Kovtun Oksana, lecturer of pedagogic, theory and methodology of primary school department, PhD, SHEE «Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskiy Hryhoriy Skovoroda state pedagogical university», 30 Sykhomlynskogo st., 08400 Pereyaslav-Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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In the article is considered the problem of formation the communicative tolerance of the prospective foreign language teacher in primary school. It points out its main displays: tolerance, respect, empathy, kindness, communication, trust and cooperation. At the present stage of formation and development the competitive society the main condition is providing people with education of high-quality. Educational reform in Ukraine aims to provide positive changes in teaching new generation for the high value of Ukrainian pedagogues on the world labor market. The tendency for increasing the society order on preparation the high-qualified specialists for different branches of national economics is identified. The single concept of professional teacher standard is remembered. Is determined the dependence of productivity and efficiency of communication. Approaches of different scientists to the characteristic of the concept “communicative tolerance” are carried out. Our own definition of the concept “the communicative tolerance of the prospective foreign language teacher in primary school” is formed.

In this work is highlighted the main marks of professional communicative tolerance – competence, display of tolerance and charity, emotional stability, teacher flexibility in different situations. This research reveals twelve main criteria: value-orientational, motivational, cognitive, ethical, communicative, emotional-willing, practical, reflexive, firminative personal, empathy, behavioral mobility, intellectual flexibility and indicators of formation the professional teacher tolerance and its displays. In the article is characterized such levels of formation the communicative tolerance of prospective foreign language teacher in primary school: level of situational communicative tolerance, level of typological communicative tolerance, level of professional tolerance and level of general communicative tolerance.

The urgency of this research for the development of modern science is proved. This study shows that there are many opportunities for improvement and the development of strategies for the formation and development of communicative tolerance of foreign language teacher in primary school.

Realization of humanistic paradigm of education requires a high level of professional perfection of foreign language teacher in primary school and involves the development of its communicative and tolerant component. The need of a society for highly qualified and competent foreign language teachers in primary school is growing, so it is important for modern pedagogues to educate active and competitive new generation of workers who will bring originality and innovative methods in the development of modern pedagogy and educational science in general.

Key words: communication;  communicative tolerance;  criteria;  efficiency of labor;  formation and levels of the communicative tolerance of prospective foreign language teacher in primary school;  self-actualization.


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