- №3, 2016
- Lozova Olga
- Omelchenko Liudmyla
- Kutishenko Valentina
- Yacenko Tamara, Polianychko Olena, Pedchenko Oleksandra
- Pobirchenko Neonila
- Zelinska Tetiana
- Bila Irina
- Lishchynska Olena
- Zhuravlоvа Larysa, Shpak Mariia
- Osadko Olesia
- Sorokina Olena
- Kochubeynyk Olga
- Petrunko Olga
- Khazratowa Nigora
- Variagina Alina
- Myronchak Kateryna
- Klymenko Anastasia
- Rafikov Alexander
- Bieriushcheva Iryna
- Bevz Halyna, Kolpakova Anna
- Sklyaruk Anastasia
- Savchenko Yuriy
- Tepliuk Annа
- Kotok Maria
- Усі сторінки
Skliaruk Anastasia, Candidate of Psychological Science, a doctoral student of the Institute of Social and Political Psychology Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, St. Andrew, 15, 04070 Kiev, Ukraine,
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DOI https://doi.org/10.28925/2078-1687.2016.3.113118
The phenomenon of the family as the subject of research in social psychology is presented in the article. Scientific publications about research of family socialization are analyzed. The attention is focused on the transformation of the family in terms of social instability. It is proved that in a social crisis of the family and parenthood in a state of transformation that takes place against the backdrop of unavailability families for independent and fully implement educational functions to the changes taking place. It is noted that fatherhood has sociocultural nature and is characterized by the prescribed system of culture and society standards and rules governing the distribution of functions between the parents care for children and their foster families, determining the content of roles, role model behavior. The tendency to weakening this institution and its functions in conditions of instability is shown. The article shows that the socialization function of the family as its basic function is the most defenseless in terms of social instability. The author asserts the view that the critical defenseless of socialization function is systemic socio-psychological characteristic, which can be the basis for qualification of the families as problem families. The system of empirical criteria which give the reasons to determine and to create the typology of problem families is proved. The scientific, socio-cultural and moral-ethical factors that hinder the definition and operationalization of the phenomenon of problem families and its empirical research are determined.
Keywords: dysfunctional family; family; family functions; problem family; problematic criteria; the socialization function of the family.
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