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Zelinska T. AMBIVALENCE OF RELATIONS BETWEEN ELDERLY PARENTS AND ADULT CHILDRENZelinska T., doctor of psychological sciences, professor of social psychology and psychotherapy of National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Dragomanov
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AbstractIt has been considered the peculiarities of high inconsistency of ambivalence in relations between elderly parents and adult children in various life situations. Ambivalence has been defined as a personal featurewhichcharacterizes each individual and appears both in a positive and negative assessment of an object. High ambivalence in the relationship between elderly parents and adult children is shown in the dominance of hostility, accusations of alienation, guilt, depression, and at the same time a positive attitude to relatives, which is traumatic for both sides.
It has been shown the dramatic ambivalence relationship between aging parents and adult children, as high uncoordinated internal contradiction of both parents and children which appears in negative parent-child relationship. It has been established the main ambivalent contradiction of aging parents between individual autonomy and the need to care for children; adult children - between autonomy and a conscious concern for parents. It has been emphasized the necessity of coordination of ambivalence in relations towards accepting own and parental autonomy, giving and providing care. It is important for elderly parents to experience «the phenomenon of maturity», which means the exercise of their hopes for children as support in old age when the adult son or daughter, according to national and family traditions, take personal responsibility for compliance of autonomy and care, care about parents.Real harmonization of each party's own ambivalence can allow to coordinate relations that affect the quality of life both older parents and adult children.
Keywords: ambivalence in relations; ambivalence of personality; autonomy; care; harmonious relationship between elderly parents and adult children; high ambivalence.
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