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Rafikov O. SOCIAL OPTIMISM IN SOCIOLOGISTS’ AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGISTS’ INVESTIGATIONSRafikov Oleksandr, is laboratory assistant of practical psychology department of Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University Human Sciences Institute, postgraduate for 19.00.05 – social psychology, social work
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AbstractThis article provides the operationalisation of social optimism investigations in sociologists’ and social psychologists’ works;the relevance of writing is caused by search of new ways for social adaptation and by finding out the new models of social, political, professional, and personal self-identification. In this case social optimism is one of the internal resources to strengthenindividual’s adaptational opportunities.From the perspective of social psychology it is escalated and important to investigate the problem of personal integrity saving and adaptational possibilities of human which are provided by social optimism phenomenon. The article discloses the main investigative streams of social optimism phenomenon in sociological and social-psychological science; describes the results of modern monitoring of population’s social health provided by Research & BrandingGroup company for the period since January, 26 till February, 2, 2015; also it views the notion of social optimism index;in the article it is written the difference between sociology and social psychology; it considers the experimental data in social psychology devoted to human self-understanding and the world around conceptualization; it suggests a hypothesis about the interrelation of social optimism and optimism generally with Self-conception, Self-schemes, and their influence on social behavior of human; it concludes about the nature of viewing the social optimism phenomenon as the mass one for sociology. The article is noticeable for analytical approach of material stating, there is demonstrated the accurate estimation of material’s empirical part. In addition to this, the perspective of further scientific investigation of the social optimism problem may be marked.
Key-words: optimism; performance; research presentation; social optimism; students; the concept of social optimism.
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