- №3, 2016
- Lozova Olga
- Omelchenko Liudmyla
- Kutishenko Valentina
- Yacenko Tamara, Polianychko Olena, Pedchenko Oleksandra
- Pobirchenko Neonila
- Zelinska Tetiana
- Bila Irina
- Lishchynska Olena
- Zhuravlоvа Larysa, Shpak Mariia
- Osadko Olesia
- Sorokina Olena
- Kochubeynyk Olga
- Petrunko Olga
- Khazratowa Nigora
- Variagina Alina
- Myronchak Kateryna
- Klymenko Anastasia
- Rafikov Alexander
- Bieriushcheva Iryna
- Bevz Halyna, Kolpakova Anna
- Sklyaruk Anastasia
- Savchenko Yuriy
- Tepliuk Annа
- Kotok Maria
- Усі сторінки
Klymenko Anastasia, post-graduate student of the department of practical psychology of the Human Subject Institute, Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University, P. Tychyna ave. 17, 02152 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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DOI https://doi.org/10.28925/2078-1687.2016.3.9499
The article contains the results of theoretical analysis of the problem of influence of interpersonal communication into the level of readiness of children of senior preschool age to the school studying. The main conditions which the modern school makes to the first grade children and the necessary level of development of productive actions necessary for a successful adaptation, have been represented. The concept of the school maturation has been identified.
The causes and effects of the lowering of a quality of interpersonal communication among children of preschool age have been analysed. It has been theoretically determined, that the communication is one of the most important factors of mental development of children from the first days of their lives. The process of the development of communication of the senior preschool age children has been described.
It has been proved that a game is a key kind of activity of a preschooler. It is proposed to develop the communicative skills of the senior preschool age children by means of the game, which may be used in a practical activity of parents and pedagogical workers.
It has been stated that the lack of communication in a preschool age negatively affects the cognitive and adaptation capabilities of the child. The conclusion, that the lack of communication and caused by it further difficulties facilitate the formation of negative personal growths complicating the contacts in communication and influence on the whole development of a personality in general, has been done. It is brought into focus that it is impossible to help the child to resolve social and psychological problems without the realization of their reasons.
Key words: adaptation; communication; dysontogenesis; game; interpersonal communication; interpersonal needs; principal activity; school maturation; social and psychological development; zone of proximal development.
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