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Furman V., senior lecturer of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
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In the article the problems of forming of reflexive competence of future professional are examined in the modern terms of educational space. Generalized scientific going near understanding of reflexive competence of modern specialist as central phenomenon of internal activity as a teacher so student. Educational strategies and methods are analyzed on forming of reflexive competence. Grounded system of components of reflexive competence. Marked, that forming of reflexive competence takes place due to integration of different types of activity at the observance of certain psychology-pedagogical terms. Specified on importance of introduction of reflexive approach in educational practice.
Reflexive competence is the goal of competence and is one of the key factors of personal and professional development in various fields. Its purpose cognitive nature expressed in promoting the effective development of all other competencies, but because its development plays a crucial role in education of any level of complexity, at any stage of education and self-education. Reflective competence due to experience reflective activity. In this context, it is determined by scientific advance projected rate that reflects social need in training future professionals with clearly defined reflexive position.
Thus, reflective competence is defined as professional property personality, manifested in the effective implementation of reflexive processes, implementation reflexive ability and accelerates the personal and professional development, enhances creativity activities, and the interaction of its components significantly increases the potential of the educational system «teacher-student» and displays it to the level that is necessary for effective innovation.
Keywords: cognitive component; operational component; person-motivational component; psychological and pedagogical conditions; reflexive competence; stages of reflective competence.
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