- №2, 2016
- Tszyan Syaoyan', Syao Su
- Sokolova Irina
- Budnyk Olena, Vasianovych Hryhorii
- Lynov Kostyantyn
- Dyka Nataliya
- Smoliuk Svetlana
- Wei Zheyuan
- Lysenko Oleksandra
- Nahrybelna Inna
- Sorokin Igor
- Rudenko Nina
- Furs Tetiana
- Dereka Tetjana
- Kovtun Oksana
- Sysoieva Svitlana, Reheilo Iryna
- Koval Tamara, Avramchuk Anton
- Kulbashna Yaroslava
- Усі сторінки
Tszyan Syaoyan', Syao Su
Sokolova Irina
Budnyk Olena, Vasianovych Hryhorii
Lynov Kostyantyn
Dyka Nataliya
Smoliuk Svetlana
Wei Zheyuan
Lysenko Oleksandra
Nahrybelna Inna
Sorokin Igor
Rudenko Nina
Furs Tetiana
Dereka Tetjana
Kovtun Oksana
Sysoieva Svitlana, Reheilo Iryna
Koval Tamara, Avramchuk Anton
Kulbashna Yaroslava
Tszyan Syaoyan', Ph.D., Associate Professor, Center for International and Comparative Education, Chinese Academy of Pedagogical Studies, Beijing, China.
Syao Su, professor, Institute of International and Comparative Education,
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The article presents the state of secondary education in China involving a large number of statistical and analytical data, submitted through the prism of quantitative indicators. It shows a substantial growth over the past 20-30 years. On this background is seen the phenomenon of translation and publication of the volumes of Ukrainian educator Vasyl Sukhomlynsky in China, and the impact of his ideas on the activities of secondary school, training the future teachers and the teaching staff. The authors argue that the ideas of Sukhomlinsky do not lose its appeal for Chinese teachers. Instead, educators in China is increasingly admired them deepen their study. The circle of specialists working on topics related to the name and the ideas of Ukrainian educator is constantly expanding. It is emphasized that the basis of relevance heritage of V.O. Sukhomlinskiy for modern Chinese school is humanism of Ukrainian educator, his attention to the inner world of each individual, focusing on the emotional intensity of the processes of education and training. In the article the idea that V.A. Sukhomlinskiy won the hearts of a large number of Chinese teachers and withstood the test of time primarily due to its motto "I give my heart to the children." This principle - the most appropriate algorithm for implementation of the state policy of China which since 2000 has tried to reorient education to focus on achieving academic excellence to provide qualitative personal development.
Keywords: development of education; pedagogical ideas; school education.
1. Syao Su Poshyrennya ta vplyv pedahohichnykh idey V. O. Sukhomlyns'koho u Kytayi [The spread and influence of pedagogical ideas of V. O. Sukhomlynsky in China]. Aviable at: library.udpo.org.ua/library_files/istoruk_ped_almanax/2009/2009_1_7.pdf (ukr).
2. Syao Su Ideyi Sukhomlyns'koho pro upravlinnya shkoloyu ta yakist' vykladacha [The ideas of Sukhomlynsky of school management and teacher quality] / Su Syao // Doslidzh. porivn. pedahohiky. – 1998. – # 6. – S. 14-16 (Chinese).
3. Indicators [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://data.worldbank.org.cn/indicator (eng).
4. HDI – Human Development index [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http:hdr.undp.org/en/data (eng).
5. National data [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://data.sats.gov.cn/easyquery.htm?cn=CO1 (eng).
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Sokolova Irina, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Mariupol State University, 129 a Builders Ave., 87500 Mariupol, Ukraine,
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The proposed article explores the role of information sources to determine the conceptual and terminological apparatus of pedagogical researchfor starting a new scientific-pedagogical knowledge. The author defines the notions«terms», «concepts», «terminology analysis», «source knowledge base». The main principles of source knowledge base formation (scientific objectivity, comprehensiveness, historicism) are grounded. Taking into account the source knowledge base features - heuristic (searching, identifying appropriate sources) and analytical (identifying the necessary information concerning the interpretation of concepts and definitions, checking its authenticity) the types of sources (legal, archival, historiography, scientific, lexicographical, periodicals etc.) are defined and characterized.The first group certifies rule-making processes in education, the second one aims to study historical facts. Historiography is aimed at pedagogical research terminology in the context of social and cultural changes in society.Scientific research publications on education thesaurus are included in the fourth group. Lexicographical sources combine encyclopedias and linguistic dictionaries. Press, educational portals of international and European organizations also help to determine the conceptual and terminological research apparatus in pedagogy. In addition, the analysis of each types of sources led the author to the conclusion: scientific information(the scientific text)about the specific concept or group of conceptsallows a researcher to give an objective scientific estimation of processes and phenomena that are denominated definitions of concepts.
Keywords: basic concepts; source base of scientific research; source; terminological analysis; terminology.
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Budnyk Olena, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of Chair of Theory and Methods of Primary Education, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 57 Shevchenko str. 76018 Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine,
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Vasianovych Hryhorii, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director, Lviv Scientific and Practical Centre of the Institute of Professional and Technical Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 10 M. Kryvonosа str. 79008 Lviv, Ukraine,
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The article grounds essential characteristics of social and pedagogical activity in methodological aspect based on the principles of reality cognition concerning the unity of theory and practice, environmental, system and activity approaches, value-meaningful understanding of its results etc. The authors proposes the definition of social and pedagogical activity of a teacher basing on the philosophical, psychological, social and pedagogical theories of the activity.
Social and pedagogical activity in the article is revealed not only as practical social activity but also as phenomenological and spiritual activity that serves as mean of realization of a teacher as personality, human being and individuality. For the scientific analysis of the essence of the investigated phenomenon, the methodology of philosophic and pedagogical anthropology is used. In the discourse of environmental approach, social and pedagogical activity is defined in integral unity of objective and subjective. Integrative result of social and pedagogical activity defined sociality as complex characteristic of its subject that is formed and developed in the family, educational establishments, ethnic, labor and professional communities.
Teacher’s social and pedagogical activity is treated by the authors as sort of his/her professional activity that is aimed at making appropriate conditions for successful pupils socialization in socio-cultural environment of school, their acquiring of social experience on behalf of preparing to self-realization in the society, giving appropriate help to children and their families.
The authors consider the main purpose of the realization of social and pedagogical activity of a teacher in organizing the society as pedagogically oriented environment for individual and group socio-cultural education of pupils. Consequently, the result of such an activity is the level of readiness in pupils’ social qualities, self-consciousness and self-affirmation that are acknowledged in social and educational surrounding of educational establishment as the constituents of vital activity in the society.
Keywords: professional activity of a teacher; social and educational system; social and pedagogical activity; social-educational environment, systematic cognition of a world.
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Lynov Kostyantyn, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Chair of Management, professor, Phd in Public Administration, 13-b Tymoshenko st., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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Article reviews approaches of creationthe Concept of institutions of secondary education development in Ukraine. It is noted that implementation of leadership paradigm in the management of secondary education is critically important according to the changes and challenges. Motivating employees to leadership development and taking initiative suggests that they have a sense of involvement in results of collective activities. All mentioned above creates culture of freedom and responsibility in the of secondary education institutions, helps to develop individuals as an administrator, teacher and student, forms their willingness to build life in the twenty-first century. Author relies on the model of sequential steps «The 4 Imperatives of Great Leaders» by Stephen R. Coveythat determines the structure of development concept and its algorithm in development and implementation. The most difficult to practice of management in school is the assertion that the universal methods of leadership implementation are available. Each school must create its own method to fit the specific needs of the school and its organizational culture. The development concept is a powerful tool in the work of school staff, aimed to identify idea of educational institution, it’s of the place and destination in society. To create Concept author proposes to determine the philosophical foundations of the secondary education institution, its mission, vision, goals and objectives, priorities and idea of development results. Development Concept helps institutions to build strategy, implement the concept, build long-term plans, monitor and diagnose secondary education institutions.
Key words: concept of institution of secondary education development; institution of secondary education; leadership; mission; model of sequential steps; vision.
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Dyka Natalia,candidate of pedagogic sciences, docent, associate professor at the department of Ukrainian language, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
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The author highlights the implementation of the concept of linguistic identity in modern linguodidactics. Analyzed different views and approaches to the analysis of linguistic identity that define the basic component of this concept. The emphasis is on the fact that the formation of linguistic identity depends on many factors and impacts of its operations.
Leading is the need to prepare a competent person with the appropriate level of linguistic competence based on a system of knowledge of the language, units of language at all levels (phonetic, lexical, derivational, morphological, syntactic) that are used as building material for the generation and detection of expression and rules handling them. Students acquiring linguistic system, form speech skills, linguistic concepts, improve the culture of language and speech.
Considering linguistic identity, we unwittingly immersed in the history of language, exploring issues of intellectual development of the individual in terms of language and its emotional aspects, which is spirituality in the broadest sense, the question of interpersonal communication and so on. Accordingly, exploring this theme, you need to work not only linguistic sources, but also literature on history, sociology, psychology, ethnography and other social sciences, as in the individual overlapping interests of all the human sciences.
Work on the formation of linguistic identity in the study of grammar should be systematic, coherent structural and based on a study in the unity of language units and rules of operation, process implementation language units in speech aspects, as well as enhancing internal reserves disciples, their thinking and have obtained knowledge.
Language is the identity of a complex system, so its formation depends on many factors and impacts of its operations. However, consideration of the general features linguodidactics linguistic identity formation process, focus on the comprehensive development of all its components competencies optimal selection of effective methods, techniques and tools, forms, promote the formation of linguistic personality in learning syntax.
Key words: grammar; high school; linguodidactics; linguistic identity; linguistic concepts; semantics; syntax; thesaurus.
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Smoliuk Svetlana, Senior Lecturer, East European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, 13 Volya Av., 43025 Lutsk, Ukraine,
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The article emphasizes on the importance of forming a positive educational environment of elementary school based on humanitarian principles. The author substantiates methodological basis of the research of developing the educational environment of elementary school in Ukraine (end of XIX - beg. XX c.), the theories: teaching existentialism (G. Vasianovych, I. Ziaziun, S. Krymskyi, H. Shchedrovytskyi); developing training and education of the individual (L. Vygotsky, L. Zankov, V. Davydov, D. Elkonin, S. Maksymenko, A. Savchenko et al.); educational anthropology (B. Hrinchenko B. Sukhomlynskyi, K. Ushynskyi, M. Shelier); pedagogical hermeneutics (Betty E., H. Hadamer, A. Zakirova, F. Schleiermacher). Scientific approaches of outlined problem research are determined: environmental, personality and active, systematic, social and cultural.
Environmental approach is considered on two levels of its functioning: macro level, that creates a positiveeducational environment developing primary school, and micro - personal activity on the use of student’s potential for the development and improvement of the environment.
Personal-activity approachpresupposes the subject-subject and subject-object relationship of the partners of developing educational environment in elementary school and is based on the theories of general psychological and personality development.
The relationship of system and socio-cultural approaches in the designing of the developing the educational environment of the institution characterizesthe student as a subject of creative self-development that requiresthe development of pedagogical strategies :goals, mechanisms, principles, content, forms and methods of education, upbringingand self-reflection and for deep understanding of scientific knowledge with regard to socio-cultural traditions.
Keywords: developmental education and training; developmental educational environment; pedagogical anthropology; pedagogical existentialism; pedagogical hermeneutics; primary school of Ukraine.
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Wei Zheyuan, First year postgraduate student (specialty 13.00.07 – theory and methods), National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 9 Pirogova st., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The article deals with the problem of education of university students in the development of modern society; it is analyzed the terms «upbringing», «upbringing of students; it is described the basic principles of upbringing of students; it is reviewed the main directions of upbringing of students (national-patriotic upbringing, spiritual upbringing, civic and legal upbringing, moral upbringing, environmental upbringing, esthetic upbringing, labor upbringing, physical upbringing) in studies of Ukrainian scientists.
Throughout the history of human society defined objectives upbringing of the younger generation which conditioned the features of the socio-economic development. Since that philosophers and educators defend the idea of a comprehensive harmonious upbringing of the personality. Comprehensive upbringing involves the formation of a relevant person moral, intellectual, human, physical and esthetic qualities. In turn, harmonious upbringing should ensure the unity, dialectical relationship, mutual, harmony of these components of upbringing. Teaching and educational activities in higher educational establishment should be designed on the development of personality problems in terms of all-round, harmonious upbringing.
Forming a fully developed personality of student of higher educational establishment requires purposeful upbringing work in different directions. This, in turn, makes the implementation of upbringing areas: the civil and patriotic, moral, intellectual, labor, economic, legal, environmental, physical, artistic and esthetic, multicultural.
Implementation of tasks content of each of these areas takes into consideration the specificity of training students but, in our view, all the lines are more common, universal character in the context of universal values and objectives and humanization of education. In particular, it can be attributed primarily to patriotic, moral, artistic and esthetic, multicultural upbringing.
Keywords: directions of upbringing; principles of upbringing; upbringing students; upbringing.
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Lysenko Oleksandra, PhD in pedagogical sciences, deputy director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, Bogomolets National Medical University, 13 T. Shevchenka belvedere, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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This article highlights: the peculiarities of doctors’ postgraduate training as a specialized stage for skills practicing; noted the feasibility of andragogical education principles in the process of medical interns training in a case of their previous life and professional experience, lack of time, social autonomy, need for rapid implementation of the acquired knowledge and skills, high motivation level; the necessity of the interactive teaching usage during the internship as way for understanding, mastering and creative application of knowledge intensification, motivation increasing, ability for not ordinary thinking formation, effective communication establishing, professional competence improving, knowledge and skills control systems objectification, participants reality changing; the meaning of first aid practical course as an interactive method of doctors’ competence forming; the structure of first aid practical course (Introduction to first aid series, Lecture «Causes and prevention of circulatory arrest inspection according to ABCDE scheme, introductory treatment», Practical sessions on patient examination ABCDE scheme, Investigation methods of ensuring the airway, Seminar «Providing first aid in different emergency states», Summarizing and discussion, Discuss and join the second day of training, Stimulating demonstration script teachers, Lecture «Universal algorithm resuscitation», Practical training of Basic Life Support and Automated External Defibrillation, Modeling simulation scenarios on mannequins); the advantages of interactive learning in the context of forming life-long learning necessity, stress tolerance , responsibility, ability to work in a team.
Keywords: andragogical principles of education; doctors’ postgraduate training; first aid practical course; interactive learning.
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- Sysoieva S. The concepts: interactive learning for adult learners / S. Sysoieva // Neperervna profesiyna osvita: teoriya i praktyka. - № 3-4, 2013, 55-59 (eng).
Nahrybelna Inna, Candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor, head of the department of philology, Kherson State University, 16 Ladychuka Street, 73002 Kherson, Ukraine
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The essence of distance learning in the system of modern higher education is analyzed in the article. The attention is paid to positive and negative aspects of the analyzed technology, its advantages, that should be considered during the organizing independent linguodidactic training of future primary school teachers in distance learning, are distinguished, they are implemented in the following forms which contribute the formation of a creative, mobile, ready for professional self-improvement and competitive specialist. Specific features of work with information are studied, they are strategic skills of future primary school teachers which should be obtained for orientation in the information space and creating their own understanding of the environment. The author details the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, exploring the scientific achievements of national and foreign pedagogues. Particular attention is paid to the principles of distance Learning: genetal didactics principles, principles of informatization of education, teaching principles of distance learning. The examples of tasks for independent working methods of teaching Ukrainian in the professional training of students are represented.The article proves that training of future primary school teachers by means of distant education in comparison with the traditional ones has some advantages, such as personal orientation, large-scale participation while maintaining an individual approach, efficiency, mobility, etc.The article shows that use of the potential of independent work in the linguodidactic training of primary school teachers corresponds the demands of the society and helps to form a modern professional.
Keywords: distance education; distance learning; independent work; linguodidactic conditions.
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Sorokin Igor, applicant of the educational institution Management Department of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, inspector of department of supervision and safety of South corrective labour colony SPSU in Odessa region (№ 51), 9 Lustdorfska street, 65017 Odessa, Ukraine,
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The article reveals the essence of the forms of interactive learning, analyzes the characteristics of the implementation of interactive technologies in the system of co-language and literature teachers, psychologists, social education workers to work with minors with deviant behavior. Particular attention is paid to the process of rapid response to address this problem. Socio- educational support in schools is done by providing guidelines, aimed at providing psychological and pedagogical conditions of life of the disciple promote its full development and socialization. This support is needed in situations requiring prevent or solve the problem of deviant behavior of pupils in the process of socialization.
The basis for the creative development of students with deviant behavior is to create a situation of active searching reflection, resolution of conflicts and so on. Innovative forms and methods of technical work, involving simulation of real teaching situations, joint problem solving by analyzing the circumstances, help to create a favorable atmosphere and active interaction between teacher and student in the process of solving problems and overcoming stress. It can take place according to three possible strategies: solving problems, finding additional support to avoid.
Summing introducing innovative forms and techniques in school, we can say that they justify himself, so to ensure active participation of teachers, mutual exchange of experience and the use of group interaction.
Further research and educational search requires the application of interactive forms in the system of preventive work with parents who have children with deviant behavior.
Keywords: interactive forms of work; deviant behavior; preschooler.
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Rudenko Nina,postgraduate student department of theory and history of education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, teacher of mathematics and methods of teaching mathematics of University College Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Prospect Gagarina, 16, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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In the article the definition of pedagogical conditions is considered from the viewpoint of different modern researchers which serves to emphasize several principles essential for understanding this phenomenon. The scientific works devoted to the issue of setting out the pedagogical conditions of the organization of a learning process have been analyzed. The pedagogical conditions which contribute to preparing future primary school teachers at college for using interactive technologies at mathematics lessons have been selected and grounded. Increasing methodology awareness of all college teachers about interactive technologies will help by their own example make an impact on the development of professional skills of a future primary school teacher. Broadening the curriculum with an optional subject «Interactive technologies at mathematics lessons in primary school» will systematize students’ knowledge about interactive technologies, reflection, mathematics lesson structure with the use of interactive technologies. The development of students’ research skills through extra-curricular activities means broadening the sphere of mathematical practice through different forms, particularly students’ math club. Making teaching practice «Trial lessons» include the tasks which are supposed to use interactive technologies at mathematics lessons, creating a student’s portfolio of interactive lessons will facilitate the development of professional skills, build awareness of necessity of using interactive technologies at mathematics lessons.
Keywords: conditions; future teacher; interactive technologies; pedagogical conditions; primary school; readiness.
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The article is devoted to the problem of the modern requirements determining for the abstract translation skills forming exercises for the future Foreign Languages teachers with regard to their professional training and social changes in Ukraine. The necessity of the abstract translation skills formation in the process of the future Foreign Language teachers’ training and professional development is theoretically proved. Demands of the Program for Foreign Language teachers’ training and the level of the abstract translation skills formation are described. The essence of the abstract translation as a complex type of speech activity and effective method of transcoding information is explained. The notion “exercise” is described. The structure of the speech skills forming exercises is observed. As a result of theoretical analysis, the requirements for the abstract translation skills forming exercises are chosen. The exercises included in the system of the abstract translation skills forming exercises should meet the following requirements for: the task – communicativeness, motivation, pragmatism, newness, professional orientation, cultural / socio-cultural orientation, the relationship of lexical and grammatical material; the exercise doing – the level of students’ speech acts control, depending on the stage of training and educational-communicative situations, the usage of natural and artificial created supports; the control – the selection of the most efficient and effective form of control.
Keywords: abstract translation; abstract translation structure; communication; exercise; professional orientation; requirements to the exercise; situation; structure of the exercise; support; training.
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Dereka T. The FORMATION of future specialists’ in physical education acmeological competence DURING THE self-study
Dereka Tetjana, PhD in physical education and sport, associate professor, The Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sport Mastery, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Timoshenka av., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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There are abilities to learn and to work independently as complicated system competencies and integral part of the general competencies designated in the article. The students’ self-study is considered in accordance with the type of guidance, form of control, the level of demands to creativity usage. There are types, stages and forms of control of self-study itemized. The internal factors that contribute to the self-study activization are characterized. It is noted that an active self-study of students is only possible when their motivation is persistent. There is quantitative data of physical education specialists’ training content for students’ self-study preparation curriculum analyzed on such educational qualification levels as «junior specialist», «Bachelor», «Master». It is noted that the purpose of university students’ self-study is mastering the full curriculum and successive development of autonomy in acquiring and deepening knowledge as trait that plays a significant role in the up-to-date higher qualification specialists’ becoming and improve its competitiveness in the global labor market. The requirements to the physical education specialists’ self-study organization in the process of continuous training are articulated on the acmeology basis. The author considered the educational and methodological support of students’ self-study. There are motivational, cognitive, activity and personal components of acmeological competence determined being formed during students’ self-study in the process of continuous physical education specialists’ training on the acmeology basis.
Keywords: acmeological competence; physical education; professional training; self-study.
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Kovtun Oksana, lecturer of pedagogic, theory and methodology of primary school department, PhD, SHEE «Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskiy Hryhoriy Skovoroda state pedagogical university», 30 Sykhomlynskogo st., 08400 Pereyaslav-Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine,
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In the article is considered the problem of formation the communicative tolerance of the prospective foreign language teacher in primary school. It points out its main displays: tolerance, respect, empathy, kindness, communication, trust and cooperation. At the present stage of formation and development the competitive society the main condition is providing people with education of high-quality. Educational reform in Ukraine aims to provide positive changes in teaching new generation for the high value of Ukrainian pedagogues on the world labor market. The tendency for increasing the society order on preparation the high-qualified specialists for different branches of national economics is identified. The single concept of professional teacher standard is remembered. Is determined the dependence of productivity and efficiency of communication. Approaches of different scientists to the characteristic of the concept “communicative tolerance” are carried out. Our own definition of the concept “the communicative tolerance of the prospective foreign language teacher in primary school” is formed.
In this work is highlighted the main marks of professional communicative tolerance – competence, display of tolerance and charity, emotional stability, teacher flexibility in different situations. This research reveals twelve main criteria: value-orientational, motivational, cognitive, ethical, communicative, emotional-willing, practical, reflexive, firminative personal, empathy, behavioral mobility, intellectual flexibility and indicators of formation the professional teacher tolerance and its displays. In the article is characterized such levels of formation the communicative tolerance of prospective foreign language teacher in primary school: level of situational communicative tolerance, level of typological communicative tolerance, level of professional tolerance and level of general communicative tolerance.
The urgency of this research for the development of modern science is proved. This study shows that there are many opportunities for improvement and the development of strategies for the formation and development of communicative tolerance of foreign language teacher in primary school.
Realization of humanistic paradigm of education requires a high level of professional perfection of foreign language teacher in primary school and involves the development of its communicative and tolerant component. The need of a society for highly qualified and competent foreign language teachers in primary school is growing, so it is important for modern pedagogues to educate active and competitive new generation of workers who will bring originality and innovative methods in the development of modern pedagogy and educational science in general.
Key words: communication; communicative tolerance; criteria; efficiency of labor; formation and levels of the communicative tolerance of prospective foreign language teacher in primary school; self-actualization.
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Sysoieva Svitlana, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAPS of Ukraine, Head of Educational Research Laboratory, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Tymoshenko st., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Reheylo Irina, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Fellow, Chief of Scientific Organization Department, NAPS Ukraine, 52 A Sichovykh Stril'tsiv st., 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The article describes the content of doctoral training in education (PhD) at the leading universities in the US. It displays the analysis of the educational component of the educational programs of doctoral level; forms of doctoral training in education; outlines the prospects of using the experience of doctoral training in education in Ukraine, in particular, the content of the educational component of the educational programs for doctoral training in education in Ukraine, their individualization, issues of doctoral research, doctoral training in education (PhD), doctors in the field of education (EdD).
The authors found that doctoral training is carried out in the US education system where the first priority is independence and academic freedom. It takes 3-4 years to study for doctoral program (PhD). In the first phase, for 2-2.5 years a doctoral student is required to study the recommended training courses, pass exams and get a diploma (certificate) on doctoral study, which is a legal document. The second phase is a process of the research, the process of writing and defense of the scientific work, and as a result - the receiving doctorate diploma. The amount of doctoral programs is determined in credits; their quantity is established by universities, conducting training.
The content of the educational programs for doctoral training in education (PhD) has been studied by analyzing the experience of leading (by rank) the US universities such as: Walden University, University of Georgia, Harvard University, Stanford University, University of California (Berkeley), University of California (Los Angeles), Johns Hopkins University, the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Michigan.
Keywords: Doctor of Philosophy; doctoral programs; specialization courses.
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Koval Tamara, Doctor of Education, professor of the Kiev National Linguistic University, st. Vasylkovska. 73, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Avramchuk Anton, PhD student of the Institute of Information Technology and Learning Tools of the NAPS of Ukraine, st. M. Berlynskoho 9, 04060 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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Today the problem of using multimedia electronic educational resources for language learning in Moodle is very important. Using this process, it is possible to individualize instruction, to intensify the activities of students during training, to diversify forms of training, as well as to promote the formation and development of information and communication technology competence of teachers.
Moodle is a free and open-source software learning management system. Moodle is based on pedagogical principles, and is used for blended learning, distance education, flipped classroom and other e-learning projects at schools, universities, workplaces and other areas. It is used for creating private websites with online courses for educators and trainers to achieve learning goals. Moodle (acronym for modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment) allows to extend learning environments using community sourced plugins. The philosophy of Moodle includes a constructivist and social constructionist approach to education, emphasizing that learners (and not just teachers) can make a contribion to the educational experience. Using these pedagogical principles, Moodle provides an environment for learning communities.
The article analyzes the domestic and foreign experience of using Moodle learning management system for creation of multimedia electronic educational resources for language learning. It characterizes scientific works of ukrainian and foreign scientists who consider the use of remote learning system Moodle in education, including language disciplines.
So the article is actual because of the lack of researches and special science works in the area of computer assisted language learning.
Keywords: distance education; learning management system Moodle; multimedia electronic educational resources; multimedia electronic educational resources of language courses.
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Kulbashna Yaroslava, Doctor of Education, MD, Professor of the Maxillofacial Surgery Department, O. Bogomolets National Medical University, 13 Shevchenko b., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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In article considers approaches to Accreditation of higher medical institutions for training dentists in Ukraine and USA and was found their significant difference.
It is determined that in Ukraine the Accreditation of higher educational institutions, including medical, is a functional responsibilities of state education authorities, held once every 5-10 years, the procedure is launched due to the initiative of schools, based on their self report and has, primarily, the mission of control. The principles of educational institutions Accreditation was not created. Information about selection criteria of experts and their training for activity in accrediting commission is not available in open sources.
In the US Accreditation of dental educational institutions and professional programs is voluntary, but nongovernmental, self-regulating, peer review system. The Accreditation assesses the educational quality of institution or program and directs the development of high dental schools, assists in the ongoing review and improvement of it. Accreditation status ensures that the institution or program meets or exceeds predetermined standards for educational quality, the school has evidence of striving to increase standards for the improvement of effectiveness. The system of accreditation provides accountability to the public with the involving to accreditation process such public organizations as an American Dental Education Association (ADEA).
ADEA has determined key principles for the accreditation's activity (constructiveness, objectivity, independence, competence, transparency, feedback, concreteness, effectiveness, democracy, creativity, innovativeness, evidence, initiative, responsibility, frugality) and maintains collaboration with institutions and agencies according to them: They grants possibility to conduct the process of accreditation autonomous and independent of undueinfluence from any individual or organization. Accreditation characterized by transparency and openness, which allows all interested persons to compare the organization and learning outcomes in different schools. Accreditation body accountable to public, which is most interested in competent doctors and high-quality medical care. Accrediting commissions separate entity,which include competent members and provide competent peer-review on the scientific and democratic basis. Therefore, Accreditation should be conducted primarily by dental educators.
Study and implementation of US most effective and acceptable for Ukraine experience will help to improve the quality of education through the optimize the accreditation system of higher medical educational institutions.
Key words: Accreditation; Higher Education; medical education; professional competence; quality of medical education; training of dentists.
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