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Krayeva O. PROBLEM OF IDENTITY CRISIS DURING CRISIS NORMATIVE ADOLESCENCEKrayeva Oksana, Teacher of department to practical psychology of Institute of Human Sciences of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, PhD (Psychology).
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AbstractCo-operation and interconditionality of two crises, that is experienced by personality of juvenile period: crisis of identity and age-related crisis of development, are examined in the offered article. The article comes forward as an attempt of search of points of contiguity from one side of crisis of identity, as problem of equality and change of identification matrix of personality, from other side of the age-related juvenile crisis, as embodiment of normative crisis of development of growing up personality. Without regard to the marked fact of belonging of two investigated crises to the age-related normative crises of development on the essence, the outlined questions of «crisis of teens» and «crisis of identity in teens» need division on by own psychological sense and filling.
The value of experience of experiencing of crisis of identity is underlined on the stage of transition of the age-related crisis and the structural role of crisis is underlined on the whole, as a mechanism of development of personality. Basis of crisis of identity of teens is made by the marked psychological changes, determination of new form of identity appears the inquisitional constant of that in an arctic continuum «positive» - «negative» (or acquisition of pseudoidentity).
Description of structural (from our point of view harmonious) and destructive (disharmonious) variants of overcoming of crisis period the persons of teens comes in theory true. The structural variants of overcoming of crisis of identity are densely related to three directions of influence on personality: by careful psychological accompaniment of crisis age; by the stopped up system of educator paternal psychological strategies, as discipling, persuasions based on common to all mankind values; by the personality psychological resource of individual.
Keywords: age-old juvenile crisis; crisis of identity of teens; identity; normative crisis.
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