Bieriushcheva Iryna, graduate student, Institute of Social and Political Psychology, Ukrainian Academy of Pedagogic Sciences, Andrievska St.,15 04070 Kiev, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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 This article reveals the problem of communicative addiction in terms of its membership of a particular category of the population and gender - namely, housewives. The urgency of the research for this problem has been proven; the analysis of recent studies has been carried out, which includes the beginning of the problem solution. Summarizing the opinions of modern scholars about this phenomenon, the article clarifies the concept of communicative addiction as a form of interpersonal addiction of women- housewives.

 The article presents the study’s results of individual psychological characteristics of women, affecting the expression of communicative addiction on interpersonal relationships.

 Based on the empirical study the level of individual psychological characteristics of housewives has been analyzed (self-esteem, sociability, emotional stability, subordination, conformity), taking into account the general indicators of the communicative relationship. Comparative analysis of the communicative-addicted and not addictive housewives showed significant differences in such factors as «self-esteem», «communication», «subordination», and «conformity».Using correlation analysis a connection between the level of housewives` communicative addiction and their individual psychological characteristics, such as self-esteem, sociability, subordination, and the conformism has been revealed.

 Keywords:  communication;  communicative addictionconformity;  emotional stability; housewife;  self-esteem;  subordination;  woman.



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