Nahrybelna Inna, Candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor, head of the department of philology, Kherson State University, 16 Ladychuka Street, 73002 Kherson, Ukraine Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.  

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The essence of distance learning in the system of modern higher education is analyzed in the article. The attention is paid to positive and negative aspects of the analyzed technology, its  advantages, that should be considered during the organizing independent linguodidactic training of future primary school teachers in distance learning, are distinguished, they are  implemented in the following forms which contribute  the formation of  a creative, mobile, ready for professional self-improvement and competitive specialist. Specific features of work with  information are studied, they are strategic skills of future primary school teachers which should be obtained  for orientation in the information space and creating their  own understanding of the environment. The author details the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, exploring the scientific achievements of national and foreign pedagogues. Particular attention is paid to the principles of distance Learning: genetal didactics  principles, principles of informatization of education, teaching principles of distance learning. The examples of tasks for independent working methods of teaching Ukrainian in the professional training of students are represented.The article proves  that training of future primary school teachers by means of distant education in comparison  with the traditional ones has some  advantages, such as personal orientation, large-scale participation  while maintaining an individual approach, efficiency, mobility, etc.The article shows that use of the potential of independent work in the linguodidactic training of primary school teachers corresponds  the demands of the society and helps to  form a modern professional.

Keywords:  distance education; distance learning; independent work;  linguodidactic conditions.


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