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Neroba Maria, teacher of department of practical psychology of the Dnepropetrovsk humanitarian university, graduate student of department of practical psychology of Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University.
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The article states that motherhood stands one of the leading roles of women, adequate implementation of which is essential for proper functioning and formation of women as individuals. Presented deviant understanding of maternity as a complex social and cultural phenomenon that has devastating consequences for the woman and her child and for society as a whole and destruction of personal sphere of women, which prevents the formation of a positive image of the child, is not conducive to preservation of health , it interferes with the normal development of the prenatal and perinatal period, which complicates its further socialization.Obtainednatural biological, socio-cultural and economic factors of deviant maternal behavior that affect the formation of women's behavior in general. Among the most common causes of deviant motherhood singled personal property of women; the presence of adverse child's communicative experience; undesirable pregnancy and adverse social conditions.
In the context of the analysis of deviant motherhood identification with her mother as one of the basic mechanisms of maternal attitude. Reveals the interaction of socioeconomic, family, ethical, psychobiological and pathological factors influencing the occurrence of failures of motherhood.
The characteristic of the most common forms of deviant maternal behavior, including lack of maternal care; cruelty to children; sexual assault and child molestation; refusal of the mother of a newborn child; physical and mental violence againstthechild. Singled major study on the psychological aspects of deviant motherhood in modern and foreign scientific literature
Keywords: child; deprivation; destructive maternal behavior; deviant motherhood; female; mother; motherhood.
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