Dereka T. The FORMATION of future specialists’ in physical education acmeological competence DURING THE self-study

Dereka Tetjana, PhD in physical education and sport, associate professor, The Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sport Mastery, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Timoshenka av., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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There are abilities to learn and to work independently as complicated system competencies and integral part of the general competencies designated in the article. The students’ self-study is considered in accordance with the type of guidance, form of control, the level of demands to creativity usage. There are types, stages and forms of control of self-study itemized. The internal factors that contribute to the self-study activization are characterized. It is noted that an active self-study of students is only possible when their motivation is persistent. There is quantitative data of physical education specialists’ training  content for students’ self-study preparation curriculum analyzed on such educational qualification levels as «junior specialist», «Bachelor», «Master». It is noted that the purpose of university students’ self-study is mastering the full curriculum and successive development of autonomy in acquiring and deepening knowledge as trait that plays a significant role in the up-to-date higher qualification specialists’ becoming and improve its competitiveness in the global labor market. The requirements to the physical education specialists’ self-study organization in the process of continuous training are articulated on the acmeology basis. The author considered the educational and methodological support of students’ self-study. There are motivational, cognitive, activity and personal components of acmeological competence determined being formed during students’ self-study in the process of continuous physical education specialists’ training on the acmeology basis.

Keywords:  acmeological competence;  physical education;  professional training;  self-study.


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