Smoliuk Svetlana, Senior Lecturer, East European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, 13 Volya Av., 43025 Lutsk, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The article emphasizes on the importance of forming a positive educational environment of elementary school based on humanitarian principles. The author substantiates methodological basis of the research of developing the educational environment of elementary school in Ukraine (end of XIX - beg. XX c.), the theories: teaching existentialism (G. Vasianovych, I. Ziaziun, S. Krymskyi, H. Shchedrovytskyi); developing training and education of the individual (L. Vygotsky, L. Zankov, V. Davydov, D. Elkonin, S. Maksymenko, A. Savchenko et al.); educational anthropology (B. Hrinchenko B. Sukhomlynskyi, K. Ushynskyi, M. Shelier); pedagogical hermeneutics (Betty E., H. Hadamer, A. Zakirova, F. Schleiermacher). Scientific approaches of outlined problem research are determined: environmental, personality and active, systematic, social and cultural.
Environmental approach is considered on two levels of its functioning: macro level, that creates a positiveeducational environment developing primary school, and micro - personal activity on the use of student’s potential for the development and improvement of the environment.
Personal-activity approachpresupposes the subject-subject and subject-object relationship of the partners of developing educational environment in elementary school and is based on the theories of general psychological and personality development.
The relationship of system and socio-cultural approaches in the designing of the developing the educational environment of the institution characterizesthe student as a subject of creative self-development that requiresthe development of pedagogical strategies :goals, mechanisms, principles, content, forms and methods of education, upbringingand self-reflection and for deep understanding of scientific knowledge with regard to socio-cultural traditions.
Keywords: developmental education and training;  developmental educational environment;  pedagogical anthropology;  pedagogical existentialismpedagogical hermeneutics;  primary school of Ukraine.


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