- №3, 2016
- Lozova Olga
- Omelchenko Liudmyla
- Kutishenko Valentina
- Yacenko Tamara, Polianychko Olena, Pedchenko Oleksandra
- Pobirchenko Neonila
- Zelinska Tetiana
- Bila Irina
- Lishchynska Olena
- Zhuravlоvа Larysa, Shpak Mariia
- Osadko Olesia
- Sorokina Olena
- Kochubeynyk Olga
- Petrunko Olga
- Khazratowa Nigora
- Variagina Alina
- Myronchak Kateryna
- Klymenko Anastasia
- Rafikov Alexander
- Bieriushcheva Iryna
- Bevz Halyna, Kolpakova Anna
- Sklyaruk Anastasia
- Savchenko Yuriy
- Tepliuk Annа
- Kotok Maria
- Усі сторінки
Bevz Halyna, PhD, Professor Department of General and Applied Psychology; State University «Management of Education University» of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, st. Sichovykh stril'tsiv 52 a, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Kolpakova Anna, master of psychology, State University «Management of Education University» of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, st. Sichovykh stril'tsiv 52 a, Kyiv, Ukraine,
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DOI https://doi.org/10.28925/2078-1687.2016.3.109112
This article is devoted to the study of representations of men of two family generations.Research has demonstrated sustainability of the concepts ofadult male of the family as an important value of life, supported by family traditions. It is proved immutability representations of men about women's role (which has to be a good mother and give support to man in moral way) and her husband (who provides her financially) in family life. Recreational function has appeared as typical characteristic of all men. Reproductive and material function turned to the distinction in perceptions between generations of the family, which are rigidly fixed-link in older generation, and broadcast through the planning function in junior generation. Sexual function has appeared estimated by the young generation as usual and appropriate just for their age: young people do not see its relevance in older age.
Instead, thanks to the group of «parents», it has been proved that the formation of family subculture becomes more weight in a situation of separation of young families from original. In group «sons» the issue of separated residence has no such weight as for the older generation that may indicate a change in their perceptions of quality of life in the changed social conditions. The fact that the younger generation puts under revision the importance of education in planning their life in contrast to the previous one, which treated education as indestructible valuation basis of the quality of life, may indicate a change in the social situation. The study says that the family is the value of modern man: it just changes its shape according to the social conditions of life and its quality characteristics.
Keywords: family; generation functions of the family; husband; quality of life; social representation; spouse; wife.
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