Savchenko Yuriy, Candidate of Sciences in Psychology, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Pedagogical Institute of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Shamo Str. 02154, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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 The article discloses the modern womanhood readiness aspects to maternity. The author defines that women ready for maternity have got a sympathetic mother image that perceives and promotes the child`s development and education, sharing her self-worthiness. The article gives the men and women`s psychological characteristics analysis during the pregnancy according to the pregnancy dividing into the major trimester based on physiological views. Pregnant women have differences in behavior and attitude; some of them change their image completely, when others remain unchanged in their character and behavior. Every woman becomes a mother, in her own way but with the extremes exception that is common for mothers to have their special psychology, which changes every month. The article emphasizes the main modern pregnant women`s motives that mainly depend on the women`s personal attitudes and social norms, which are determined by cultural and historical time when they live. The motivational background experiences varieties of pregnancy are selected for manifestation the fact that for most women pregnancy is not only conscious desire, the essential spiritual meaning of maternity, but also in major sense as  the neediness of conformity to social requirements. The proposed program for pregnant women`s psychological preparation to childbirth «Happy mother – happy baby», to form a conscious positive perception of maternity and implementation of educational and health issues solving.

 This program is aimed to raise maternity feelings by the means of forming spiritual connection between mother and child inside her; awareness of life plots and work with pregnant woman`s personal meanings and values; the psychological correction of the women`s emotional states, relieving stress and creating a comfortable environment during pregnancy on the emotional, psychophysical and psychophysiological level.

 Key words:  childbirth;  maternity;  paternity;  pregnancy;  prenatal development;  relaxation.



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