Furs Tetiana, post graduate, Chernihiv National T.G.Shevchenko Teachers’ Training University, Hetmana Polubotka st. 53, 14013 Chernihiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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The article is devoted to the problem of the modern requirements determining for the abstract translation skills forming exercises for the future Foreign Languages teachers with regard to their professional training and social changes in Ukraine. The necessity of the abstract translation skills formation in the process of the future Foreign Language teachers’ training and professional development is theoretically proved.  Demands of the Program for Foreign Language teachers’ training and the level of the abstract translation skills formation are described. The essence of the abstract translation as a complex type of speech activity and effective method of transcoding information is explained. The notion “exercise” is  described. The structure of the speech skills forming exercises is observed. As a result of theoretical analysis, the requirements for the abstract translation skills forming exercises are chosen. The exercises included in the system of the abstract translation skills forming exercises should meet the following requirements for: the task – communicativeness, motivation, pragmatism, newness, professional orientation, cultural / socio-cultural orientation, the relationship of lexical and grammatical material; the exercise doing – the level of students’ speech acts control, depending on the stage of training and educational-communicative situations, the usage of natural and artificial created supports; the control – the selection of the most efficient and effective form of control.

Keywords: abstract translation; abstract translation structure; communication; exercise; professional orientation; requirements to the exercise; situation; structure of the exercise; support; training.


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