Dyka Natalia,candidate of pedagogic sciences, docent, associate professor at the department of Ukrainian language, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The author highlights the implementation of the concept of linguistic identity in modern linguodidactics. Analyzed different views and approaches to the analysis of linguistic identity that define the basic component of this concept. The emphasis is on the fact that the formation of linguistic identity depends on many factors and impacts of its operations.
Leading is the need to prepare a competent person with the appropriate level of linguistic competence based on a system of knowledge of the language, units of language at all levels (phonetic, lexical, derivational, morphological, syntactic) that are used as building material for the generation and detection of expression and rules handling them. Students acquiring linguistic system, form speech skills, linguistic concepts, improve the culture of language and speech.
Considering linguistic identity, we unwittingly immersed in the history of language, exploring issues of intellectual development of the individual in terms of language and its emotional aspects, which is spirituality in the broadest sense, the question of interpersonal communication and so on. Accordingly, exploring this theme, you need to work not only linguistic sources, but also literature on history, sociology, psychology, ethnography and other social sciences, as in the individual overlapping interests of all the human sciences.
Work on the formation of linguistic identity in the study of grammar should be systematic, coherent structural and based on a study in the unity of language units and rules of operation, process implementation language units in speech aspects, as well as enhancing internal reserves disciples, their thinking and have obtained knowledge.
Language is the identity of a complex system, so its formation depends on many factors and impacts of its operations. However, consideration of the general features linguodidactics linguistic identity formation process, focus on the comprehensive development of all its components competencies optimal selection of effective methods, techniques and tools, forms, promote the formation of linguistic personality in learning syntax.
Key words:  grammar;  high school;  linguodidactics;  linguistic identity;  linguistic concepts;  semantics;  syntax;  thesaurus.


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