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Tokhtamysh O., Golovko D. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CREATIVE THINKING CHARACTERISTICS OF MILITARY AND CIVILIAN PROGRAMMERSTokhtamysh Oleksandr, Associate Professor of Practical Psychology Department of Institute of Human Sciences of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ph.D. in Psychology
Golovko Dariia, Graduate of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, M.D. in Psychology
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AbstractThe features of creative thinking among programmers and its essential characteristics are highlighted in the article. Special attention was paid to the analysis of the structure and interaction of the individual talent of its elements. Creative thinking is seen as a type of thinking that is characterized by the creation of a new product in the ratio of subjective and creator of new cognitive activity related to motivation, targets, estimates and meanings.It can also be seen as a set of mental special qualities that provide qualitative changes in human activities.The important features for the professional programmer are a logical but flexible and dynamic thinking, high level of memory (especially verbal and logical) and attention-developed imagination, which is a prerequisite for the development of creative thinking.The paper made a review of specific activity of military programmers in terms of its psychological components. Comparative analysis of the characteristics of creative thinking of programmers was made by means of mathematical statistics (Student's t-test). Comparative analysis of the manifestations of these qualities has shown some differences. The indicators of creative thinking among military programmers are with lower rates compare to civilian programmers. Significant differences in the characteristics of creative thinking among the military and civilian programmers were found.These characteristics are: symbolic way of thinking and the level of spatial imagination. We assume that this outcome are results of a specificity of military programmer activity, namely extreme conditions of their workplace conditions, the constant emotional stress and time constraints.
Key words: comparative analysis; creativity; programming as a military profession; spatial imagination; thinking.
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