- №3, 2016
- Lozova Olga
- Omelchenko Liudmyla
- Kutishenko Valentina
- Yacenko Tamara, Polianychko Olena, Pedchenko Oleksandra
- Pobirchenko Neonila
- Zelinska Tetiana
- Bila Irina
- Lishchynska Olena
- Zhuravlоvа Larysa, Shpak Mariia
- Osadko Olesia
- Sorokina Olena
- Kochubeynyk Olga
- Petrunko Olga
- Khazratowa Nigora
- Variagina Alina
- Myronchak Kateryna
- Klymenko Anastasia
- Rafikov Alexander
- Bieriushcheva Iryna
- Bevz Halyna, Kolpakova Anna
- Sklyaruk Anastasia
- Savchenko Yuriy
- Tepliuk Annа
- Kotok Maria
- Усі сторінки
Myronchak Kateryna, Junior Researcher, Institute of Social and Political Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, ul. St. Andrew, 15, 04070 m. Kyiv, Ukraine,
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DOI https://doi.org/10.28925/2078-1687.2016.3.8993
The article awareness of their own mortality considered as a psychological practice, which provides training influence the consciousness of the individual in order to increase its overall tanatology competence that allows you to: expand the knowledge of death, to understand and to comprehend their own tanatology experience to meet their own anxieties and find inner personal resources to work with them. It is shown that the practice of awareness of their own mortality provokes internal personal transformation, to stimulate changes in mid-life system updates the feelings, thoughts, emotions, expands the range of ideas about themselves and their life-world. In our study, the fear of death as a way of life experience applied system of quality procedures (associative experiment, a survey with open questions, unfinished sentences, written narrative, depth semi-structured interviews), which may be a set of practices, awareness of mortality. Through analysis of the psychological effect of the study identified the following types of respondents: positive-interested (48%), ambivalent-conflict (29%), negative-negatory (14%) and avoiding neutral (9%). Given the fact that most of the respondents received a positive psychological effect on research with a clear intention to change in your life, you rightly talk about the relevance and feasibility of attracting young people to this kind of practice as an awareness of their own mortality to improve the overall tanatology competence.
Key words: awareness of death; experience; mortality; practice; qualitative methods; transformation.
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