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Stoliarchuk О. INFLUENCEOFSTUDENTS’STUDYMOTIVES ON THEIR CAREER ORIENTATIONS FORMATIONStoliarchuk Olesia,Associate Professor of departments of general, age and pedagogical psychology Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Candidate of Psychological Sciences
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AbstractPeculiarities of person’s career orientations formation on initial stages of its professionalization, in particular, during professional training were represented in the article. Analysis of scientific sources has shown presence of multiple factors and contradictory of contemporaneous students’ career orientations formation. It has been detected that career orientations are reflection of personal significance of professional activity and also a base for career goals formation. Career orientations set up even during professional self-determination of upper-form pupils and in future these orientations shape within professional training. Career orientations of final-years students provide career goals establishment and planning of ways of its achievement.
The results of empiric research on future teachers of foreign languages motives of studying were analyzed and predominance of professionally oriented motivation of studying among students was detected. Practical research has shown priority of career orientations towards integration, service and autonomy of future teachers of foreign languages. Unfavorable tendency of ignoring professional competence as a career advantage was revealed among surveyed students.
Firm direct links between students’ study motives and career orientations were noted by correlation analysis. At the same time dispersion analysis proved influence of a series of future teachers study motives on their career orientations formation. Influence of pragmatically oriented motives (such as do not neglect course units studying, always be ready for classes, and avoid punishment and disapprobation for bad studying) on career orientation formation among second-year students was found. Links between students’ motives of studying and their career orientations have ambiguous character of mutual influence as both categories are open for changes during professional training.
Key words: career focus; career orientations; motive; professional training; professionalization; students; study motive.
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