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Ovchar O. PSYCHOLOGICALCHARACTERISTICSOFCONSUMPTIONSTYLEOFMATERIALGOODS BY INDIVIDUALS WITHLOWECONOMICSTATUSOvchar Olga,Postgraduate at the Institute of social and political psychology NAPS Ukraine, LLC «Proinsight Lab», director
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AbstractIn the article methodical background and procedure of empirical research of psychological characteristics of consumption style of material goods by individuals with low economic status are explained; results of investigation of consumption style of material goods by individuals with different economic status are presented and peculiarities of these characteristics’ displaying among people with low economic status are defined. Two stages of empirical research (preliminary one and basic one) are reviewed. The analysis of social-psychological characteristics of consumption style being specific for people with low level of economic status is presented: tendency to the high level of psychological gravity to poverty; low level of motivation of achievement, external locus of control; more expressed values orientation towards rest and respect of others; less expressed value orientation towards communication and social activity. Economical status is analyzed as a combination of two components: objective, being concerned as actual level of income and subjective which means the subjective evaluation of one’s level of wealth (low, average, above average and high). Results of factor analysis of indicators of social-psychological characteristics of consumption style are presented. 5 factors were extracted and their psychological content was revealed. It was shown that factor “Passive externality” has a negative correlation with economical status, so this factor is more distinctive among people with low economical status. The analysis of correlations between economical status, of social-psychological characteristics of consumption style and components of consumption style is presented. It was concluded that individuals with low economic status are more tended to voluntary limitations in consumption, critical attitude towards excess consumption, which are more distinguishing for «puritanic» style of consumption of material goods. However it was shown that for certain types of goods being presented in social environment people with low economic status reveal demonstrative component of consumption style.
Keywords: economicalstatus; groups of reference; lifestyle; locusofcontrol; motivationofachievement; motivationof affiliation; style of consumption of material goods; value orientations.
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