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Shmarhun V.THE PROBLEM of psychosomatic IN MODERN psychologyShmarhun Vitaliy, Dr. of Science (Psychology), professor t. National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine.
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AbstractThe issue of psychosomatic problems in psychology is considered in the article. The necessity of a new trend of the norm is substantiated. Historical roots of their differentiate, the importance and the prospects of the integration of these sciences are also considered in the article. Mentalsomatic principle of interaction between psychology and medicine is considered in the article in the polemic form. Historical roots of their differentiate, the importance and the prospects of the integration of these sciences are also considered in the article. Some actual problems of the development of the Ukrainian society are analysed. The solution of the problems will be more successful on condition of joint efforts of psychologists and medical people. The development of intellectual abilities and talents in educationalsystems appears as a strategic resource of Ukrainian society. That is why there is an urgent need to move from describing the nature of intelligence theories to practical design content of school and university education. Thus, at present the main lines of research skills should be focused on the study of general cognitive ability (intelligence, intellectual competence, creativity, navchalnosti) and their expressions in terms of educational, professional activity, interpersonal interaction.There is a necessity of new approach to the problem of psychosomatic disorders, where as follows from its content psychosomatic norms must make an independent direction in psychological science – the study of psychosomatic symptoms of a man in the «norm». The necessity of new direction in research creates a special value for pedagogical and age-old psychology, as it opens possibilities for the use of the psychosomatic phenomena of normative development in education and upbringing process. We introduced a notion «psychosomatic norms» that extended a concept «psychosomatics» by means of addition of its content of psychosomatic features of normal development.
Key words: medicine; psychology; рsychosomatical pecularities; рsychosomatic of the norm.
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