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Malieieva N. DEPENDING COMMUNICATIVE BEHAVIOR OF USERS OF SOCIAL NETWORKSMalieieva Nataliia, post-graduate student of the laboratory of Social psychology of personality of the Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of educational Sciences of Ukraine
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AbstractThe article describes the communicative behavior of social Internet network users. The characteristics of communicative practices in the implementation process of networking are analyzed. The characteristices of communicative behavior addictive personality are analyzed. It was found that communicative behavior addictive users, depending on their individual psychological characteristics and personal choice, communicative practices can affect the efficiency of interaction between participants in on-line communication.Social Internet networks have become an important part of on-line interaction with the outside world, and an additional tool in constructing users' lives. On the other hand, network communication is deeply personal, voluntary, psychologically intense process. In the absence of direct contact between external interlocutors it becomes possible to open up, to trust without fear of condemnation by others, to show one's deepest individual features, and to realize ulterior motives relating to one's addiction. At the same time it raises the question of the communicative and psychological security of the person. The informational stage of development in modern society requires new approaches to ensure safe everyday life and protection from the harmful effects of virtual communication space. It becomes necessary to develop new methods of psychological assistance aimed at preventing and overcoming psychological dependence. This involves timely evaluations of psychological aggression that is manifested through communication practices and affects interaction with others, the control of the emotional and psychical condition involving the destructive manifestations of behavior, improves targeting in specific conditions of cyberspace and communicative competence that will contribute to more effective life construction in users both in the network space, and beyond.
Keywords: Internet; Internet addiction; Internet practices; communicative practices; social networks.
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