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Klimenko A.ЕARLY TRAINING AS A PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTOR OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.Klimenko Anastasia, graduate student of the Institute of Applied Psychology by Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
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The author has analyzed the problems of early learning, and has determined the similarities and differences in the concepts of early development and learning. The basic causes of social and psychological need for early learning and its possible negative effects have been distinguished. The most important changes in the public mind and in the minds of pedagogically educated community on the essence of the phenomenon of early learning, as well as on the factors and conditions of its effectiveness have been determined. The positive and negative effects of early learning have been reviewed on the example of the best-known psychological and pedagogical conceptual approaches and schools, namely, M. Montessori school of early sensory development, an approach based on the arousal of the natural psycho-physiological potential of the child's development created by the American neurophysiologist G. Doman, Waldarf pedagogics school, school of B. Nikitin and his colleagues («NUVERS»), methodical approach of M. Zaitsev («Cubes to complete»), early learning method of V. Tulenev. The reasonability of their use has been justified and the recommendations to reduce the negative effects of their use have been given. The intrinsic value of each period of a child has been emphasized. The results of studies of today’s psychologists on the implications of early learning have been generalized.
Keywords: accelerated development; development; early learning; natural development; personal development; psychological intervention; social development; training; zone of proximal development.
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