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Radchuk H. TEMPORAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MEANINGFULNESS OF STUDENTS’ LIFEProf. Dr. Halyna Radchuk, PhD in Psychology, Head of Applied Psychology Department, V. Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University
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The article investigates temporal parameters of purposefulness and life orientations of modern students. The author argues that finding a meaning for a self in all temporal aspects of subjective reality is a prerequisite for development of a future specialist’s personality. Moreover, individual's ability to analyze and summarize relevant meanings (the past and present) and form life goals (project future) is an indicator of the integrity of his/her self-concept.
Empirical research showed that one-third of students are in a current semantic state that is characterized by low levels of comprehension of meaningful past, present and future life, i.e. they are dissatisfied with life in general. Most of the disappointed and dissatisfied with their lives students are in their fifth and second year of university. More than a half of all young respondents do not have life goals and see their lives as lacking both meaning and purpose. The graduates are often unable to analyze and summarize the values of their past and present and set life goals and perspectives, thus demonstrating helplessness and disorientation regarding their future.
These findings can be explained by the fact that traditional teaching methods are focusing on assimilating the acquired social experience at the level of meanings. Information is regarded as both the beginning and the end of students’ activity, and the future appears only as an abstract perspective of knowledge application after graduation. This explains why the future is not fully meaningful and lacks temporal transpective in general.
Keywords: current semantic state; meaningfulness of the future; meaningfulness of the past; meaningfulness of the present; purposefulness and life orientations.
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