Sorokin Igor, applicant of the educational institution Management Department of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, inspector of department of supervision and safety of South corrective labour colony SPSU in Odessa region (№ 51), 9 Lustdorfska street, 65017 Odessa, Ukraine,
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The article reveals the essence of the forms of interactive learning, analyzes the characteristics of the implementation of interactive technologies in the system of co-language and literature teachers, psychologists, social education workers to work with minors with deviant behavior. Particular attention is paid to the process of rapid response to address this problem. Socio- educational support in schools is done by providing guidelines, aimed at providing psychological and pedagogical conditions of life of the disciple promote its full development and socialization. This support is needed in situations requiring prevent or solve the problem of deviant behavior of pupils in the process of socialization.

The basis for the creative development of students with deviant behavior is to create a situation of active searching reflection, resolution of conflicts and so on. Innovative forms and methods of technical work, involving simulation of real teaching situations, joint problem solving by analyzing the circumstances, help to create a favorable atmosphere and active interaction between teacher and student in the process of solving problems and overcoming stress. It can take place according to three possible strategies: solving problems, finding additional support to avoid.

Summing introducing innovative forms and techniques in school, we can say that they justify himself, so to ensure active participation of teachers, mutual exchange of experience and the use of group interaction.

Further research and educational search requires the application of interactive forms in the system of preventive work with parents who have children with deviant behavior.

Keywords: interactive forms of work;  deviant behavior;  preschooler.


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