Sorokina Olena, Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor of the general,developmental and educational psychology, BorysGrinchenkoKyiv University, 17 P.Tychyny Avenue, 02152, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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 The article describes the concept of the professional ideas, their specifics among students-psychologists on theinitial stage of their professional training. The work is performed based on the method of the scientific study of sources and content analysis of the students’ products(essay).

 Professional representation structure has two components: the idea about a psychologist as a subject of activity and the idea of the activity content. Empirical researches showed limited and fragmented representation of students-psychologists regarding future professional activity. In the idealized, surface representations of the first-year students-psychologists the psychologist has no personal problems. He/she has unique abilities to see all the people through and his/her professional activity is limited to the communication sphere. The major part of the studied is confident that it will be easy to study due to the lack of mathematical disciplines. Such students’ opinions reflect mythologized stereotypes which are now in the public consciousness.

 In the early stages of training the system of students’ professional ideas about the future professional activity becomes more complicated: one can see a shift from domestic to scientific ideas. The mentioned changes have the information and motivation potential for further development, they accelerate the development of professional reflection which is a necessary component of professional education and development of the whole person. With the deepening of the process of self-discovery the analysis reveals a tendency to match the student’s personal traits with the psychologist’s professionally important qualities. More realistic system of ideas about the future profession facilitates professional self-expression. Therefore, we can see the purpose of further studies in the creation of effective technology to gradually form professional reflection.

 Keywords:  profession;professional representations;  psychologist.



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