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Skliaruk Anastasia, Candidate of Psychological Science, a doctoral student of the Institute of Social and Political Psychology Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
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The model of a family socialization is shown in the article. The definition of the family socialization is represented. The emphasis is on the fact that the family socialization has essential meaning for the individual and for the society. The family socialization factors are considered: factors of macro factors that have a psychological origin (type of relationship in the family, social and psychological features of family) factors mezo or external factors, all the factors that have a social origin (social standards, norms, values, etc.), and the purpose-level factors, socio-psychological and socio-cultural factors. Tradition, habit or socio-cultural influence in the individual family takes a lot of weight in the family socialization of the individual. It is proved that the family socialization is affected with three groups of factors that have psychological, social and socio - psychological origin. The social and socio-cultural factors of the family socialization, which depend on political-social and socio-cultural environment and establish a family relationship with the outside world, are studied.It is noted that the needs of the family related to the education and socialization of children, due to lack of coordination among the various institutions of society, the prevalence of social measures to support the family or its individual members, underestimation of educational opportunities institutions of society. It is concluded that the scientific substantiation of interaction between the state and the family is poor and exacerbates the problem of socialization of the young generation. Attention is drawn to the need to further develop a comprehensive support system for the family as an institution of education adequate current realities and priorities of government social policy.
Keywords: family functions; family socialization factors; family socialization; family; socialized function of the family.
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