- №2, 2016
- Tszyan Syaoyan', Syao Su
- Sokolova Irina
- Budnyk Olena, Vasianovych Hryhorii
- Lynov Kostyantyn
- Dyka Nataliya
- Smoliuk Svetlana
- Wei Zheyuan
- Lysenko Oleksandra
- Nahrybelna Inna
- Sorokin Igor
- Rudenko Nina
- Furs Tetiana
- Dereka Tetjana
- Kovtun Oksana
- Sysoieva Svitlana, Reheilo Iryna
- Koval Tamara, Avramchuk Anton
- Kulbashna Yaroslava
- Усі сторінки
Lynov Kostyantyn, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Chair of Management, professor, Phd in Public Administration, 13-b Tymoshenko st., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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Article reviews approaches of creationthe Concept of institutions of secondary education development in Ukraine. It is noted that implementation of leadership paradigm in the management of secondary education is critically important according to the changes and challenges. Motivating employees to leadership development and taking initiative suggests that they have a sense of involvement in results of collective activities. All mentioned above creates culture of freedom and responsibility in the of secondary education institutions, helps to develop individuals as an administrator, teacher and student, forms their willingness to build life in the twenty-first century. Author relies on the model of sequential steps «The 4 Imperatives of Great Leaders» by Stephen R. Coveythat determines the structure of development concept and its algorithm in development and implementation. The most difficult to practice of management in school is the assertion that the universal methods of leadership implementation are available. Each school must create its own method to fit the specific needs of the school and its organizational culture. The development concept is a powerful tool in the work of school staff, aimed to identify idea of educational institution, it’s of the place and destination in society. To create Concept author proposes to determine the philosophical foundations of the secondary education institution, its mission, vision, goals and objectives, priorities and idea of development results. Development Concept helps institutions to build strategy, implement the concept, build long-term plans, monitor and diagnose secondary education institutions.
Key words: concept of institution of secondary education development; institution of secondary education; leadership; mission; model of sequential steps; vision.
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