- №2, 2016
- Tszyan Syaoyan', Syao Su
- Sokolova Irina
- Budnyk Olena, Vasianovych Hryhorii
- Lynov Kostyantyn
- Dyka Nataliya
- Smoliuk Svetlana
- Wei Zheyuan
- Lysenko Oleksandra
- Nahrybelna Inna
- Sorokin Igor
- Rudenko Nina
- Furs Tetiana
- Dereka Tetjana
- Kovtun Oksana
- Sysoieva Svitlana, Reheilo Iryna
- Koval Tamara, Avramchuk Anton
- Kulbashna Yaroslava
- Усі сторінки
Budnyk Olena, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of Chair of Theory and Methods of Primary Education, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 57 Shevchenko str. 76018 Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine,
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Vasianovych Hryhorii, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director, Lviv Scientific and Practical Centre of the Institute of Professional and Technical Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 10 M. Kryvonosа str. 79008 Lviv, Ukraine,
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The article grounds essential characteristics of social and pedagogical activity in methodological aspect based on the principles of reality cognition concerning the unity of theory and practice, environmental, system and activity approaches, value-meaningful understanding of its results etc. The authors proposes the definition of social and pedagogical activity of a teacher basing on the philosophical, psychological, social and pedagogical theories of the activity.
Social and pedagogical activity in the article is revealed not only as practical social activity but also as phenomenological and spiritual activity that serves as mean of realization of a teacher as personality, human being and individuality. For the scientific analysis of the essence of the investigated phenomenon, the methodology of philosophic and pedagogical anthropology is used. In the discourse of environmental approach, social and pedagogical activity is defined in integral unity of objective and subjective. Integrative result of social and pedagogical activity defined sociality as complex characteristic of its subject that is formed and developed in the family, educational establishments, ethnic, labor and professional communities.
Teacher’s social and pedagogical activity is treated by the authors as sort of his/her professional activity that is aimed at making appropriate conditions for successful pupils socialization in socio-cultural environment of school, their acquiring of social experience on behalf of preparing to self-realization in the society, giving appropriate help to children and their families.
The authors consider the main purpose of the realization of social and pedagogical activity of a teacher in organizing the society as pedagogically oriented environment for individual and group socio-cultural education of pupils. Consequently, the result of such an activity is the level of readiness in pupils’ social qualities, self-consciousness and self-affirmation that are acknowledged in social and educational surrounding of educational establishment as the constituents of vital activity in the society.
Keywords: professional activity of a teacher; social and educational system; social and pedagogical activity; social-educational environment, systematic cognition of a world.
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