3034


 The article is considered of criteria focused on the basis preserving the health younger pupils on the grounds organizational culture of learning; it is given the experience of teachers and scientists are tested the results of psychological research.

 The conceptually defined a health supporting position of education for primary school teachers and students' family. It is grounded scientific and personality oriented approaches with their practical realization in teaching and organization of the educational activities, it’s aimed to support health of students and teachers.

 Teacher is recommended guided by the Constitution, rules of the health regulations and rules of the external and internal culture, that developed in partnership with the students' families to adhere to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The content of the material corresponds to individual psychological characteristics students that are considered specialized understanding of the values of health and its meaning in the learning process. Identification of natural and obtained abilities, habits of students with compliance methodological organizational culture.

 The content of the material corresponds to individual psychological characteristics of students considered specialized understanding of the values of health and its meaning in the classroom. Identification of natural and acquired abilities, habits of students in compliance with organizational culture methodologies. Scientific research approaches and providing the action information content culture is defined conditions for the implementation of the curriculum that integrate with the search for information about health innovation students.

 In the implementation of an integrated educational content is supported constant communication with parents who undergo medical examination every year, research and analytical overview of their research results in the study of the health of the students.

 Key words: healthprotectionguidelinesknowingindependenceorganizational cultureprimaryschoolstudentpsychological guidelines and parameters of the health protect.



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