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Ravlyuk Galina, PhD student Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
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The article presents the results of psychosemantic study of social representations of youth about family.
Results of the study of social representations of young people about the marriage relationship is presented in the form of the factor structure of «unavailability of the family system to take the new man»; «Social representations of youth about premarital background»; «Pragmatic and rational installation marriage»; «The depreciation of the family system»; «Cultural traditions in marriage»; «Role expectations in marriage - infantile expectations regarding the functioning of the family system»; «The authoritarian idea of the functioning of the family system»; «Authoritarian-infantile attitudes towards the functioning of the family system».
The resulting factor structure on the one hand reflects the constructive social representations of the family institution, embodied in cultural traditions, pragmatic and rational installations, and other destructive social ideas about the family institution, which are represented in the inappropriate role and infantile expectations, authoritarian and infantile installations.
The article notes that the cultural tradition and the pragmatic and rational marriage setting function as cultural guard against possible destructive manifestations for the preservation and development as a separate member of the family and the whole family. Vmeschaya centuries of family experience, cultural traditions offer an elaborate and reliable scheme of the family and its future generations. A pragmatic installation encourage young people for responsible, mature subjectivity elections.
Keywords: family; infantile and authoritarian marriage attitudes; marriage; psychosemantical research; social representations.
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