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In article considers approaches to Accreditation of higher medical institutions for training dentists in Ukraine and USA and was found their significant difference.

It is determined that in Ukraine the Accreditation of higher educational institutions, including medical, is a functional responsibilities of state education authorities, held once every 5-10 years, the procedure is launched due to the initiative of schools, based on their self report and has, primarily, the mission of control. The principles of educational institutions Accreditation was not created. Information about selection criteria of experts and their training for activity in accrediting commission is not available in open sources.

In the US Accreditation of dental educational institutions and professional programs is voluntary, but nongovernmental, self-regulating, peer review system. The Accreditation assesses the educational quality of institution or program and directs the development of high dental schools, assists in the ongoing review and improvement of it. Accreditation status ensures that the institution or program meets or exceeds predetermined standards for educational quality, the school has evidence of striving to increase standards for the improvement of effectiveness. The system of accreditation provides accountability to the public with the involving to accreditation process such public organizations as an American Dental Education Association (ADEA).

ADEA has determined key principles for the accreditation's activity (constructiveness, objectivity, independence, competence, transparency, feedback, concreteness, effectiveness, democracy, creativity, innovativeness, evidence, initiative, responsibility, frugality) and maintains collaboration with institutions and agencies according to them: They grants possibility to conduct the process of accreditation autonomous and independent of undueinfluence from any individual or organization. Accreditation characterized by transparency and openness, which allows all interested persons to compare the organization and learning outcomes in different schools. Accreditation body accountable to public, which is most interested in competent doctors and high-quality medical care. Accrediting commissions separate entity,which include competent members and provide competent peer-review on the scientific and democratic basis. Therefore, Accreditation should be conducted primarily by dental educators.

Study and implementation of US most effective and acceptable for Ukraine experience will help to improve the quality of education through the optimize the accreditation system of higher medical educational institutions.

Key words:  Accreditation;  Higher Education;  medical education;  professional competence;  quality of medical education;  training of dentists.


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